1. Text in Jasper Reports chart doesn't show up in PDF output stackoverflow.comI have a report in Jasper Reports which includes a sub-report with a stacked bar graph. None of the text in this bar graph shows up (text for the labels on ... |
2. Problem adding charts (JFreeChart) to Pdf (iText) stackoverflow.comWhen I add 1 chart to the document there is no problem When I add the second chart I get this error ... Exception in thread "main" com.itextpdf.text.exceptions.IllegalPdfSyntaxException: Unbalanced save/restore state operators.
3. Printing CrosshirOverlay to PDF jfree.orgI have successfully implemented the Developer guide technique of printing charts to PDF files. However I have started using the Overlay Crosshair mechanism, which I really like, but unlike the built in Crosshair mechanics of XYplot the overlay Crosshairs are added onto a layer on top of the chart and so the chart.draw(g2, r2D) method suggested in the Developer's Guide doesn't ... |
4. pdf generation jfree.orgby mhilpert Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:30 pm I guess you mean how to generate a PDF from a JFreeChart object, right? Here's an example that uses iText: Code: Select all /** * Save chart as PDF file. * Required libs: iText (itext.jar). ... |
5. add few jfreecharts to the same PDF file jfree.orgI used IText to export JFreechart to PDF but I need to put few JFreecharts in the SAME pdf file and I did not found the way to do it. I tried to concat 2 pdf files but it puts each JFreechart in a differnt page. How can I add new JFreechart to the end of an existing PDF file or ... |
6. Generate pdf file with few charts jfree.orgIf the chart is cut, try to reduce the size of the chart until it fits on a page. Other than that, one solution to get multiple charts in 1 PDF document is to create the PDF document with FOP. We generate SVG chart files and include them in XSL files, e.g. Code: Select all |
7. Embed chart into an existing PDF jfree.orgHi: I am a newbie with JFreeChart. I have looked at PDFExportDemo1.java and PDFExportDemo2.java that comes with the documentation that I purchased. Generally, the 2 programs illustrate how to create a PDF with the chart as its content. I already have PDF reports that I created with iText from the past and would like to know how to embed a chart ... |
8. encoding+pdf+characters jfree.org |
9. pdf and svg jfree.orghai everybody, i am using jfreechart since about 1 Month with cewolf, everything seems well. but i have one problem, please help. When i generate an svg image with jfreechart of an linechart. In the svg-File there is no width and height, so that the image is not completly shown, if put these attributes manuallaly inside everything work fine: Had someone ... |
10. Font for LegendItems not used in pdf? jfree.org |
11. Out of memory error when creating large pdf documents jfree.orgIt appears that when creating a PDF document, JFreechart keeps the entire document in memory before writing much/anything to disk. This is very bad for me because I am using JFreechart to create a very large PDF file, 5000-6000 pages with a graphic on each page and I am receiving an "Out of memory" error before the document is complete. I ... |
12. Table data under stackedbar in pdf jfree.org |
13. chartsize in PDF (iText) jfree.org |
14. problem generating PDF with iText - I get all Fonts bold...? jfree.orgHi, I have a problem, I'm generating PDFs with iText on the fly. It means, the visitor of my site can click on every chart and PDF opens in new window. I have a problem with it - in the generated PDF everything is written with Bold Font. The PDF is generated from the outputstream, and that is the same one, ... |
15. export chart as PDF,SVG or EPS jfree.orga generic way to export your chart using ImageIO supported graphic format : (sample as PNG) public void writeAsPNG( JFreeChart chart, OutputStream out, int width, int height ) { try { BufferedImage chartImage = chart.createBufferedImage( width, height, null); ImageIO.write( chartImage, "png", out ); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( e ); } } a sample to create PDF using iText ( ... |
16. Exporting chart as pdf? jfree.org |
17. Using Japanese Fonts within chart for pdf (SOLVED) jfree.orgUsing Japanese Fonts within chart for pdf (SOLVED) by digitx Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:58 am Hi board, i am using japanese fonts within TextTitle of barcharts and piecharts. As long as i just display them within GUI everything looks fine and the japanese headlines get displayed. As soon as i try to add that to a pdf (using iText) ... |
18. How to export chart and tabular data to PDF using JFreeChart jfree.orgHi, 1. I am able to build a Table object using itext and able to export to pdf. But i have to manipulate my chart dataset to build this Table. Do we really have to manipulate and build the Table object to export. Or is there any way to extract data from my chart and export the tabular report. 2. How ... |
