1. dashed line in Jfreechart stackoverflow.comDoes anybody knows how to draw a vertical dashed line in Jfreechart at some given coordinates ? Thanks |
2. How can I draw a straight line in jfreechart? stackoverflow.comHow could I draw a straight line with the equation |
3. Filling in the Area between of two lines which intersect? stackoverflow.comIs it possible to fill in the area between a Dataset plotting a XY line and a ValueMarker ?
See picture for the general idea(Warning: My MS Paint skills are lacking).
4. JFreechart(Java) - How to draw lines that is partially dashed lines and partially solid lines? stackoverflow.comI'm going to plot a line chart that will change from solid line to dashed line to to indicate real data and forecasting data. I'm not sure if i need to ... |
5. JFreeChart how to draw ordered lines stackoverflow.comI am currently using JFreeChart scatter graph to display a number of points. When I use the scatter graph to draw lines it draws them in the wrong order for example: ... |
6. Showing quadrant lines based on a custom origin jfree.orgOK, worked it out, I was not using data points as x,y values I was using coordinates. The issue now is that if I colourise the quadrants, I can see the 4 of them, but with no colourisation, I see nothing. Any help is much appreciated. Code: Select all chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); ... |
7. Selective shapes on a line jfree.orgHi, I am writing a cricket scoring system for my school computing course. I am using JFreecharts to produce a few charts. On a couple of the charts, I want to put a shape on the line selectively. It is standard practice in cricket to mark charts with the fall of a wicket. for instance the cumulative run rate chart or ... |
8. adding a runtime sliding vertical line jfree.orgHi, for my thesis project I need to view a vertical line on my 4 line graphs. That vertical line must slide from the left to the right on each graph, one step each tot milliseconds. First, I need to add the vertical line on a specific value of x axis, I suppose! Second, I have to synchronize the graphs (also ... |
9. Click on a line jfree.org//============================== //initial ChartMouseEvent event; ChartPanel chartPanel; //============================== // mouseX, mouseY : mouse point in chart Insets insets = chartPanel.getInsets(); int anchorX = (int) ((event.getTrigger().getPoint().getX() - insets.left) / chartPanel.getScaleX()); int anchorY = (int) ((event.getTrigger().getPoint().getY() - insets.top) / chartPanel.getScaleY()); PlotRenderingInfo renderingInfo = (PlotRenderingInfo) chartPanel.getChartRenderingInfo().getPlotInfo(); double mouseX = domainAxis.java2DToValue(anchorX, renderingInfo.getDataArea(), RectangleEdge.BOTTOM); double mouseY = rangeAxis.java2DToValue(anchorY, renderingInfo.getDataArea(), RectangleEdge.LEFT); |
10. Select lines jfree.org |
11. How can I disable dithering on dashed lines jfree.orgby mhilpert Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:15 pm Switch of anti-aliasing: Code: Select all /** * Switch on/off anti-aliasing. * * @param chart JFreeChart. * @param graphics True, to switch on anti-aliasing for graphics. ... |
12. Two lines in the same chart jfree.org |
13. urgent, domain crosshair line on combienddomainxyplot jfree.orgHi, I am trying to draw a horizontal line based on mouse click ( using chartMouseListener) on a combinedDomainXYPLot. Here, I calculate the point at which teh domaincrosshair should be drawn. All the plots in CombinedXYDomainPlot need to draw domainCrosshair at a that calculated point. But, its not happening that way. On teh particular XYplot where teh mouse click occurs, the ... |
14. Will this work? Clicking and dragging to move a line jfree.orgWill this work? Clicking and dragging to move a line by baltshuler Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:06 pm Hey All, My company is working on a new project for which we are considering using JFreeChart. One of the features that we need is a bit unusual. I have some ideas about how it could be implemented with JFreeChart and would ... |
15. Multiple Lines -- Cannot display more than 2 jfree.orgwww.jfree.org Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login Multiple Lines -- Cannot display more than 2 A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 2 posts Page 1 of 1 Multiple Lines -- Cannot display ... |
