XYTextAnnotation « Development « JFreeChart Q&A

2. Multiline XYTextAnnotation    jfree.org

I want to be able to use line wrapping/new lines in XYAnnotations. I want to add statistical annotation options for the user in our application that could be 5-6 lines; however, using html or newline characters in the text doesn't work. Is adding multiline tooltips currently a possibility, or would I have to work out a way to add another XYAnnotation ...

3. multiline XYTextAnnotation    jfree.org

4. Position XYTextAnnotation in absoulte pixels    jfree.org

Hi, I'm trying to add text annotations to a TimeSeries chart. I have drawable annotations (boxes, circles, crosses) that represent certain events, and want to add sequence numbers just above these annotations. The problem is that XYTextAnnotation takes an (x,y) position relative the to current axis, and when zooming, the text just flies all over the place. I want the text ...

5. XYTextAnnotation Multiline Support    jfree.org

Hi, Has anyone any ideas of how to add multiline support to the XYTextAnnotation class? I really need it and looking for some way to do it. Unfortunately I haven't come up with anything yet. There are some posts in the forum referring to this issue but no solutions... Any suggestions appreciated thanks

6. wrap for XYTextAnnotation - OR textLayout is the answer?    jfree.org

Hello People, Please refer to this image here http://www.flickr.com/photos/31066816@N05/2943009352/ I need to write some text notes in the left most part and it varies with depth( i.e. domain axis). Right now, I am creating an empty chart and then adding some text annotations (for description that I need to display) at corresponding X,Y. But I know, this solution is not going ...

7. XYTextAnnotation with highlighted Box    jfree.org

You could either - create an XYBoxAnnotation with your desired color and add it so that it matches the coordinates of your XYTextAnnotation. When you add annotations to the renderer you can define the Layer (BACKGROUND/FOREGROUND) so color box to the background and text to the foreground - or create your own Annotation implementation that does both the text and color ...

10. XYTextAnnotation problem    jfree.org

Sometimes an annotation won't be visible because you've placed it at a location on the chart that is outside the current axis range. If that's not the problem, then try to post a small self-contained demo of the problem you are seeing and I'll see if there is a bug to deal with.

12. XYTextAnnotation... how to get Y value?    jfree.org

hello, i have a TimeSeries data set and am plotting on a XYPlot. it is possible for me to get the x value by using the day.getMiddileMillisecond() method. how do i get the y value, so that i can put the annotation on the line? plus, how do i draw a point to mark a specific point on the chart (followed ...