1. jfreechart: different setItemMargin() within Category possible? stackoverflow.comI need to have different spacing within one category.
The arrows show where there's supposed to be a spacing.
I used |
2. Null values should not be shown on Category Plo jfree.orgHello, i hava a Chart which is a combination of 2 datasets, one creates a StackedBarChart object, the other is painted through a LineAndShape Renderer. Both underlying datasets are CategoryDatasets. The plot is a Category Plot. My domain axes is going from Januar to December. It is fixed and should be shown all the time as an orientation to the user. ... |
3. Problem in displaying Selected categories jfree.org |
4. How write vertical Category?? jfree.orgI made a chart in this way: dataset = dbChart.dataSetCarge(dataset, usName, valType); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart( "Bar Chart", "Category", "Value", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false ); response.setContentType("image/png"); ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(out, chart, width.intValue() ,height.intValue()); I would like to write all Category in vertical position because I can't read if in orizzontal position. How can to do to solve my problem? Thank's |
5. How to highlight a Category? jfree.org |
6. how to write only a few of the different categories? jfree.orgHi everybody, I have made a line graph with the jfreechart packages. My graph has got a lot of plots and so, there are too many categories written down the X axe. And so, i can't see anything else now. How can i write only a few of the categories in order to get a graph more lisible? Thanks for help. ... |
7. Combined Category? jfree.orgAll - Trying to make a chart similar to the Combined Range Category Category Plot 2 in the demo application. The dem chart shows two data series (rows) on the top plot with multiple types (columns). My problem is that I need to show multiple data points per type (column). The demo shows the following when creating the DefaultCategoryDataset: Code: Select ... |
8. Which generator to use for category names? jfree.orgWhich generator to use for category names? by Guest Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:56 pm I have a StackedBarChart. My dataset contains categories for each 10 milliseconds of time, but the value is actually stored in the dataset in nanoseconds. I am trying to scale the data to seconds and print them out with DecimalFormat("0.00"). I'm not sure what JFreeChart ... |
9. right align category lebels? jfree.org |
10. displaying category chart with many many categories jfree.orghi, on a category chart i want to display about 400 categories. all categories are now overlapping. what is the way to prevent the categories to overlap? is there something like a "ChartScrollPane" ,so that the charts size is enlarged so that the categories doesnt overlap and the rest will be done by scrolling? i tried to put the chart into ... |
11. How can I regroup categories ? jfree.orgHi, I need to create a chart that is regouping dates by quarters. Each dates can have 2 entries. I read in the doc 9.21-US.pdf it wasn't done yet ? Do you have any news about this in the latest release, or maybe there is a way to do that ? thank you ! |
12. display several stackedBars in one category jfree.org |
13. IntervalBarChart: Multiple Intervals per Category jfree.orgHi, I spend half a day but still I can't find a solution to create the following chart. The X-Axis is numerical, the Y-Axis is categorical. For each category there are several intervals, which I want to be displayed by bars. So an example my look like: Cat A:*** ** **** Cat B: ******** ****** Cat C:*** It's a kind of ... |
14. Uneven gaps between categories jfree.org |
15. Category chart jfree.org |
16. Strangely distorted printout of category chart jfree.orgI tested on this problem another half day and found the following: After reading a Thread in Suns Java forum I played around with the bordersettings a little bit. After about three or four border changes and re-prints it works. An if it works once it will also work with the settings that previously did NOT work... I'm afraid the problem ... |
17. How to turn off the zero-gridline in a category chart? jfree.org |
18. addSubCategory method and category values jfree.org |
19. Partial disjoint interval category chart? jfree.orgBased on the currently implemented concrete classes for interval category dataset, it seems that all series must have the same set of categories. Is there a way to mix the series with partial disjoint categories? For example, in the first series S1, one might have categories C1, C2, C4, and C6. And then in the second series S2, one might have ... |
20. setLabelOffset on Category Chart issue. jfree.orgI'm trying to add a value marker to a category chart. The value marker is showing up fine, but the label is not going where I want it to. I want the label for the value marker to be to the right of the chart. I am able to get the width of the label, and add padding to the right ... |
21. Gap between Category jfree.orgHello, I'm using a ganttchart and I would like to reduce the gap between the categories of the chart, because I have many Categories in my application and I need to use the maximum of place for my chart. Could some one tell me what I have to do?? Please Help!!! THX |