16. how to show node and let the line thick? jfree.org |
17. David gilbert => Stacked Line jfree.org |
18. How to draw a line in HighLowChart? jfree.org |
19. How can I make a specific horizontal line strong? jfree.orgI have a line graph which I would like to make my axis X (horizontal line) in the zero value with a strong stroke? I have tried the method plot.setRangeGridlineStroke(new BasicStroke(0.3f)); but this make all my horizontal lines with this Stroke, thus I need a strong stroke in the specific "0" horizontal line. Can anyone help me? |
20. Modifying visualization properties about grid lines jfree.orgHello, I would know if it is possible modify the visualization of the grid of the charts. My interest is to do that the line that indicate 0 value of Y edge can be more height and other color of the rest of lines. Please, if this is posible, how can I do this? Thanks! |
21. Line Wrapping in XYTextAnnotations jfree.org |
22. Center a XY line jfree.orgOk, fixed it with valueAxis.setAutoRange(false); valueAxis.setRange(minXValue-1, maxXValue+1); But now it shows 3---------4----------5-----------6 I would like it to show 3--3.1---3.2--- etc Is that possible? ------------------------- Hi For exempel I have the following values: Y X ------- 1, 5.0 2, 5.1 3, 5.3 4, 5,1 5, 4.9 Now a XY line will be drawed in the right corner or uppercorner depending on PlotOrientation. ... |
24. How to show the line for the max and min of Line-Chat jfree.org |
25. angled line jfree.org |
26. Strange vertical, dottet line at 1970/01/01 00:00 UTC jfree.org |
27. Vertical line between 2 categories jfree.orgHi, is there somebody who knows how to draw a vertcal line between 2 categories in a bar chart to divide them? I've tried with CategoryMarker and LineAnnotation, but it seems to be possible to draw a line just in the centre of the category, and not at the border between 2 categories. ( The catgeries are months and I need ... |
28. LINE FEED in tickLabels jfree.org |
29. how to add 3 trend line in a same chart in JFreeChart jfree.orgi need to draw three trend lines in the same chart. is it possible to draw? In my program i have day in the x-axis and 3 parameters in the y-axis.i was able to plot the graph. for the trend line. i need to draw trendline for all the parameter in the y-axia vs x-axis. i was able to draw tend ... |
30. Grid line between categories jfree.org |
31. Connect line ignoring null/missing points jfree.orgI have the following dataset for which i am drawing a line-chart: There is no data/value for sample1 + ratio3. The resultant chart shows the the disconnected/broken line on the chart. What i would like is to do is to connect the previous and the next points, ignoring the above mentioned missing point. Is is possible Thanks in advance.. Code: Select ... |
32. How can add line ticker? jfree.org |
33. Line Comparison Chart jfree.org |
34. Help me please! How to add small dots to time serial lines? jfree.orgIs anybody here know how to display small 'dots' on a time serial line? For instance, a time serial line contains data for 100 days, but the users do not know where the line contains the data. If there are such kind of small dots on the line, the user can easily put the mouse on the dot and display the ... |
35. How to use different shapes to distinguish lines jfree.orgHi, I am using the latest JFreeChart. In my line graph, I want each line to start and end with some shape. I did some research in the news group and I found that I have to implement my own renderer to do this. So, My questions are: 1) How would I start about doing this? 2)I already noticed that Jfreechart ... |
36. dashed lines effect gets lost as points increase DEFECT?? jfree.orgHi, I have had the same problem and decompilation of the library code has shown me, that there is an parameter of the XYLineAndShapeRenderer which decides whether the serie is rendered as path or as a couple of lines. The default setting is rendering is to draw single lines between the points. This makes troubles with the dashed lines though the ... |
37. Split line jfree.org |
38. Problem with dashed/dotted lines jfree.orgfloat lineWidth = 0.2f; float dash[] = {5.0f}; float dot[] = {lineWidth}; if (style.equalsIgnoreCase(STYLE_LINE)) { result = new BasicStroke(lineWidth); ... |
39. new line in title - gives a substitution like \n? jfree.orgprotected void generateTitle (String titles, JFreeChart chart) { int numberOfSubtitle = (int)chart.getSubtitleCount(); String[] result = titles.split("-n"); chart.setTitle( result[0]); System.out.println(result.length); for (int a=0+numberOfSubtitle; a |
