1. ChartMouseListener not working..please help!! jfree.orgChartMouseListener not working..please help!! by deepika Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:06 pm Hi, I want to be able to display the tool tip information based on a given category and a series. The tool tip generator only displays the information when the mouse is put over the intersection of X and Y axis values...I am trying to use ChartMouseListener to ... |
2. Eample code for ChartMouseListener jfree.orgpublic class TestChartMouseListener extends JPanel implements ChartMouseListener,MouseListener,MouseMotionListener{ ... ... public TestChartMouseListener () { ... ... chartPanel.addChartMouseListener(this); chartPanel.addMouseListener(this); chartPanel.addMouseMotionListener(this); } public void chartMouseClicked(ChartMouseEvent chartMouseEvent) { } public void chartMouseMoved(ChartMouseEvent chartMouseEvent) { int mouseX = chartMouseEvent.getTrigger().getX(); int mouseY = chartMouseEvent.getTrigger().getY(); Point2D p = chartPanel.translateScreenToJava2D( new Point(mouseX, mouseY)); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); Rectangle2D plotArea = chartPanel.getScreenDataArea(); ValueAxis domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis(); RectangleEdge domainAxisEdge = ... |
3. ChartMouseListener and NetBeans TopComponent jfree.orgAny had any luck using the ChartMouseListener and corresponding chartMouseClicked and chartMouseMoved methods within a TopComponent in a NetBeans Platform based application ? The thow methods do currenlty not get called and I am investigating if those events get catched earlier in the foodchain. Any advice/experience to share ? Happy new year to all of you B-) |
4. The LegendItemEntity from a ChartMouseListener is not workin jfree.orgHi, I am using BarChart and when I select a legend I should be able to get the series selected .. but it looks like the LegendItemEntity is not holding the selected seriesIndex, it is always 0, but the co-ordinates seem to be right. final LegendItemEntity entity = (LegendItemEntity) chartMouseEvent .getEntity(); Is there a work around for this issue? Thanks & ... |
5. How to get info from chartMouseListener ? jfree.orgThe ChartMouseEvent class has a getEntity() method which will return a ChartEntity instance that can tell you some information about what has been clicked on. You'll have to check if the entity is an instanceof some subclass of ChartEntity (CategoryItemEntity or XYItemEntity most likely) and cast it appropriately if you want to get details of the dataset. |
6. ChartMouseListener : Please help me !!!!!! jfree.orgChartMouseListener : Please help me !!!!!! by javac2005 Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:01 pm How can I display a point information when I move the mouse to that point by using XYPlot with XYDotRenderer. The information of that point base on x,y value and information of that point. Example: when I move the a point then information will display on ... |
7. Serialization of a ChartMouseListener jfree.org |