1. How can I add a background of marker to a JFreeChart sparkbar stackoverflow.comI'm trying to create a sparkbar (very similar to a sparkline) that can have a range of data, and needs to be displayed next to other sparkbars with the same type ... |
2. Marker area and background jfree.org |
3. changing the chart background jfree.org |
4. Chart with a completely transparent background? jfree.orgHi all, I am trying to create a pie chart that is just a pie chart on a transparent background. I have read through the Developer's Guide and I have tried everything that I can think of but I am still getting a solid white background behind the chart and a set of borders around that for the title area (though ... |
5. Chart background based on theme. jfree.org |
6. Background problem in DialDemo jfree.org49 public DemoPanel() { 50 super(new BorderLayout()); 51 this.dataset = new DefaultValueDataset(50); 52 // get data for ... |
7. Background's chart & foreground's chart jfree.org |
8. background not applied on first request jfree.orgThe background I specify is not applied the first time the chart is rendered It is not a caching issue. When I refresh the page it does get set. Any idea why? Below is the code Code: Select all Image image = null; try { ... |
9. How to make the background transparently jfree.orgHello eveyone,I am a Chinese and my English is broken. I use JFreeChart in my project. It's a web project. Before I import it ,I test it in a demo progame;In the main method I use JFreeChart to create a png file and make it's background transparently. To do this,I use the api setBackgroundPaint(),like this:chart.setBackgroundPaint(null); and I find it useful,The png ... |
10. Draw background with XYBoxAnnotation, z-index? jfree.orgI have a time series chart with a few different TimeSeriesCollections and a TimePeriodValuesCollection. I want to set the background colors of this graph so that for example y values 0...20 are green, 20....40 yellow and 60.... are red. I can do this by adding XYBoxAnnotations that are transparent. It looks OK, but the annotations are drawn on top of the ... |
11. JPG with orange background jfree.org |
12. JFreeChart transparent background? jfree.org |
13. How to make chart background transparent jfree.orgI'm using JFreeChart 1.0.13 I'm having trouble getting my chart background to be transparent. I read a bunch of the posts related to this topic, but none of the solutions that I saw worked for me. I have a JFreeChart object. I've tried calling setBackgroundPaint() passing either null or new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); I output the JFreeChart object by calling ... |
14. How to resize a background Chart ? jfree.org |
15. Unable to change Background jfree.orgHello, I was able to take some help and settle with the simple pie chart (the first one that the jfreecharts demo file describes). Now, I am unable to change the background paint of this chart. How many ever options I take, the background remains grey. Is there a way I could do this ? Heres my code. Code: Select all ... |
16. Transparent Background jfree.orgCall setBackgroundPaint(null) on the chart and on its plot, the legend, etc. If you want a partially transparent color instead of full transparency, use the appropriate constructor for java.awt.Color and pass that object to the same setBackgroundPaint() methods. Output to an image format that supports transparency. If this is going on the web, be aware of the limitations of the Internet ... |
18. Chart with dark background looks translucent jfree.orgI've created a simple bar chart... It has a dark blue background (Color.blue), with the standard series colors for the foreground. I'm rendering it to an SVG output.. The bars look translucent... How come? Is there a way to change it so that they are opaque (solid color rather than partial see-thru)? thanks in advance I'm using v9.6 of JFreechart |