scale « Component « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Help with JFreeChart overlay

I'm having an issue with a JFreeChart overlaid graph. I'm using JFreeChart 1.0.13. What I am trying to do seems like it was easier to do in earlier versions of JFreeChart? The ...

2. java linear regression in the logarithmic scale

I have a set of 2 data vectors representing X and Y. I was able to plot them using JFreeChart both on a linear and a logarithmic scale. On the linear ...

3. JFreeChart scaling of Boxplots with several Categories

i am currently working on a java-based project using JFreeChart to display boxplots. My Problem is how to display a chart containing boxplots for a CategoryDataset with about 20 Categories and 5+ ...

4. integer and positive scale

Hello! I use JFreeChart to draw histograms : JFreeChart jChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D(..., ..., ..., ..., ..., false, false, false); The API chooses automatically the scale. I want that the Y scale begins to 0 (no negative values) and contains only integer number (no ',' on the axis). Is there any util method in the NumberAxis class ? CatagoryPlot lplot = (CatagoryPlot ...

5. Multiple chart in the same page keeping the Same scale

Multiple chart in the same page keeping the Same scale by Lionel Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:26 pm I have a page (in pdf generated in a jsp) with a table of values, at the end of each line i have a barchart (representing the values of the line). For the moment the scale (and the bounds) of each chart ...

7. Log scale

8. Scale problem

int x = e.getX (); int y = e.getY (); Point2D p = translateScreenToJava2D (new Point (x, y)); XYPlot plot = getChart ().getXYPlot (); Rectangle2D dataArea = getChartRenderingInfo().getPlotInfo().getDataArea (); double xx = plot.getDomainAxis ().java2DToValue (p.getX (), dataArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge ()); double yy = plot.getRangeAxis ().java2DToValue (p.getY (), dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge ()); /* THIS IS THE CUSTOM ANNOTATION */ CircleDrawer cd ...

9. Y Scale Range Display Problem

10. Squared Axes (x and y on same scale)

Squared Axes (x and y on same scale) by Erica Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:56 pm I found I needed a scatter plot were the x and y axes had the same scale. (i.e. the distance from 0-n is the same on both axes). Here's the code, feel free to use under the GLPL (the same lisence as JFreeChart). I've ...


12. Spider chart with variable scaling

Hi, Could anyone tell me how to create a spider chart that has X and Y axis intersecting with visible axis lines. Also, i would like to have different scaling for the leftX( 0 - 10 ), rightX( 1 -100 ), topY( 1- 100 ) and bottomY( 1 -20 ). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Byju[/img]

13. Scaling Multiple Axes

Hi, I have designed an application which draws charts with mutiple y-axes showing the trendlines on one axis and the data points on another axis. The problem is that i need both axes to follow the same scale so that I can correlate the points with the trendlines. however the scale is auto-adjusting. Is there any way to resolve this? Regards, ...

14. HOW can I FIXED my Scale

15. problems with XYShapeAnnotation and time scale

Hi, I like to use XYShapeAnnotation objects in my chart. The code works fine when numbers are <=10^11, but when I use a MilliSeconds timescale, numbers are too big (~ 10^12). The XYShapeAnnotation won't show anymore. Code snippet: double ms=1000000000000; double step=1000000; XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); Ellipse2D e = new Ellipse2D.Double(ms+step, 0.0, step, 250.0); plot.addAnnotation(new XYShapeAnnotation(e, new BasicStroke(1.0f),; The ...

16. XY Scaling?

Hi, Just got the latest version (1.0.1) but had 0.9.x and had to add code to do this (think I submitted it as a suggestion at one time). Can it be done now? The question is if I can keep a 1 to 1 scale on the x and y axises while the drawing area changes? So I do a setRange() ...

17. Can we change the Logarithmic Scale Dynamically ?

Hi, I have made use of the Log scale for Y axis. Initially when the chart is created i have set the range -10 to 10. But Later depending on the user input i wanna change the log axis scale to -x1 to x1, with out the graph being closed. Is there any way i can dynamically do this ?? Thanks ...

18. Can I map valuemarkers to different scale rangeaxes?

I have a chart with multiple range axes (y-axis) with different scales and valuemarkers to show the control limits. I am trying to let the user set the valuemarkers according to the appropriate rangeaxis. But it always follows the scale of the first rangeaxis which is the one passed as a parameter when creating the chart. Is there a method that ...

19. Scaling in jfree charts

Can jfree chart automatically scale the series included in the chart. for eg. one of the series has values in the range 1-100 while the other series has values in the range 10000-50000. Is it possible that i can introduce a scaling factor for second series and plot it clearly with the first series. The aim is to give both the ...

