color « Dataset « JFreeChart Q&A

1. How to change the color of each area(dataset) in spiderChart

How to change the color of each area(dataset) in spiderChart by additome Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:13 am Hi all, I use the following code to create a spdierchart. In the system, the default color of each area (dataset) as follow: (the first group is red, second group is blue, the third one is green, ....) However, I would like ...

3. how can I change the color of the second dataset?

I am a freshman with Jfreechart,I have some questions about jfreechart when I dealing with my job. I am going to create a chart with 2 axis,the first dataset correspond to the left axis,the other one to the right,I had done it well,and next ,I will change the color of the series,but I found the color of the two series is ...

4. Custom Color Based on value of dataset item

Hello Group, Is is possible to set the colors in a chart (Pie and Category) based on the value it the dataset. I have a dataset that contains various items in the query. I'd like to look at a column in the dataset to see it's value. Then once I have the value compare it to a key in a hashmap. ...

5. Randon colors on a CategoryDataset that contains 1 category

If you have just one category, then you have multiple series and each bar will be a different colour. I suspect what you have, in fact, is multiple categories with a single series (so all bars in the series are the same colour). If that is the case, you can subclass the BarRenderer and override getItemPaint() to change the colour for ...

6. Varying Colors on Second DataSet

I cannot set different colors on second DataSet, it always gets same color from first DataSet series My second DataSet is plotted on Right-Y scale, and this is the part of what I am doing final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( title,xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, dataSet1,true, true, false ); final XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); loop over {//which seems work fine for dataSet1 which plotted ...