1. Changing color of labels in Jfreechart stackoverflow.comAnybody that has experience using Jfreechart, is there a way to change the color of my labels for my XY axes. Right now I'm using a XYPlot and I want to ... |
2. How to change the legend label color? jfree.org |
3. change labels color jfree.orgHi,I have a chart with so many information that labels overlap. I thought I could paint some of the labels with the same color as the background of the borders of the graph so they are not visible. The problem is that I don't know if it's possible to change the color of some of the labels of a chart. I ... |
4. setting label color jfree.org |
5. gradiant color and different color for Label ? jfree.org |
6. Alternating tick label colors jfree.orgHi everybody, I'm trying to give some tick labels a different color. The image gives an example of this: [Since I'm a new user I cannot add URLs so I removed the http part] img45.imageshack.us/img45/8648/graphqs6.jpg I know I can do this by creating a custom Axis class which overrides the drawTickMarksAndLabels method or by using the anonymous inner class technique and ... |
7. Setting colors for item labels (WaferMapRenderer) jfree.orgHi, I'm trying to set the color for item labels in the legend but with no success. Here's a code example: Code: Select all final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createWaferMapChart( "Wafer Map Demo", // title dataset, ... |
8. Can we set Stack Chart Band Labels Background colour jfree.org |