Excel « Development « JFreeChart Q&A

1. i need a chart like what is in Excel MS-Excel w/ data grid    jfree.org

Is there a chart like the one in excel where the data for the bar chart appears at the bottom? the legend colors are next to the labels in the data grid so no need for a legend to take up space. the data in the data grid at the bottom lines up nicely with the chart as it is 1 ...

2. Use jfree chart with excel only.    jfree.org

Hi all, I m new in here and want to learn more about jfreechart. I would like to develop a program which uses excel as datasource. I didn't use jdbcodbc bridge, just use another component (jexcel) to read and write the data. Now, I need to create a spider chart with these data. Can I use jfreechart to create a chart ...

6. need charts on Excel sheets    jfree.org

Hi all, I am stuck with the following requirement and was wondering if JFree could provide me the answer. I am required to display charts on a Excel sheet that are generated on the fly on the basis of the data calculated. My issue is i have learnt that JFree can be used to generate the charts as image files. I ...

7. JFreeChart vs Excel charting    jfree.org

For those that are curious we've been through all of the charting capabilites of Excel vs JFreeChart and they are very comprable. The main thing JFreeChart does not have Excel capabilites is mainly some renderers which is a small effort. On the hard stuff, JFreeChart does everything Excel does. Excel on the other hand has some hard limits compared to JFreeChart, ...

8. Excel Report with Chart Does Not Display    jfree.org

Hello, My team is developing an app with reports and we used JFreeChart in some of the reports. On our local machines, the reports run fine in whatever formats we choose (pdf, excel, html), but when deployed to the server, reports containing charts result to an "An Internal error occurred in the Microsoft Internet extensions" error. We've tried changing the MIME ...

9. Help Needed Urgently : Reporting MS Excel Charts    jfree.org

Hi All, I am new to this forum . I need help urgently. My requirement is that I have to generate reports for my application. The reports have to be generated in ms excel with lots of charts like column chart, line chart, combination charts, excel tables e.t.c. I have come accross Jfree chart. I need to find out whether jfree ...

10. Imitating MS Excel Charts    jfree.org

devangel wrote:Its really very nice to work with JFreeCharts. Great Job. Thanks. This is David's project. I am merely a contributor. devangel wrote:I want to know, whether JFreeChart can imitate all types of charts which are available in MS Excel. So that, I can explore JFreeChart a lot and get my job done. I highly doubt that JFreeChart can imitate all ...

11. NormalDistributionFunction2D vs excel normsdist    jfree.org

A question regarding how NormalDistributionFunction2D works. If I set Function2D normal = new NormalDistributionFunction2D(0.0, 1.0); This should be the same as the internal setup of Excel normsdist. However if with : normal.getValue(.5) returns 0.039844391409476404 while Excel: normsdist(.5) , returns 0.69146246127401 Does anyone know the explanation and, additionally how to have the NormalDistributionFunction2D match the Excel result? Thanks. Lou

12. suggestion for jfreechart and excel file    jfree.org

suggestion for jfreechart and excel file by wisefingaz Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:02 am hi everyone, here is my problem: i have an application that read a set of marks in an excel file using jexcelapi library and display a bar chart where each mark is presented with it's frequency. in order to do so, i have put a "categorydataset.addvalue()" ...

13. Bell curve like in Excel    jfree.org

Hi, I am trying to get a bell curve in Jfreechart 1.0.13. I need something like the NormalDistributionDemo2.java example in the package. I have grouped data for 2 series. I can do a LineChart for this in jfree, but just don' t know how to to achieve a bell curve for the same. I can get a bell curve in excel ...

15. Creating dynamic charts from Excel    jfree.org

Hi all, I am trying to convert Excel charts to scalable vector graphics. Since I am using Excel 2010, I plan to parse the xml file that corresponds to a chart and then create the chart and save it as a *.svg file. I have a few questions. 1. Has someone already done this? If so, is there an existing program ...