1. jfreechart change color coderanch.comGradientPaint gradientpaint0 = new GradientPaint(0.0F, 0.0F, new Color(230, 230, 250), 0.0F, 0.0F, new Color(136, 136, 255)); GradientPaint gradientpaint1 = new GradientPaint(0.0F, 0.0F, new Color(240, 255, 240), 0.0F, 0.0F, new Color(136, 136, 255)); GradientPaint gradientpaint2 = new GradientPaint(0.0F, 0.0F, new Color(205, 92, 92), 0.0F, 0.0F, new Color(136, 136, 255)); BarRenderer r = (BarRenderer) chart.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer(); r.setSeriesPaint(0, gradientpaint0); r.setSeriesPaint(1, gradientpaint1); r.setSeriesPaint(2, gradientpaint2); |
2. Color-setting with cewolf jfree.orgYou can do this inside the ChartPostProcessor <% ChartPostProcessor myGraph = new ChartPostProcessor() { public void processChart(Object chart, Map params) { JFreeChart chart1 = (JFreeChart)chart; CategoryPlot plot = chart1.getCategoryPlot(); //set the series line color LineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (LineAndShapeRenderer)plot.getRenderer(); renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.blue); } } pageContext.setAttribute("graph", myGraph); %> |
3. cewolf color problem jfree.orgRe: cewolf color problem by Manoj Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:24 am priya wrote:hi can any one tell me how to use the post processor file that implements chartPostProcessor as iam new and iam trying to use the cewolf tags but actualy i have to set colors for every data there and what i have understood is that i have ... |
4. giving colors jfree.org |
5. Set the color of a pie-section jfree.org |
6. Section's colour jfree.orgHi, I would like to set the section's colour depending on the section's label... I know that the setSectionPaint method could do the job but i don't know how to implement it in my existing code... here it is... ... ... // Create and populate a PieDataSet DefaultPieDataset data = new DefaultPieDataset(); Iterator iter = list.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PortfolioRow row ... |
7. Printing Problem With Color Opacity (alpha) jfree.orgThe default printing option in ChartPanel's popup menu will print out a blank page if any one of the series colors contains an opacity (alpha) value. Removing the opacity value and just specifing the basic RGB values prints correctly. I am using jfreechart-1.0.0-rc1 and renderer.setSeriesPaint to set the colors. Is there anyway to allow for opacity in printing directly from ChartPanel? ... |
8. Changing Colors -- help me--- urgent jfree.org |
9. Problem with coloring jfree.orgI have a StackedBarChart and try to change the colors. I wrote the following two examples: this one doesn't work: Code: Select all import java.awt.Color; import java.io.File; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryLabelPositions; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BarRenderer; import org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDataset; public class TestStackedBarChart { public static void main( ... |
10. David Please Help me...Regarding Colors jfree.orghai all i am using XYLineAndShapeRenderer to plot graphs...i am using the setSeriesPaint to get the colors....it"s working perfectelly...but when i change the color....it is not changing...the graph is ploted with old color only..how do i get the graph with new selected color... for your information my graph is ploted dynamically using timeseriescollection class. Thanks in advance venu |
11. changing the colour of the zoom in box jfree.orgHi, I am using JFreeChart to crreate a graph of bond yields over time. Our users would like to be able to narrow down the date from today to some point in history dynamicaly. The zoom functionality looks just about ideal for this without doing nay additional coding. I have seen from another post that the zoom in function available on ... |
12. Dynamic color changing jfree.orgHi all, I just learnt how to create a multiAxis chart where i have 3 dataset and 3 renderers for each one. I wanted to know if there was any way of setting the Label and Range Axis of each dataset to be the same color as the dataset line drawn by the graph, instead of having me do it each ... |
13. How to change color on few specific candle stick? jfree.orgwww.jfree.org Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login How to change color on few specific candle stick? A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 6 posts Page 1 of 1 How to change color ... |
14. Problem in changing the default colors? jfree.orghi, I am plotting stacked bar chart using the chart factory's method as follows- JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart("Activity Level", "", "", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); here I don't require any plot & axis information to plot the graph. so I cannot change the default colors. Is there any other way to plot the staked bar chart with using the plot ... |
15. Different Color depending on data value?? Possible?? jfree.orgHi all! I was not able to find out how I could tell my XY Plot (a scatterplot would do as well) NOT to show data points for xy pairs where the y - value is zero. I would be happy if I would be able to change the color of that special datapoints to the backgroundcolor of my plot as ... |
16. Color Not Changing jfree.orgI am calling the StackedBarRenderer3D rend nefore JFreeChart chart gets initialized. I am pasting my code, kindly correct my mistakes. ***** JSP***** CategoryAxis categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis("Site"); ValueAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis("Value"); StackedBarRenderer3D rend = new StackedBarRenderer3D(); StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator tt = new StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator(); rend.setItemURLGenerator(new StandardCategoryURLGenerator("xy_chart.jsp","series","section")); rend.setToolTipGenerator(new StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator()); rend.setDrawBarOutline(true); rend.setItemURLGenerator(new StandardCategoryURLGenerator("xy_chart.jsp","series","section")); CategoryPlot plot = new CategoryPlot(data, categoryAxis, valueAxis, rend); JFreeChart chart = new ... |
17. Special Color jfree.org |
