refresh « Development « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Jfreechart - Refresh a chart according to changing data

I would like to know how to refresh a chart if we want to change "in live" some piece of data. I mean for instance, I have a chart with a ...

2. Refresh dataPieDataset

Hi everybody, i would like to refresh dataPieDataSet during runtime. I mean, I use this code to generate PieChart and add it to a Panel: this.examplePie= ChartFactory.createPieChart3D("Blahblah", this.dataPie, false, false, false); PiePlot3D plot3 = (PiePlot3D) this.examplePie.getPlot(); plot3.setForegroundAlpha(0.6f); plot3.setCircular(true); this.panelPie.add(new ChartPanel(this.examplePie,false,false,false,false,false)); then i re-inizialize dataPie (DefaultPieDataset) and put in new data. how i can redraw the right pie? Is there any kind ...

3. Copy of a chart : problem of refreshing ?

Here is my problem : I have a JTabbedPane with two tabs which have the same structure : a Jtable and under a JFreeChart (from XYDataset). The JTable are different but I'd like to have the same chart on the two tabs. I implemented the Cloneable interface to do it, and I have my chart on both tabs, but there's something ...

4. refreshing JFreeChart

I am using the code that I have posted below to add JFreeChart into an eclipse RCP application. I have the problem that I cannot refresh the chart. I tried using refresh buffer on the frame but that does not work. I tried to dispose off the composite also before I run the program again to create the chart. That refershes ...

5. how to refresh a chart with new datas in RCP view

how to refresh a chart with new datas in RCP view by ludinghong Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:36 pm I using jfreechart in rcp. I have a problem: I want to refresh the chart when the datas changed,I mean the whole datas not like dynamic chart just add new data. hvae many data sources, when selected the new data source, ...

6. I am reading data from CSV file,need to auto refresh

I am reading data from CSV file,need to auto refresh by shweta Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:59 am Hi! I am plotting a LineChartDemo6 chart by reading values from a Comma Separated (CSV)File.The data in the CSV will be updated by a device.I want the chart to refresh when some data is added to csv file. I am new to ...

7. Refresh chart automatically

Hi, I am using JFreeChart to create graphs of some real time monitoring. Currently I am saving it as a png image. The code I have written updates the chart but even if I open the image in a browser I will have to hit the refresh button to view the updated chart. Is there any way this can be achieved ...

8. XYBoxAnnotation refreshing

Hi, I have an XYPlot displayed in ChartPanel, on a window with some textfields and a Redraw button. (The plot looks very much like the one in the example.) Based on the values typed by the user in the textfields, I need to display and/or modify the XYBoxAnnotation on the chart. In the Dev. User Guide, it says that a ...

9. Add old Values to self refreshing chart

Hi there, have a little Problem. I have a Multipleaxis(4) chart, which refreshs itself every x seconds. And I gave the User the Option to change the axis, for example from monitoring the values of file open to the values of Cache read. If that happens, the chart is redrawn, but the old, not monitored values of Cache read arent in ...

10. How to refresh XYTextAnnotation highly frequently

Re: How to refresh XYTextAnnotation highly frequently by revever Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:11 pm Thanks David. I have tried the Overlay as bellow: Code: Select all public class OverlayMain { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries(""); ...

11. Automatic refresh of charts - Ajax?

I have a need to have charts automatically refresh every second to few seconds. The data from which the charts are created is updated very often (< 1 sec.). Is there a way to have just the chart on the page, or even just the portions of the chart (e.g. bars), change automatically based on the changing data? Maybe using AJAX, ...

12. Why does the chart refresh all items every time?

for (int item = firstItem; item <= lastItem; item++) { renderer.drawItem(g2, state, dataArea, info, this, ...

13. refresh / redraw problems

JPanel panel; //initialised in constructor private void refreshChart(){ panel.removeAll(); panel.repaint(); // this statement causes the chart to disappear JFreeChart chart = createChart(); chart.removeLegend(); ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(chartPanel); panel.repaint(); //this statement does not cause ...

14. chart doesn't refresh after data change

if(jPanelChart!=null) jPanelChart.removeAll(); MakeChart makeChart= new MakeChart(newData); ChartPanel chart= makeChart.getChart(); jPanelChart.setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout()); ...