1. Maven & IBiblio... jfree.orgHi Thomas yes there is a maven-bundle target (for jcommon at least) but it does not work as some files seem to be missing. I have fixed that and ensured that it picks up the version number from build.properties. I will post the changes for both jcommon and jfreechart soon. Regards Benoit |
2. JFreeChart on Maven 2 repository jfree.orgThanks for the tips. I did the job quickly to provide maven upload bundle (see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-1817 ). As I don't use jfreechart-swt nor jfreechart-experimental I didn't create the bundle as I can't test it on real application. Now if you are interested by switching to a full Maven 2 build let me know. The advantages will be to manage automatically dependencies, ... |
3. JCommon and JFreeChart on Maven Repository is out of date jfree.orgI read that documentation, multiple times, but I don't understand it. It seems a pretty complex deal to get a couple of jars included in a central repository. I'm already very short on time, so I don't want to add another burden. I will leave Maven uploads to third party volunteers, just as I do with JFreeChart packaging for Linux distributions ... |
4. How To Fix gnujaxp Maven jfree.org |
5. jfreechart 1.0.13 missing maven2 pom.xml jfree.org |
6. Proposal: Let's auto-publish JFreeChart to Maven repository! jfree.orgHello, There are many people using Maven who would thus appreciate if JFreeChart & company were available from a Maven repository. This is very easy to achieve and it doesn't require you to build your project with Maven and I am sure we can achieve it in a short time. It would be very nice if you agreed to get this ... |