JasperReport « Development « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Passing Locale details via Jasper-Reports to JFreechart    stackoverflow.com

I'm adding Internationalization into a Tapestry web-app which uses Jasper Reports to generate normal tabular reports and also charts and graphs via JFreeChart. Using the Jasper REPORT_LOCALE parameter, I can set the ...

2. Need help about generating graphs/charts and reports    stackoverflow.com

I am currently working on a system which handles the management by business objectives of an organization.I need to generate reports and also the graphical representation of certain things like employee ...

3. Last version of jChart, JFreeChart, iText, JasperReports that runs with jdk 1.4    stackoverflow.com

I'm going to develop a Web App. with Jdk 1.4 on Weblogic 8 and I need to use jChart, JFreeChart, iText and JasperReport. Which version of these libraries do I have to ...

4. How to generate charts using jfreecharts?    stackoverflow.com

I have tried to generate a chart using JFreeChart when clicking a button. I have copied the complete method below. My problem is when I try to generate the ...

5. Using jasper reports, question on stackedBar3DChart value    jfree.org

Using jasper reports, question on stackedBar3DChart value by billbabcock Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:22 pm Hi Folks, Sorry to ask a question about using jfreechart via jasper reports, but it was suggested over there that I might have this answered here more quickly. I'm using a stackedBar3DChart in the jasper jrxml file like so: Code: Select all ...

6. Regarding jfreechart & jasperreports integration(drilldo    jfree.org

Hi everybody, I am Kesu. I have done enough research with jfreechart and jasperreports for my report generation. When implementing the drilldown functionality to the chart(ex: clicking on a slice of a pie....) I have got one problem. See my code............ this is a function that returns the filename. public static String generatePieChart() { ;;;;;;;;;;; filename = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chart, 500, 300, info, ...

7. jfreecharts + jasper reports    jfree.org

Thanks a lot........ it is surely going to to help me a lot ............. Can u analize my problem once again it is like that after clicking on the points in the graph i will redirected to jasper reports and data for it i have to fetched from server database.... thanks a lot that that link ......

9. Problem with chart in jasperreport    jfree.org

Hi: I am working with a jasperreport that have a chart. From Ireport it works fine but in my java application always have an error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets and then, the second time i want to open it this: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis I have jasperreports 2.0.5.jar, jfreechart 1.0.0 and jcommon 1.0.0 library with common-beanutils 1.7, common-collections 2.1, common-digester 1.7, common-logging 1.0.2 and common-logging-api ...