40. reduce the number of grid lines jfree.org |
41. Difference between Line and XYLine charts? jfree.orgSo, what IS the difference between a line graph and a XYline graph? How are they different in the final product? And how are they different in the code to set them up? I'm looking to do overlaid charts, and so far it will only work if I do 'xyline' graphs, not 'line' graphs. My code is currently making a regular ... |
42. segmented Time line fifteen minute time line jfree.org364 public static SegmentedTimeline newFifteenMinuteTimeline() { 365 SegmentedTimeline timeline 366 = new SegmentedTimeline(FIFTEEN_MINUTE_SEGMENT_SIZE, 28, 68); 367 timeline.setStartTime( ... |
43. GridLines as a solid lines jfree.org |
44. How to draw line to show quanrand jfree.org |
45. Can I add a line outsidie a chart? jfree.org |
46. How to draw lines in FastScatterPlot jfree.orgHi! Im plotting data in real-time with FastScatterPlot and know i want to drawlines between the plots. But i cant find a method that draws the line to FastScatterPlot. Is it possible?. Or do i have to use the class XYPlot to be able to drawlines. would be very thankful if anybody could help. /nisse |
47. BarChart3D/BarChart Line Thickness jfree.org |
48. Line Thickness After Upgrade to 1.0.3 jfree.org |
49. creating Vertical lines in X-Y chart jfree.orgHi there, I want to create a vertical line on specific dates set along my X- axis. The line should extend till it meets a data point and should not go further. Also the label on the line should lie along the line (i.e to say lie along the line). till now I am able to create the vertical line but ... |
50. Drawing lines jfree.org |
51. SLOA - Stroked Line Other Art (SOLVED) jfree.org |
52. Line Demo 1 or Line Demo 2 jfree.org |
53. Displaying multiple lines with equal values jfree.org |
54. adding subtitles to show in single line jfree.org |
55. bold line at 0 jfree.org |
56. Smoothed Line & Anti-aliasing jfree.orgSmoothed Line & Anti-aliasing A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 6 posts Page 1 of 1 Smoothed Line & Anti-aliasing by weihang Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:33 am Hello all, As far as I know, there are quite a few people (including myself) looking for a renderer that renders a smooth line ... |
57. Smooth line class jfree.orgSmooth line class A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 1 post Page 1 of 1 Smooth line class by pstng Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:06 pm I've seen that many people asks for a method to draw smooth lines. I've done a class that converts the datasets to datasets following bezier lines ... |
58. Text title that is longer than one line jfree.org |
59. How to get value of line which from value1 to value2 jfree.org |
60. XYLineAnnotation remove specific line jfree.orgi think i made some confusion asking question. i have couple of subplots and each subplot has some XYLineAnnotations added. these are basically trendlines. but now for example subplot-1 has 3 trendlines and some other indicators (in form of XYLineAnnotations) and i want to remove 3 trendlines but keep other indicators (keep all other XYlineAnnoations) so is this possible ? |
61. Adding a target line similar to value marker jfree.orgHi, Is there a way to add a target line in the chart. I have my values on x-axis and the target moves from 2 to 10 in my timeseries chart. The marker works only for constant target. I need the Label features of the ValueMarker + a (start,end) target line. Plz tell me how to proceed with this. Thanks in ... |
62. Adding a Funktion /Line to a FastScatterPlot jfree.orgHello I am new to JFreeChart and kind of struggeling a little bit but the examples help. But I have a little problem I created a FastScatterPlot and want to use it do display an MA-Plot so I want to have the function y=0 drawn to represent the ''zero'' line, because my x Axis is not located at zero and it ... |
63. Is there a way to get all the lengends in individual lines jfree.orgHi, This is the first time am using JFreechart. If we have multiple line grpahs then each will have individual grpahs and corresponding legends. These lengends depeneding on their string length are displayed one after other in same line or in the next line. Is there a way to force JFreeChart to draw each lengends in new line? Please advice. Thanks ... |
