label « Color « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Changing color of labels in Jfreechart

Anybody that has experience using Jfreechart, is there a way to change the color of my labels for my XY axes. Right now I'm using a XYPlot and I want to ...

3. change labels color

Hi,I have a chart with so many information that labels overlap. I thought I could paint some of the labels with the same color as the background of the borders of the graph so they are not visible. The problem is that I don't know if it's possible to change the color of some of the labels of a chart. I ...

4. setting label color

6. Alternating tick label colors

Hi everybody, I'm trying to give some tick labels a different color. The image gives an example of this: [Since I'm a new user I cannot add URLs so I removed the http part] I know I can do this by creating a custom Axis class which overrides the drawTickMarksAndLabels method or by using the anonymous inner class technique and ...

7. Setting colors for item labels (WaferMapRenderer)

Hi, I'm trying to set the color for item labels in the legend but with no success. Here's a code example: Code: Select all final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createWaferMapChart( "Wafer Map Demo", // title dataset, ...