segmentedtimeline « Component « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Sample code of segmentedtimeline

SegmentedTimeline' by bill78b Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:39 am hai sarika This is the sample code for 'SegmentedTimeline' if u have any quires let me know... ================================================ public class SegmentedTimelineTests extends TestCase { /** These constants control test cycles in the validateXXXX methods. */ private static final int TEST_CYCLE_START = 0; /** These constants control test cycles in the validateXXXX ...

2. Wrong DomainCrosshair value is resolved in SegmentedTimeline

Hi, I'm using the HighLow Chart to display the forex tick and SegmentedTimeline to remove non-working hours/days. I 'd like to display the crosshair concurrently while mouse moved, however, only RangeCrosshair can be shown, yet no DomainCrosshair. The DomainCrosshair is incorrect. Could anyone help me or give me a clue to solve it? Many thx, steve

3. SegmentedTimeline.newMondayThroughFridayTimeline() is broken

public void weekDayTest() { SegmentedTimeline st = SegmentedTimeline.newMondayThroughFridayTimeline(); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.set(2005, 10, 15); //Oct. 15, 2005 is a Saturday Date date = ...

4. Duplicate/stacked candlesticks/bars on SegmentedTimeLine

I think I have the same problem. When I use a SegmentedTimeline and add exceptions (in order to avoid drawing weekends), I get overlapping date labels on the X-axis. Has anyone seen this before / fixed this problem? I am using jfreechart version 0.9.19. Has this been fixed in the latest version? Ilan

5. TickLabels overlopping with SegmentedTimeLine

do u guys thinking of using indexing(NumberAxis) for candlestick instead of using timeseries as domainAxis. I had done it...(because others software normally using label (although it looks like date, but actually is a label)... But unfortunaly I faced problem in NumberAxis: refreshTicksHorizontal method where in the DateAxis: refreshTicksHorizontal method. My main problem is when zooming... hard to calculate the zoomed data ...

7. intraday Chart and

I have been struggle for a long time and recent found the problem with intraday the following is my solution. Please add this blue portion to and recompile. I hope it helps whoever needed it. Good luck. public static long FIRST_SUNDAY_AFTER_1900; static { // make a time zone with no DST for our Calendar calculations int offset = TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset(); NO_DST_TIME_ZONE ...

8. SegmentedTimeline with DST

may be i dont how to set the DST with SegmentedTimeline. but if i use following code. it does not display any chart. SegmentedTimeline timeline = SegmentedTimeline.newFifteenMinuteTimeline(); timeline.setAdjustForDaylightSaving(true); axis.setTimeline(timeline); also, if i use above code, my time line starts from 10'o clock not 9. any reason why ?? please any one can help me..

10. I figured out how to use SegmentedTimeline with intraday...

almost... well there was a big problem with excluding weekends. it seemed that setting the basetimeline was useless. from the docs it seems like this is all you need to do: SegmentedTimeline timeline = SegmentedTimeline.newMondayThroughFridayTimeline(); but thats not true. you need to call addBaseTimelineExclusions(start long, end long) to add these exclusions to the base timeline!!! this isn't in the docs. another ...

11. My answer to intraday segmentedtimeline problems

My answer to intraday segmentedtimeline problems by clam61 Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:42 am i created a new class which i hope will be an option to segmented timeline. below is my code. i believe this is a good start. it almost works. i cant seem to figure out whats wrong with it. the code seems simple. please try it ...

12. SegmentedTimeLine Intraday One Minute Interval

Hi , Code: Select all public static SegmentedTimeline newSundayThroughThursdayTimeline() { SegmentedTimeline timeline = new SegmentedTimeline(DAY_SEGMENT_SIZE, 5,2); timeline.setStartTime(FIRST_SUNDAY_AFTER_1900); return timeline; } public static SegmentedTimeline newOneMinuteTimelineSunTillThursday() { ...

16. Unconventional use of SegmentedTimeline

Hello, I'm trying to use a SegmentedTimeline to exclude non-periodic segments by first instantiating the SegmentedTimeline(, , 0) to create a timeline that initially includes all, and then using the addException(long from, long to) to include a limited set of exceptions. This works for small datasets with few exceptions, but anything larger either hangs in SegmentedTimeline.binarySearchExceptionSegments(...) as it adds the exception ...