64. How can I draw grid lines jfree.org |
65. Can I draw custom line? jfree.org |
66. Line polt with categories jfree.orgHi all again...at a sample code at the manual e.g BarChartDemo1.java one can create categories and each category has some bars...i want to do the same in lineplot (but instead of bars i need points and these points need to be joined with lines).. does anyone know hor to do it? thnx in advance for your time.. |
67. vertical line between two charts jfree.orgI'm trying to create a vertical line between two charts within a grid. I've tried to put a border on the chart but I didn't see a way to only have a border on one side of the chart. Is there a way to do what I'm trying to accomplish and if so how. Any help you can provide is greatly ... |
68. change the shape of the levelrenderer from line to circle jfree.orghi all I am drawing bar charts . My requirement is i have to put a dot or ellipse above each of the bars in the series . I went through levelrenderer which draws thin line over the bar . Is there a way to change the shape of line to circle of ellipse in levelrenderer . ....Or alternatively is there ... |
69. discontinous line jfree.orghi joolz I think, there is something in my source that don't work, can you help me? Code: Select all // List |
70. Algorithm to draw a dotted line that joins two shapes! jfree.orgHi, I need to draw a dotted line to join two shapes - triangle and circle that are rendered in the chart with two different (CategoryDataSet) datasets. Do I need to draw a line chart on top of the original plot or I need to use my own algorithm? .... Any JfreeChart API can help in this regard? Any pointers here ... |
71. LevelRender lines not aligned jfree.orgLevelRender lines not aligned by fwelland Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:01 pm I based a chart on OverlaidBarChartDemo2 The resulting chart should have 7 bars (StackedBarRenderer3D) and one line per bar rendered by the LevelRender(). I use 2 DefaultCategoryDatasets and the values for the columKeys are shared/same across both datasets. The resulting chart is close, but the LevelRender's lines are ... |
72. Line and XYBar jfree.orgCode: Select all public XYItemRenderer[] getRenderers() { XYItemRenderer[] renderers = new XYItemRenderer[2]; XYItemRenderer rendererInd = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false); rendererInd.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.GREEN); ... |
73. 'Today' line at the centre of the chart jfree.orgHello All, Using plot.addRangeMarker(currentDate) where currentDate is an instance of ValueMarker draws the vertical line corresponding to the the current date or 'Today' line in the plot. Now, if I want to display the 'Today' line at the centre of the chart, irrespective of the data that's being populated in the chart, how do I do that, I mean, - Is ... |
74. Unwanted grey lines in the background of PiePlot3D jfree.orgI haven't seen that before. Any chance you could send me the code you use to set up the chart? And can you confirm whether there are any zero or null items in the dataset? (It shouldn't matter, but who knows?) Also, your OS and Java runtime versions in case the bug is platform specific... |
75. I want lines and dots, need help! jfree.org |
76. Blue Vertical Grid Line jfree.org |
77. problem with line style in polar jfree.org |
78. AbstractXYItemRenderer.drawDomain[Grid]Line redundancy ? jfree.orgby paradoxoff Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:44 pm Hi, replacing drawDomainGridLine with drawDomainLine hasnt had any bad side effect. One further thing that I noticed when browsinf through the source code of XYPlot: the calls to drawDomainLine requires a casting of XYPlot.getRenderer() (which returns an instance of XYItemRenderer) to AbstractXYItemRenderer since drawDomainLine is not declared in XYItemRenderer but only in ... |
79. Smooth line in category chart jfree.orgHi, I am looking for a simple way to get a smooth (spline?) line with a category chart (like a simple bar chart). I know how to mix more than one dataset and add a second renderer but i only get a line with angles and corners. There must be a way... Thx |