19. Export a chart to excel / pdf ? jfree.org |
20. Save as... PDF jfree.orghy at all! my problem is, that i want to save my chart as a pdf file, but this should be possible by clicking save as... at the PopupMenu. By default its only possible to save the chart as a png file. But at this choice i want to give the user the selection between png and pdf. i have tried ... |
21. Generating PDF jfree.orgDear all, I have integrated some charts in a JSP file with DisplayChart servlet. This works fine. Now I would like to convert these charts into PDF. I have created a servlet to do this. My problem is that I would like to indicate to this servlet to use the charts previously generated for the display in the jsp (and that ... |
22. Antialiasing in pdf export jfree.orgHello, I have a problem with antialiasing. When I try to write a chart into a PDF with the jfreechart.draw() method the line in the PDF are not smooths. Is it possible to have antialiasing in the PDF (using itext) because even with the simplest sample the line are not smooths. Thanks. |
23. Downscaling for PDF export jfree.orgI want to display four charts on a page in PDF. I implemented the pdf export and it works. But there is a problem with the look of the charts. To get four charts on one page, I have to downscale them to smaller rectangles. This happens autmatically in the charts draw() method. But downscaling has a bad effect. Only the ... |
24. Fat text in PDF output jfree.org |
25. Can JFreeChart export multipage charts to PDF jfree.orgHi Jleech, Thanks for your reply. The great minds think alike! I did the same thing as you recommand just after I sent this post. The only differnce from your solution is that I generate PNG files then use iText library to import them with XML. But I would have thought that the Jfreechart library could achieve this without extra effort. ... |
27. List of JFreeChart into PDF file. jfree.orgList of JFreeChart into PDF file. by guntherrhon Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:45 am Hi guys, I'm a new, I just verified what i need in a forum but infortunatrely i haven't found solution about it. This is what I have to do: my java application generates dinamically a Jfreechart and I have to insert it into a pdf file ... |
28. [Beginer]Several charts and Pdf jfree.org[Beginer]Several charts and Pdf Hello Good morning everybody and happy new year to all. My question is simple I wish to have several charts from of course a database, once these graphs available, I want to save them all into .pdf format. I tried to do this operation without success via Ireport. It does not run for several reasons, as I ... |
29. CombinedChart to PDF jfree.org |
30. Stressed characters in PDF jfree.orgHi, I export my JFreeChart to pdf in the following way: Code: Select all public static void saveChartAsPDF(File file, JFreeChart jFreeChart, int width, int height, FontMapper fontmapper) throws IOException { BufferedOutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); writeChartAsPDF(outputStream, jFreeChart, width, height, fontmapper); ... |
31. No marker display on JFreeChart into Pdf file by IText, why? jfree.orgHello everyone, I have a question which has wasted my few days. I created a web report with JFreechart and Table on Panel. There is a Value Marker (vertical line ) on the line chart which created by JFreeChart. They all work fine on the website. Then I would like to put them into Pdf file with iText. For the chart, ... |
32. Adding Text to Chart PDF Output jfree.org |
34. Interactive chart on PDF? jfree.org |
35. PDF Report Generation using JFreeReport jfree.orgHi All, Is there any way to generate pdf using JFreeReport without saving in the disc. The pdf needs to be displayed instantly on browser without saving on the disc. The following piece of code is taking care of pdf generation. But by default it is saving the pdf on disc. Please let me know, in case of any solution. public ... |
36. Adding charts to PDF jfree.org |
37. Export to PDF... jfree.orgby mhilpert Thu Apr 24, 2003 4:43 pm Based on David's Demonstration application, here's a method to save a JFreeChart as a PDF file: Code: Select all /** * Save chart as PDF file. Requires iText library. * * @param chart JFreeChart to save. * @param fileName Name of file to save chart in. * @param width Width of chart ... |
38. No marker on JFreeChart into Pdf file by IText, why? forums.oracle.com2)//write chart into Pdf file; PdfWriter docWriter; PdfContentByte cb = docWriter.getDirectContent(); PdfTemplate tp = cb.createTemplate(563, 223); Graphics2D g2d = tp.createGraphics(563, 223,new DefaultFontMapper()); Rectangle2D r2d = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 563, 223); myPdfDocPage.chart.draw(g2d, r2d, null); // this chart was created with a value marker showed above. g2d.dispose(); cb.addTemplate(tp, 15.5f, 585f); Is there any ideas? I really appreciate you for your help in advance. ... |