label « GanttChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Gantt Chart and Label

2. Gantt chart bottom labels

Hello, I have created a Gantt chart and was able to customize it enough to my needs (hiding YAxis labels, custom ToolTips). However, I am struggling with adding custom "labels" at the bottom/X axis with the values respective to the sum of the (e.g.) percentage complete for all tasks for that given date. If it does not make sense, here is ...

3. Gantt chart and TaskSeries Labels

Gantt chart and TaskSeries Labels by marty007 Thu May 10, 2007 5:37 am I have a gantt chart which uses the following code in the produceDataset method to create a dataset for the Gantt chart: TaskSeries total = new TaskSeries("Total"); TaskSeries Australia = new TaskSeries("Australia"); Task t1 = new Task("Visit Queensland", date(2, 22, 2007), date(7, 19, 2007)); t1.setPercentComplete(1); taskDescriptionMap.put(t1.getDescription(), "Visit ...

4. Label alingment on a Gantt Chart

JFreeChart ganttChart = ChartFactory.createGanttChart( title, categoryAxisLabel, dateAxisLabel, ...

5. Gantt Chart Labels

Hi David, I am using Gantt chart for my application. I am adding multiple series to the collection which each individual task in the series has subtasks. I am getting the chart labels for the series not in the center. If I have 5 series in the collection only the middle serie label is in center where as the series above ...