23. Combined Category Charts jfree.orgHi, I am trying to combine two charts, sharing the domain axis. I slightly modified your demo to check if I'm missing something or there is a bug. In CombinedCategoryPlotDemo1, I changed createDataset2() method like this: public static CategoryDataset createDataset2() { DefaultCategoryDataset result = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); String series1 = "Third"; String type1 = "Type 1"; String type2 = "Type 2"; String ... |
24. Category always aligned middle, want left jfree.orgI am hoping this is an easy fix but I have been searching for the better part of the day and cannot find anything in the forums or the JFreeChart Developer Guide. I have one chart with one series I am running through JasperReports. Right now there is only one category bar but there will be more in the future. The ... |
25. Defining Category Count jfree.orgHello! My question is: Who can i define a category count, like the X/Y-tick count in the TimeSeriesCharts ? I have the problem that i added date values as category in the bar charts, if i add to much categories, the whole category draw is black But i dont need to display every category - maybe 20 would be enough. How ... |
26. Invisible Subplots in Combined Category Chart jfree.orgI have created a CombinedDomainCategoryPlot that is made up of several subplots that are pulled from several 3D bar charts using the following loop: Code: Select all for(int i=0; i |
27. show category as 'disabled' jfree.orgprivate JFreeChart createDiagramm() { CategoryDataset dataSet = createDataset(); StackedBarRenderer stackedBarRenderer = new StackedBarRenderer(); stackedBarRenderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator()); CategoryPlot plot = new CategoryPlot(dataSet, new CategoryAxis(), new NumberAxis(""), stackedBarRenderer); JFreeChart diagramm = new JFreeChart(plot); return diagramm; ... |
28. Display Intervals in category charts? jfree.orgHello, i am looking for a possibility to display intervals in a category chart. I have to create a chart, with categorys at the x-axis and numeric values at the y-axis. For each category an either a single point or an interval has to be displayed. To reach this i wanted to implement the IntervalCategoryDataset. But as far as i see, ... |
29. Problem with Category Charts jfree.orgHi there, I have a problem with the category charts. What I have: - a set of labled sections (S1, S2, S3...) - for each section I have a set of double values representing energy values, these sets have all the same number of elements (normally arround >1000). What I want as a chart: - take a look at this sketch: ... |
30. Any Workaround for Duplicate Category X-Values jfree.orgI'm building a chart for last the price of each of the last 100 trades, with date/time on the X-axis (however, the time between dates is not relevant, so it's not a candidate for a TimeSeries graph). There are occasions where two trades take place at exactly the same time. Is there any method of allowing duplicate X-values on a Category ... |
31. Category map information jfree.org |
32. Interval Category Chart with CategoryTextAnnotation jfree.orgHello, my interval barchart contains two series and two categories. The top value is highlighted by a ValueMarker (the dashed line). I want to display the values of the bar above the line (i used CategoryTextAnnotation). Now, i want to insert a little more space between the value and the line. Do you habe an idea how to do it? I ... |
33. Hierachical Category Chart jfree.org |
34. Marks between categories jfree.orgHi All, I need to show a (tick) mark between categories. Since the plot includes negative values I'm using a marker at Y=0 and set the domain axis not to show. Now all I need is to somehow put a mark between categories at Y = 0. I found a bunch of posts on this topic, but most are outdated. I ... |
35. How to Stack ScatterPlots in Categories ? jfree.org |
36. Time-based category chart jfree.orgHi, I'm using JFreeChart 1.0.13, and would like to make a time-based (X-axis) chart with categories on the Y-axis. Reading the documentation, it seems this is not a supported type, but I was wondering whether a creative combination of a normal TimeSeries chart with a Category chart would yield good results. Anybody try this before? Any and all pointers appreciated, Thanks ... |
37. Category Chart domain limits jfree.orgHello! I am using a CategoryChart to present a Histogram. The reason I am using the Category* classes and not the Histogram* classes is because I am binning all the data and calculating a progressive sum while it is being collected, so that my dataset doesn't become too large. So it all works wonderfully, and I would like to reduce the ... |
38. is it possible to display sub category vertically? jfree.orgHi all: I've got a subCategoryAxis as a domain axis. however, the texts are not readable due to the size of the panel. i have dates as category, and 2 other fields as sub category, i could display the dates vertically by calling setCategoryPositions(), or sth like that. but i can't seems to find a similar method for sub category. Can ... |