80. Display Line Name on the line jfree.orgcan u give me some code example to use CategoryTextannotation? in CategoryTextAnnotation we need to specify the coordinates. but in my application i am genrating the linss with differnt color, shape, stroke depending on the user selection. also the number of lines to be drawn will be selected by the uesr. so please guide me.... |
81. category axes line on the 0 value line jfree.orgJFreeChart will always place the axes on the edges of the plot regardless of the range each axis spans. This is the typical presentation style for scientific and engineering plots which differs from the style you desire which is the more academic (dare I say 'math class'). There is no easy means to change JFreeChart's behavior, but you could add a ... |
82. Logarithmic trend line jfree.orgLogarithmic trend line by mickish Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:05 pm I thought you might be interested in a modification to XYLineAnnotation.draw() that plots a proper logarithmic curve between two points on the LogAxis, instead of the default straight line (which does not accurately follow the data). You can see the story in these three pictures: A simple arithmetic plot ... |
83. change shape of the levelrenderer from line to another shape jfree.orghi all I am drawing bar charts . My requirement is i have to put a dot or ellipse above each of the bars in the series . I went through levelrenderer which draws thin line over the bar . Is there a way to change the shape of line to circle of ellipse in levelrenderer . ....Or alternatively is there ... |
84. LineRenderer3D, fill area under line jfree.orgHello! I was wondering if it was possible to fill area under a line with a color? Just like the StackedBarRenderer3D does? I've used StackedBarChart3D till now, but I'll thing it will be easier to compare the periods if it's a line instead of bars.. Now, I've got: (since Im a new user, Im not allowed to use images here, so ... |
85. thie line type I can't get jfree.org |
86. Line Point Locations on my Chart jfree.org |
87. EMERGENCY: how to make a "n" lines in one graphic? jfree.org |
88. Help! How to make the CategoryLabel line wrapping? jfree.orgI need to let the label of the vertical bar chart horizental show right under the bars(no slant or vertical). But at this time, the label will overlap each other when the label names are long. So i need label line-wrapping auto. Who can tell me how to achieve this? Thank you! |
89. How to draw line in jfreechart, thx jfree.org |
90. How Line Style dotted, dashed, solid? jfree.org |
91. Dash line jfree.org |
92. horizontal boundry line jfree.org |
93. Creating Dependency Lines to connect Subtasks jfree.orgHallo David, have you taken a look at the gantt chart i created? How can i create a Line that will connect the subtasks together? Which method in which class has such capability? I am looking at the line starting form the end pf the first subtask and connecting to the start of the next subtask. Having gone thru the patches ... |
94. JFreechart Chart Line,dash Line Examples jfree.orgHi I need to create a Line Chart ,where one line i need to draw,but the same line will act as a style line and as well dashed line .as per received data.where style line ends,dashed line would start from there. can anybody help me on this matter.. Thanks in Advance Rudra |
95. Elimination of lines around chart jfree.orgI created a chart and removed all the lines on it, I don't want this chart to appear as one. This might sound strange but I'd have to spend a lot of time to explain why I am doing this. Anyway, below is the code that generated the chart as well as the location of the picture of the chart: //Set ... |
96. How to draw a line with points in my input order. jfree.org |
97. XYPointerAnnotation set line arrow jfree.org |
98. dots and lines jfree.orgWe were using a GWT charting tool that was not working the way we wanted it to and was wondering if JFreechart had this feature. We want to plot, 0, 3 to 3, 8 with only the dots being at 0, 3 and 3, 8 on the line. Another line, we want to plot is 0, a; 1, b; 2, c; ... |
99. How can I control this bottom line... jfree.orgHow can I control this bottom line... by weyoni2 Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:50 am if all columns of a DefaultCategorydataset equals 0 ,then the picture looks like this: How can I set the bars to the bottom of rangeAxis , thanks very much for your advice~ Code: Select all public String streamdetailBarChart(String title, ... |
100. New line in TextAnnotation jfree.org |