1. High Performance Apps jfree.orgHi, I do have the same problem, but need to be able to show much more datapoints. I did look at the jfreechart code myself, and came up with some adjustments for XY charts. I do not know what type of chart you want to use. But in case of XY charts the following might help: In StandardXYItemRenderer the drawItem method ... |
2. performance jfree.orgHi, I'm using time charts with hundreds of thousands of points. I've read the forums and know this is not one of the strong points of JFreeChart, and also read some workarounds. I've turned off anti-aliasing and the result time in redraw was almost the same, it takes about 10s to redraw a chart of 100.000 points. What I would like ... |
3. Zoom performance issues? jfree.orgI have several charts that are displayed to the user (1 bar, 2 line). For both of the Line charts, when I zoom in to a very small precision level (1/100,000 or more) the performance drops severely. If I zoom in enough, my whole system freezes up and I need to kill the process. There is no special code being executed ... |
4. JFreeChart and pb with performance??? jfree.orgHi !!! I want to display a 500 points in my graph. But I have a lot of points to display, and the performance are not good at all. I use the method setValue() of the class DefaultCategoryDataset. I tried a lot of method, and now I have no idea how I can do this. If anyone can help me? And ... |
5. Performance issue jfree.org |
6. dynamic ploting with scrolling and has optimal performance jfree.orghi I am new to JFreeChart . I am looking for a charting tool that does both static and dynamic plotting and also provides a scroll on the x-axis. My requirements are as follows. * Support for dynamic data plotting from a database * Support for scrolling of x-axis & y-axis * Support for auto scaling of y-axis * Optimal performance ... |
7. dynamic ploting with scrolling and has optimal performance jfree.orghi I am new to JFreeChart . I am looking for a charting tool that does both static and dynamic plotting and also provides a scroll on the x-axis. My requirements are as follows. * Support for dynamic data plotting from a database * Support for scrolling of x-axis & y-axis * Support for auto scaling of y-axis * Optimal performance ... |
8. Performance on real time XYPlots jfree.orgHello, I am doing a real time XYplot of about 12 variables over time. I get new values for the 12 variables every 2 seconds and all 12 variables are ploted on the same chart vs. time. I am finding that a little over 1 hour, the performance starts to decrease dramatically. The test I am running could last over 8 ... |
9. Wierd Performance Issues using JFreeChart. Please Help! jfree.orgHello. Please bare with me as I try to explain a problem I'm having, and having a hard time getting my head around. Any help or guidance at all would be of great help to me. Ok, I have an application which collects real time data and plots it periodically (every 1 second).. the type of plot is an XYLinechart where ... |
10. Performance questions jfree.orgI'm discouraged by the long time that seems to be involved in displaying a moderately dense graph. The (numerical) data to be plotted has been collected minute-by-minute for 24 hours, and it's all resident in memory when I start to plot. To plot three BasicTimeSeries, each containing 1440 points, takes a full 10 seconds on an 850MHz Pentium III running RH7.0 ... |
11. JFreeChart Performance Guide jfree.org |
12. Performance dynamic chart (+my example) jfree.orgPerformance dynamic chart (+my example) by julien_ea Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:54 am Hi, You can find below the code of my first dynamic chart. I have several problems with them : 1. Why this graph dont display a perfect line. The line is not clean! 2. This software need of a lot of resource to run. My Processor is ... |
13. crosshairs performance seems slow... jfree.orgI have my own chartPanel which extends ChartPanel. i override the mouseMoved(...) and i am trying to show crosshairs for combinedDomainXYPlot. the main problem is, corsshairs are slow. i used to have horizontal and vertical traces before. but they also leave trace behind and i was watching too many lines. so now i changed the code to draw crosshairs. the complex ... |
14. Improve JFreechart Performance jfree.orgHi, Which one it's better in terms of performance using generic loop to populate the data or JDBCXYDataset for TimeSeries Charts? Currently, I am using JDBCXYDataset. The performance is a bit slower than I expected. Are there any tips that you can provide to increase the performance for plot generations? Thanks Tom |
15. Slow performance with Java 6.0 jfree.orgMy impression is that charts are drawing faster with Java SE 6. I don't have any real performance numbers to back that up, but I am intending to put some time into creating a JFreeChart benchmark suite during 2007 so I can get some real data for this type of thing. Perhaps you can supply some more details. Is the slow-down ... |
16. Performance exporting the Display jfree.orgHi, We are using JFreeChart (jfreechart-1.0.1.jar) inside a Swing application (Java 1.5.06). When we execute the application in a computer (Windows or Linux) with the display in that computer, the performance is optimal. Nevertheless, when we export the display to another computer, the load of the forms that have any JFreeChart is very slow (around 5 seconds). We have tested this ... |
17. Performance Suggestions jfree.orgI'd like some performance suggestions. I'm running into java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space errors. I'm reading in a 7 Megabyte file which has 122 different data sets. Each set has 1,600 XYData points. When I open one of these files I read all data sets and run some very basic analysis on them. I used to keep each dataset as a new ... |
