Color « GanttChart « JFreeChart Q&A

2. Coloring in Gantt Chart

Hi Construct your own BarRenderer - i have made one that change color of one specified category.: public class CustomRenderer extends GanttRenderer { private String chosenTask; public CustomRenderer(String chosenTask) { super(); this.chosenTask = chosenTask; } public void drawItem( Graphics2D g2, CategoryItemRendererState state, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D dataArea, CategoryPlot plot, CategoryAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column, int pass ) { setColor( ...

3. setting colors of the bars in a gantt chart

ive created a gantt chart fro mthe ChartFactory and filled it w/ a TaskSeriesCollection (i only have one taskseries in that collection) .. so the default bars are red in the chart that i export to JPG.. how can i change it from red to a different color? when i searched it looked like all the other posts were for changing ...

5. Gantt chart with a different colours for each task

Hello, Have a gannt chart which has 2 TaskSeries and each Task Series. Now each task should have a status attribute which will determine what the task line bar should be. For example, the status may be RED, AMER and GREEN, so the taks line should be in that colour. How may I do this? PLease note that I am using ...

6. gantt chart color question

Hi, I am trying to have seperate colors for items in a gantt chart based on a string that I built into the Task class. What I would like to do, I guess, is create an overloaded getItemPaint method somewhere and make sure I am passing the subinterval when it is called so that I find that item and can look ...

7. Different colors from the same bar in a Gantt Chart

Code: Select all // create the chart... JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createGanttChart( "Gantt Chart Demo", // chart title "Task", ...

9. different color for each sub task in Gantt Charts

Dear all, I ran into the same issue and found a solution to create different colors for each tasks depending on the description. I hope it is useful for some of you. Greetings Thorsten Code: Select all public class MyXYBarRenderer extends XYBarRenderer { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyXYBarRenderer.class); private static final ...

10. gantt chart colors