20. Logarithmic chart scale

Please post a small self-contained demo showing the problem. Otherwise I'll have to guess the data range and any configuration you might have done to the axis, in an attempt to reproduce this. Alternatively, take a look at the LogAxis class in the 'experimental' source tree (included in the distribution). It provides a different implementation, and may work better for you. ...

21. Stop fonts scaling

22. Uniform scaling

Is the difference triggered by varying widths for the labels in the y-axis? Because the charts are generated independently, you'll need to use some kind of workaround. One option is to preset a fixed width for the range axis using the setFixedDimension() method - but to do that you need to calculate (or guess) an appropriate width, which is going to ...

23. equals scale

Unfortunately the only way to do this right now is manually specify the chart size and axis ranges. I think it ought to be possible to add a flag to the plot to have it "equalise" the axes (by first finding the auto-range for both axes, and then lengthening the shorter of the two). The only complication is to make this ...

24. Scaling fonts in smaller chart

Hi, I have a chart with 14 pt fonts on it. When the chart first shows up it is in a screen with 5 other charts, so the charts are kinda small. I have a button that allows the user to enlarge the chart, when the chart is enlarged it looks fine, the problem is that when it's small the fonts ...

25. DefaultKeyedValues does not scale well

Among other methods in this class the getIndex(Comparable key) method iterates over the data list to find the matching row. This does not scale well with category charts that contain several thousands data points. I wrote a unit test that uses the LineAndShapeRenderer to create scatter plot and profiled it in NetBeans. With 500 data points (doubles) the chart creation spends ...

27. CombinedDataset and auto scaling

Hi all! I'm developing an application using JFreeChart. So far, I've used an XYSeriesCollection which worked fine. Now, I also have to display error bars, min/max values and a bunch of other stuff, not all of which is clear at this point, so I figured that moving to a CombinedDataset would be the best bet. So, what I'm doing now is, ...

28. logarithmic scale

29. Newbie question: scaling the range

Hello, I'm trying to set the range to 10-60 on my graph. However, if the values go over 60 or under 10, I'd like the range to resize to accommodate that. I've been playing with different options, but couldn't get it to work. Any ideas on how to do that? Thanks a lot! AR

30. multiple range axes -> scaling problem

Hi, I'm working at a chart with multiple datasets and axes. It works to include the two datasets, one is displayed as a bar chart, one as a line chart. My problem is now, that one dataset contains only negative values (for the range axis) and one contains positive values. The result is, that the left axis begins at the top ...

31. integer scale in dial chart

32. Scale break

33. Crude scaling benchmarks of JFreeChart - YMMV

Crude scaling benchmarks of JFreeChart - YMMV by Developer Dude Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:33 pm I am assessing a number of reporting and charting frameworks. Since JFreeChart and JFreeReports are used in at least one of these (Jasper) I was interested to see how they scaled. The application would be generating tens of thousands of reports each night, each ...

34. How to scale or normalize data?

I'm trying to use JFreeChart to draw the relative performance of a stock's price. I've been able to produce a simple line chart using a TimeSeriesChart but am having difficulty figuring out how to scale (normalize) the data so the graph show percentage increase/decrease. If the data is: 01/01/01 $1.00 01/01/02 $1.01 01/01/03 $1.02 I would like the Y-Axis to show ...

35. How can I get all points with the current scaling applied.

I'm trying to get all points in a plot with the current scaling applied. Does anyone know how to get that? For example, I have 1000 points in a 800*600 plot. After I scalled the plot, only 500 points left in the current windows, how can I get these points? Thanks a lot

36. How to add a dial scale marker?

37. Vertical scrollbar instead vertical scaling

Hi, I'm using jfreechart for a 3d barchart with horizontal plot orientation. It works fine when I create a dataset with few rows (COUNT=10): for (int i=0; i

38. Logarithimic scale

39. How can I get same scale for X and Y axes?

Using Jfreechart , How can I get same scale for X and Y axes? suppose the Y data values are -1000, -2000 so on... to -12000 But the X values are positive. I want to have scale - the space between ticks - to be same for X and Y . That means on X axis - space betwee 0 and ...

40. Scaing problems where no scaling requested.

Hi All, We're using JFreeChart to build an engine to display graphs. This is a web service that runs on Tomcat + Java 1.5.0, and renders charts to PNGs and JPEGs (using ChartUtilities.writeChartAs{PNG,JPEG}() ). We've run into a problem where JFreeChart seems to scale everything inside the Plot area, but only by a few pixels. The result is that the graph ...

41. scale Datasize

Hi, I need to scale a chart so that the data size has a specific value (means that the data plotted has a specific size, not the complete frame or chart including axis labels .....). The reason is, that I am drawing other data on my own and the scales of both must match. Is there a way to do that ...