1. How to call print option of JFreeChart stackoverflow.comI have an application with some JFreeCharts. When I right-click them, one of the default options is "Print", so I can print the chart in paper. I want to replicate that option ... |
2. Code to print reports through printer jfree.org |
3. Printing a JChart jfree.org// http://www.softhouse.com.cn/html/200410/2004102610123400001359.html import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import com.lowagie.text.*; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*; public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,ServletException { Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 36,36,36,36); ... |
4. print one chart in multi pages jfree.orgI need to print one chart in several pages, for example, the left half of the chart in page 1 and the left print in page2. I've thought about convert the chart to a .jpeg file and then print it.But this solusion cannot print the rangeAxis label in each page. Is there a better solusion? Regards, yeskky |
5. Printing jfree.orgTo prevent the entire page from being rasterized, avoid alpha: * Don't draw with colors that have an alpha component. * Don't draw images that have an alpha channel. If you must use alpha, use this technique to avoid full-page rasterization: 1. Draw the non-opaque colors into an opaque offscreen Image. 2. Redraw the Image with alpha into an opaque Image. ... |
6. How can I print a sima sign (∑) in the diagram leg jfree.org |
7. Printing in Landscape, works? jfree.org |
8. Printing Resolution Issues jfree.orgMy software generates PNG files using createBufferedImage, and the user specifies the Height and Width. When the height & width values are relatively large, e.g. 1200*1600, the annotation information 'shrinks' in scale so that viewing the resultant PNG looks 'proportional' and is way too small. Is there a way to increase the resolution of the chart while retaining the visual aspect ... |
10. Printing other graphics/text on a JFreeChart jfree.org |
11. Need Help. Printing chart in html page not working jfree.org |
12. Printing a jfree chart jfree.orgHI I have a problem in printing the Jfree Chart.. We have a frame which is calling the jsp and this jsp gets all the hidden parameters and sends the request to the servlet which is generating the chart How can I implement the print functionality for printing the chart in the javascript of the frame jsp which is calling the ... |
13. Print chart on many pages?(Still Stuck :( Please help asap!) jfree.orgI'm getting really lost trying to work out how to print charts to a printer with jfreechart. After browsing this forum I found that it can be done from a right click menu on the chart, via a method in the chartpanel class. I have a problem though that I have a really long chart that I want to print all ... |
14. Print Problem jfree.orgI can't print all charts which are on panel.I see 4 charts on the screen but when i sent the printer it prints only one chart . How can i solve this problem? private static JFreeChart createChart(String title, CategoryDataset values) { JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart(title, "", "PQ", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true,false ); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); ValueAxis rangeAxis1 = new ... |
15. Legend only for printing jfree.orgHello All, for on screen display I use a table which shows the values for datasets at the mouse cursor position. Showing the legend in parallel to this table is not needed. For printing it would be great to have the legend. Is there a way to only show the legend on print outputs? Michael |
16. Print Scrollable Chart jfree.org |
17. Printing Problem jfree.orgCode: Select all /** * Creates a print job for the chart. */ public void printChart(PSBChart chart) { PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); PageFormat pf = job.defaultPage(); ... |
18. Problem printing charts on internet explorer jfree.orghello, Sorry for the delay, we have found what's going wrong. It is a known problem dealing with generated pictures under IE. Here is a link about that: theserverside.com/discussions/thread.tss?thread_id=32410 In the same time we are using WebObjects FrameWorks. We had to had a value to the binding "key" of the WoImage component. Thanks anyway! Nicolas |
19. Printing Problem in Java 6 jfree.orgHi, Printing has been working really well up until upgrading to Java version 1.6.0, upon which the charts now print labels, and legends upside down and incorrectly spaced. I had wondered whether this was a problem with my usage of the JFreeChart, but it also has the same problem on the JFreeChart 1.0.3 demo. Any pointers on resolving this problem would ... |
20. Printing from browser jfree.orgPrinting from browser by masahiko Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:32 am How can I print graph image from a Web browser? I'm making an application as a signed applet so that it can print the image from the browser. However, when I choose "Print" command of the pop-up menu, only background image is printed and nothing else. There are error ... |
21. Problem printing a ChartPanel (on dual core?) jfree.orgI have a ChartPanel object that I want to view on screen and on a printer. The onscreen display always works fine. On a couple of single-core PCs the ChartPanel also prints OK. On my latest dual-core PC the print does not work - only a part of the contents of the ChartPanel get printed. It looks as though the graphics ... |
22. JFreeChart Printing Problem sending huge data to printer jfree.orgwhen I add plot.addRangeMarker(new ValueMarker(0.0)); or NumberAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(valueAxisLabel); valueAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); when I print from the right click menu, it is sending huge bytes to the printer you can reproduce this problem with TimeSeriesDemo12.java add a point s2.add(new Minute(30, 9, 7, 12, 2003), -0.5); below 0.0 to see the effect. [code] private static XYDataset createDataset() { TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new ... |
23. Printing with JFreeChart jfree.org |
24. How to call Print ?? jfree.org |
25. adjust the printing jfree.org |
26. print text and the jfreechart jfree.org |
27. Bad quality when printing chart... [URGENT] jfree.orgHi everybody, excuse me for my bad english, i'm french I'm using jfreechart to generate OverlaidBarChart in png and then include it in a pdf document with fop. When i print the png file, result is rather bad : font, legend etc... are blur. I tried removing the antialising, but this time all is pixelated... However, when i try to print ... |
28. automate the PageFormat and Printer for Printing jfree.orgHello, each time I want to print my chart (with right- cklick print) a page- setup dialog opens with default values. for example - the margins are 24.5 mm - the print format is set potrait For every single print I have to change these values. But if my application is in production they have to print a lot of charts ... |
30. ChartPanel--> Print function dark background jfree.orgThat's a problem I hadn't considered. You would need to modify the ChartPanel code - the methods createChartPrintJob() and print() in particular (both are public methods so you could subclass and override them). You'd probably have to clone the JFreeChart instance, apply a different theme, and use the clone for the printing. |
31. Print multiple Diagrams on one A4 Page jfree.orgHi, I'm new to this forum, i need your help: I want to print 3 Diagrams on one A4 Page, one on the top, one in the middle of the page and the last one on the bottom. I suceeded in printing one diagram on one page, but i need three diagrams on one page. How can I manage this? thanks ... |
32. Print ChartPanel with modifications jfree.orgHello, In my application, I display a ChartPanel without a Title or a Legend. (The application displays this information elsewhere outside of the ChartPanel.) However, when I print the ChartPanel, I'd like to be able to print it with ChartPanel's Title and Legend. Is there someway to override the ChartPanel.createChartPrintJob() in order to add a title and legend? Or simply create ... |
33. Print Preview with JFree Chart jfree.org |
34. problem print reverse jfree.org |
35. Problem printing on a shared printer jfree.orgI have the following function to print a Chart, but it doesnt work on a SHARED printer, only on network printers. Code: Select all /** * This method plot a chart on a Panel. * @author Ulisses Nunes * * @param JPanel - Painel to ... |
36. printing programmatically jfree.orgprinting programmatically by hanvyj Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:16 pm Hi, I'm trying to print out a chart without using "print" on the right click menu. I can get my graph to print ok but I have a few questions some people may be able to answer. 1) Is the first print dialog (where you set up the margins etc) ... |