1. Gantt Chart and Label jfree.org |
2. Gantt chart bottom labels jfree.orgHello, I have created a Gantt chart and was able to customize it enough to my needs (hiding YAxis labels, custom ToolTips). However, I am struggling with adding custom "labels" at the bottom/X axis with the values respective to the sum of the (e.g.) percentage complete for all tasks for that given date. If it does not make sense, here is ... |
3. Gantt chart and TaskSeries Labels jfree.orgGantt chart and TaskSeries Labels by marty007 Thu May 10, 2007 5:37 am I have a gantt chart which uses the following code in the produceDataset method to create a dataset for the Gantt chart: TaskSeries total = new TaskSeries("Total"); TaskSeries Australia = new TaskSeries("Australia"); Task t1 = new Task("Visit Queensland", date(2, 22, 2007), date(7, 19, 2007)); t1.setPercentComplete(1); taskDescriptionMap.put(t1.getDescription(), "Visit ... |
4. Label alingment on a Gantt Chart jfree.orgJFreeChart ganttChart = ChartFactory.createGanttChart( title, categoryAxisLabel, dateAxisLabel, ... |
5. Gantt Chart Labels jfree.orgHi David, I am using Gantt chart for my application. I am adding multiple series to the collection which each individual task in the series has subtasks. I am getting the chart labels for the series not in the center. If I have 5 series in the collection only the middle serie label is in center where as the series above ... |