TickUnit « Component « JFreeChart Q&A

1. TickUnit Problem    jfree.org

2. TickUnits problem    jfree.org

[...] ((NumberAxis)plot.getRangeAxis(0)).setRange(100000,300000); NumberAxis axis2 = new NumberAxis("Range Axis 2"); axis2.setRange(100000,300000); TickUnits tickUnits = new TickUnits(); tickUnits.add(new NumberTickUnit(150000.0)); tickUnits.add(new NumberTickUnit(120000.0)); tickUnits.add(new NumberTickUnit(250000.0)); axis2.setStandardTickUnits(tickUnits); ...

5. TickUnit Question    jfree.org

The code works this way because it was adapted from the NumberAxis code, where it makes sense for the tick labels to be on fixed multiples (0, 5, 10, 15 and not 1, 6, 11, 16, for example). I think the same approach makes sense for some date units (seconds, minutes, hours and years) but probably less for others (days and ...

6. tickunit at variable interval?    jfree.org

Dear all I have a requirement to create non standard ticks label along the range axis. Example, instead of the standard tick unit 1-----10-----20-----30-----40-----50 I need to be able to plot as follow 1-------15--7-----28----------55--50 The range changes between dataset and is calculated dynamically. There used to have a SymbolicTickUnit which I presumes does exactly this. I suppose it has been deprecated. ...

8. Tickunits and Pixels    jfree.org

Hi, I have created an XYPlot with a NumberAxis for x and y axes. I want to align a bunch of text with the x-axis when I draw the graph as an image on a JPanel. Essentially, for the x-axis length, there will be a sequence size that runs below the image corresponding (at least approximately) to each data point. How ...

9. TickUnit with firstDayOfMonth    jfree.org

10. TickUnits use wrong hours    jfree.org

Re: TickUnits use wrong hours by Qohelet Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:07 am It's not very difficult to do this - DateAxis has to be changed a little bit: 1. I need two new variables Code: Select all private double winkel; ...