18. JFreeChart.createBufferedImage performance jfree.orgHello. I was having performace issues with JFreeChart 1.0.6 and I have profiled my application while rendering a huge PieChart3D. The result is simple: about 40% of plotting time has to be issued to the method org.jfree.data.DefaultKeyedValues.getIndex, called down in the tree for drawing chart labels. The method iterates over a list every time it is called, without caching any previous ... |
19. should optimize performance jfree.org |
20. performance createDataset jfree.orgperformance createDataset by PollerJava Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:45 am Hi, can I improve the performance of the code below or is it ok? I would be happy of any comment, Thanks a lot, Code: Select all private XYDataset createDataset(final String name, RegularTimePeriod start, List |
21. Major Performance hit between Solaris 8 and Windows XP jfree.orgI am running java 1.6 on both XP and Solaris. My tool reads in a file and creates a TimeSeriesChart based on the data. On windows, when it comes time to draw the actual chart it takes about 15 seconds to complete (~ 1,000,000 items). On solaris, when it comes time to draw the chart it takes about 60 seconds. Any ... |
22. Performance issue with Huge amount of data jfree.orgSir, I would like to know the performance of the JFreeChart for our requirement. We will be having 3000 MB ~ 3 GB data in the database. From this we will be applying filter and at a time we need to plot at least 1GB data. We would like to know how the Component performs with this much amount of data ... |
23. JFreeChart Performance? jfree.orgA1 and A2 cannot yield different results. A2 actually creates a buffered image, then calls Swing to fill the image and then displays that using SWT methods. In anyway, neither SWT nor Swing should yield big differences in performance. Swing on Windows uses DirectDraw for rendering, so it uses all the acceleration your Graphics card can possibly provide. In case SWT ... |
24. PiePlot3D.draw change to solve a performance bug jfree.orgHi, We are using JFreeChart 1.0.9. With this version drawing a 3D Pie with ~150 labels, take 2-3 min. Actually the PiePlot3D.draw method is drawing all labels, each time a section is drawn - whereas only once may be sufficient. Original code : Code: Select all //extract from PiePlot3D.draw - line 526 // draw the sections at the top ... |
25. performance enhancement for SegmentedTimeline jfree.org609 do { 610 segment = getSegment(millisecond = segment.getSegmentEnd() 611 ... |
26. performance hit going from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 jfree.orgHola: I upgraded to 1.0.9 from 1.0.3 and I noticed that when my app is showing a jfree chart, CPU goes up 100%, I find that going back 1 revision at a time the last one that behaves OK is 1.0.5. I tried 1.0.10 and it also takes 100% of the CPU. I went back to 1.0.10 and profiled the application ... |
27. Performance problems in SegmentedTimeLine jfree.orgHi, I am building a chart that uses SegmentedTimeline and shows financial data across multiple days. The segmented timeline starts from 10AM thru 4PM and base time line is a monday thru friday timeline. The chart performs well as long as all the data is between 10AM-4PM. But when I have some data outside this range, the AWT thread becomes busy ... |
28. XYtextAnnotation improve performance jfree.orgI am using XYtextAnnotation to highlight values on chart which updates in real time. but everytime i update the annotation's value, chart is being redrawn (i call chart.setNotify(true)) how can i improve performance or is there any other way to highlight (basically close price of OHLCDataset) only on last candle on chart ?? Thanks |
29. swt and performance jfree.orgHello, I'm a new user of JFreechart, using the SWT wrapper in an Eclipse RCP application, and very nice it looks too. My only gripe is with performance. Our data sets are not particularly huge( time series data for 10-20 variables over 100-1000 time points) but the application becomes extremely slow and sluggish when resizing, or right-clicking on the graph to ... |
30. long line decrease performance jfree.orgRe: long line decrease performance by skunk Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:50 pm I believe you may be encountering a well known Java2D performance problem. This is the current source code Code: Select all 162 public void draw(Graphics2D g2, XYPlot plot, Rectangle2D dataArea, 163 ... |
31. concern about performance of JFreeChart jfree.orgHello All, This is my first step into visualization . And I am going to start working with JFreeChart but before starting I concern about performance issue with JFreeChart. I really don't know how JFreeChart handle large data if that is in GBs. So simply my question is, is JFreeChart able to handle large data without any performance issue. Please let ... |
32. Performance in Jfreechart jfree.orgHello, I think your problem is not coming from the chart at all. If you get an out of memory after a while this is probably because your charts are kept in memory. The lowest memory consumption would be to recreate the chart each time it is requested but this could eventually be heavy for the processor. I don't know if ... |
33. Performance problem jfree.orgPerformance problem by chofi Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:28 pm Hi, I'm using JFreeChart 1.0.13 for a research project. I discovered a performance problem while using a large XYTaskDataset in an XYBarChart. I am trying to make a huge kind of Gantt chart, and if the tasks created have all different descriptions, the chart behaves really slow. I found a ... |
34. PNG-Encoder Performance jfree.orgHi, I started generating large PNG - images with the com.keypoint.PngEncoder @version 1.1, 11 Nov 1999. No I updated to more recent jfreechart-libraries and switched to PngEncoder @version 1.5, 19 Oct 2003. I recognized a significate increase in encoding time. With the old encoder the encoding took about 1.5 sec the new encoder needs about 3.4 sec to encode the same ... |