1. Key colors are different from what is on graph in JFreeChart line graph stackoverflow.comI've created a graph with 3 sets of data. They display correctly, and have the coloring/shape that I've specified. However, in the key the shapes correspond to the data points but ... |
2. color to graph jfree.org |
3. setting diff colors for CombinedDataset and clearing graph jfree.orgHi I'm using Combineddataset to draw multiple lines in single chart.I'm adding TimeSeriesCollection objects to combineddataset. 1)I want to set different colours for different TimeSeriesCollections. XYPlot xyPlot = jfreechart.getXYPlot(); XYItemRenderer xyir = xyPlot.getRenderer(); xyir.setSeriesPaint(seriesIndex, Color.BLACK); I tried with this code.This is not working for me. 2)On a specific event I need to clear the chart i.e the chart should not have ... |
4. how can i change color and width of the graph jfree.org |
5. graph with a colored band jfree.org |
6. Gradient Background color for graphs jfree.orgHow do you make the background color of the graph area a gradient feature. Normally we have : JFreeChart barGraph; CategoryPlot plot = (CategoryPlot)barGraph.getPlot(); plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.lightGray); But if I want to set it as a combination of 2 colors Color BackgroundColorStart = new Color(136, 167, 189); Color BackgroundColorEnd = new Color(204, 237, 255); How do I go about doing do. Appreciate any ... |
7. Color for graph 2d and 3d jfree.org |
8. Combinedplots: need 2 graphs,same color lines,1 legend item. jfree.orgIs this possible? Does the paid manual have a sample? I'm using CombinedDomainXYPlot to add several XYPlots Each XYPlot contains an XYSeriesCollection Each XYSeriesCollection may contain a few XYSeries objs. So for example, I end up with 2 graphs, stacked vertical, sharing the same x-axis. The labels in the legend REPEAT. Problem is the labes are the same. I only need ... |
9. Change Color of Line Graph jfree.org |