1. JfreeChart - How to hide item from legend - Problem of colors stackoverflow.comI would like to hide items from legend in Jfreechart and I've tried this code jFreeChart: How to hide items from legend? It works but something strange happened : the colors ... |
2. JFreeChart - Problem of colors with 2 legends stackoverflow.comI try to create a customized legend in my chart but something strange happens when I display one or two legends. When I display 2 legends (the old one and the ... |
3. jfreechart - change sample of colors in legend stackoverflow.comCan someone tell me how to change samples of series color in legend in jfreechart. What I have now is small line of series color eg: |
4. how can I change font color of the legend? jfree.orgby pmlb Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:04 pm Hi Elena, Sorry for the delay, I was off yesterday. It seems that the color of the legend is hardcoded to Color.black and the only way to change it is to ask for an enhancement and/or customise JFreeChart: Two classes are involved: org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle org.jfree.chart.block.LabelBlock Regenerate jfreechart-1.0.0-rc1.jar with the modified classes joined to ... |
5. Manually define color box of legend jfree.org |
6. [Legend] Change the font's color and position jfree.org |
7. changing legend colors jfree.orgHi , I need some help with customisation of legends . I am generating a stacked bar chart and I use a custom renderer that overrides the method getItemPaint(int row, int column) to generate different colors for the same series . The colors turn out as expected in the bar but the legends are not consistent with these . Can anyone ... |
8. How to display color in legend in wafermap chart jfree.orgit seems the colors are changed by whether set legend, i try the same dataset and follow same sequences to add data item, also try different size of image, they always give me fixed color chart. ONLY 1 attribute: legend, if i set legend is true, it give me another charts with totally different colors. |
9. Making the legend items color fixed for same values jfree.org |
10. Legend color indicator problem when using GradientPaint jfree.orgWhen displaying a legend for a bar graph that uses GradientPaints for the bars, the legend color indicators are displayed as a solid color using color2 from the GradientPaint. In my particular case, all of the bars are transitioning from an individual bar color towards white. Therefore, every legend color indicator is displaying as white. This seems to be a general ... |
11. Legend Text Color jfree.org |
12. DIfference with chart and Legend colors jfree.orgJFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart("", "", "", resultDataSet, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); final CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); CategoryItemRenderer renderer = new CustomRenderer(); plot.setRenderer(renderer); private class CustomRenderer extends StackedBarRenderer { private Paint[] colors; public CustomRenderer() { this.colors = new Paint[] {Color.green, Color.red, Color.blue, Color.yellow, Color.orange, Color.cyan}; } ... |
13. Problem viewing chart legend colors - Acrobat Reader 8 and 9 jfree.orgHello, I am using jFreeChart version 1.0.2. Using it I am plotting a line graph & a Bar chart and exporting it to PDF using iText version 2.0.4. When viewed in Acrobat Reader version 6 and 7, the legend colors of Bar chart and line graph itself is visible properly. But when the same is viewed in Acrobat Reader 8 and ... |
14. Increase legend Color Squares jfree.orgI applied striped gradients to the bars in my bar graph. The stripes show up in the legend like they should, but sometimes they are barely visible due to the small size of the squares. Does anyone know how to increase the size of these squares? Again, I'm NOT trying to increase the size of the entire legend, but rather the ... |
15. How do I skip legend color. jfree.orgHello, when I'm adding a new series to a XYDefaultDataSet, a color will be assigned to the new series, but because my plot needs a certain background color I want to skip the yellow color because the line is almost invisible. Is there an easy way to skip the color yellow or any other color that I don't want from the ... |