DefaultCategoryDataSet « Dataset « JFreeChart Q&A

2. DefaultCategoryDataset

DefaultCategoryDataset by roy Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:35 pm Hi, Using a AbstractTableModel, I fill DefaultCategoryDataset which is displayed on a chartpanel. The problem: When changes are made to the model, I can not reload the dataset by removing all the items and reloading it again. I can easily add a value but not remove. Is there anyway I could ...

3. DefaultCategoryDataset is changing data?

All, I'm drawing some charts - they can have a huge amount of experience is that some of the data are not correctly taken by the DefaultCategoryDataset. E.g. my list of values is: 1 data1 32214 2 data2 31502 3 data3 30360 4 data4 30290 5 data5 30282 6 data6 30276 7 data7 30262 8 data8 15590 ----> this one ...

4. Problem by using DefaultCategoryDataset and JDBC

Problem by using DefaultCategoryDataset and JDBC by clubingman Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:30 pm Hi I tried to apply the Line Chart example from David's guide for creating a dynamic line chart that retrieves data from a mysql database. Therefore, I created a Database and a Ratio class. However, if I compile them I got following error: non-static method request() ...

5. DefaultCategoryDataset upgrade from 0.9 to 1.x

I am upgrading an application that uses the DefaultCategoryDataset constructor in v0.9 whereby you could pass a Double [][] array and then use the methods: setSeriesNames and setCategories. In version 1.x there is no constructor that takes an argument and the methods have gone. I would be very grateful for any guidance on how to do the same in version 1.x ...

6. KeyedValues2D and DefaultCategoryDataset

Hey everyone, I noticed there was feature hiding in DefaultCategoryDataset's constructor. DefaultKeyedValues2D allows us to set whether we want to sort the dataset according to key's values or not. I think that ability should propogate to DefaultCategoryDataset's constructor as well (Optionally, of course), since there is no real workaround other than to recompile the project (there are other places which depend ...

7. how to set sortRowKeys=true in

Hi all, The question in the subject is a bit rethorical as I can see in the sources of JFreeChart that the member 'data' of DefaultCategoryDataset is private and then can't be modified... I can't understand why the developpers of JFreeChart made so much members of Renderers or Dataset private instead of protected and don't even provide getters and setters for ...

8. DefaultCategoryDataset dataset error

DefaultCategoryDataset dataset error by dennis Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:16 am HI~I am first test jfreechart program, but I can't run this program for jsp I really find many information , I still can't find good result. Please help me tks ... Code follow : <%@ page import="org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities"%> <%@ page import="org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory"%> <%@ page import="org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart"%> <%@ page import="org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation" %> <%@ page ...

9. DefaultCategoryDataset addValue

reference to addValue is ambiguous ... both ...number and double match and then I get a compiler error java sun com/docs/books/tutorial/java/javaOO/methods.html I know you are supposed to be able to name two methods with the same name but different argument lists but in this case I get an error. DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); double x=1.2; dataset.addValue(x,1,1);

10. equal Identifer in DefaultCategoryDataset

Hi, i like to display several values in a LineChart wih DefaultCategoryDataset, but not with Identifer for all values so i add categoryDataset.addValue(3, legendLabel, "x1"); categoryDataset.addValue(4, legendLabel, ""); categoryDataset.addValue(5, legendLabel, ""); categoryDataset.addValue(6, legendLabel, "x2"); categoryDataset.addValue(7, legendLabel, ""); categoryDataset.addValue(8, legendLabel, ""); categoryDataset.addValue(9, legendLabel, "x3"); but the DefaultCategoryDataset does not allow "" as Identifer several times, no identifer may be added more than ...

11. DefaultCategoryDataSet sort mismatch..

DefaultCategoryDataSet sort mismatch.. by reboot Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:13 pm Greetings! im creating a bar chart using default category dataset, and i got a strange behaviuor. Using a TreeSet ov my ValueObject, and sorting them i got this result: Code: Select all createDefaultCagetoryDataSetCHARTDATAVO TOSTRING: [ KEY VALUE: Daniel COLUMN VALUE: Apples VALUE: 542 TOTAL GROUP VALUE: null ] createDefaultCagetoryDataSetCHARTDATAVO ...

12. How can I get the data values out of DefaultCategoryDataset

I have a DefaultCategoryDataset which contains all the values on my chart (its a dynamic chart). However, I want to find out what those values are, so that I can calculate what the largest value is and set my axis to an appropriate range. How can I find out what the data values are in my DefaultCategoryDataset? Thanks, Richard