18. StackedXYArea colour weirdness jfree.orgHello, I've been making StackedXYArea charts in JfreeChart 9.21 (without any pronblems) I recently updated to 1.0.0-rc3 and there are some weird things happening in the colouring of my stacked XYAreas. There is an inconsistency in the legend colour versus the graph colour. The colours of the series in the legend and the graph do not match up. For example. If ... |
19. Colour Chooser Initial Colour jfree.orgI noticed that when a colour chooser is launched from the chart properties dialog, the colour in the chooser always defaults to blue. It might be nice if the chooser would default to the appropriate colour. For example, if the chart background is white, then the background colour chooser initial colour should be set to white rather than blue. |
20. Colors & brightness jfree.org |
21. Colors look faded with jfreechart 1.0 jfree.orgHi, I have upgraded jfreechart & jcommon charts to version 1.0. I was previously using jfreechart-0.9.21.jar and jcommon-0.9.6.jar. With no changes to my application code, the reports (mostly Bar Charts) that were using the default colors look very faded with the lastest jars. For example, while plotting 1 property, a default color of red is getting used in both 0.9.21 jar ... |
22. colors swap between different OS'es? jfree.orghi all, i have a set of data that i am ploting in a bar chart. when i view the chart in windows xp the color is yellow, even though i specify that the first series has to be purple, however with other version of windows, 2000 & 2003, the colors come out in exact same order as i specified. i ... |
23. Changing color jfree.org |
24. Patterns instead of colors? jfree.orgI am working on a project for graphing internet monitoring data and I am using JFreeCharts. A requirement of the project is putting graphs in project reports, which are usually printed black and white and so the variety of colors that we have in the JFreeCharts are of little use. I was wondering whether there is any way to have patterns ... |
25. changing color depending on data value jfree.orghello, i would like to create an XY Plot with the color of the items in the plot dependant on some other value. ex. color = Color.BLUE; if (z > 10) color = Color.YELLOW; if ( z > 30) color = Color.RED; i've been looking at XYLineAndShapeRenderer to do this however i cant seem to see anyway to directly. my only ... |
26. MultiAxisDemo - Color jfree.orgHi, I am having problem with the mulitaxis and color. I have 4 Range Axes and several XYSeries on each of the axes. The problem I face is that I donot set the color and let JFree do the color. Now, each range axes starts with red, blue, green and so on. But now there four red XYSeries and four blue, ... |
27. coloring above in Areacharts jfree.orgDear all, I'm a beginner using JFreeCharts, and after spending a while in the doc, examples, and API, I did not find a way to specify either the color of the area, and more important for me, how to color above a graphic... does anybody know if it is possible? Thank you! |
28. XYAreaRenderer with more than one color jfree.org |
29. Bug or Feature? Category Color Change jfree.orgI have a CategoryDataset. Suppose it has 3 categories, each with a different color. If I remove category 2, category 3 takes on category 2's color. My thought is the chart should maintain the category-color association, but color is assigned based on category index and not its Comparable key. Should I post this as a bug? |
30. Getting matching colors on two barcharts in combined domain jfree.orgI'm displaying two stacked (3d) bar charts one above the other (quantity and value). This appears below a JTable, one column of which I'm using to display the chart colour to avoid the clutter of a legend. The boxes in the table get their colors from the LegendItemCollection of one of the sub-plots. The problem is that JFreeChart seems very reluctant ... |
31. Translucent 3DBar Colors jfree.org |
32. Changing color. jfree.org |
33. MultipleBarChart Custom Colours 1.0.2 jfree.orgAny chance you could send me the code to produce the original chart? I'm not exactly sure how you ended up with one color for each chart. Once I understand that, I'll see if I can make that case work, without unfixing the bug that the new paint lookup mechanism was added to solve. |
34. Color Coded Map of USA jfree.orgWe are building a Dashboard application using JFreeChart. One desired feature we are looking for is a Map of the USA that would allow parameter ranges-by-state to set the visible state color. A simple version would be red/blue states for republican/democrat (e.g. blue=1=democrat and red=0=republican). More complex implementations are needed. Does anyone know if this might be a coming feature in ... |
35. Default color order jfree.org |
36. bubble outline color & stroke jfree.orgfor ( int n=0; n < p.getDataSeriesCount(); n++ ) { renderer.setSeriesPaint(n, p.getDataSeriesColor(n) ); // works! renderer.setSeriesOutlinePaint(n, Color.MAGENTA); // ugly test value ... |
37. need help: XYBar, color by Seriename jfree.orgHello, I want change the colour on a series depended the name of series. For the PiePlot it works fine. ________________________________________ PiePlot MyPiePlot = (PiePlot) chart.getPlot(); PieDataset MyPieDataset = MyPiePlot.getDataset(); int Index_critical = MyPieDataset.getIndex("critical"); int Index_major = MyPieDataset.getIndex("major"); int Index_minor = MyPieDataset.getIndex("minor"); int Index_warning = MyPieDataset.getIndex("warning"); int Index_normal = MyPieDataset.getIndex("normal"); int Index_unknown = MyPieDataset.getIndex("unknown"); if (Index_critical >= 0) MyPiePlot.setSectionPaint(Index_critical, Color.red); if ... |
38. Colors jfree.orgHi all, How can I change the colors sectors of an piechart? I can load values in any sector, but I don't know how can I choose a color, and the colors that are showed in the chart, are default colors. Thanks in advance, Enrique ------------------------------------------------ Here is my code, package com.prueba; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import ... |
39. Question of colour... jfree.orgHi *, Is it possible to avoid certain colours when creating a TimeSeries chart? Assume that we do not know the number of series but that it shall be less than 6 and that we do NOT want yellow (which is typically more difficult to read on a white background). How would one achieve this? Many thanks Benoit |
40. Way to specify a Positive Fallback Font Color? jfree.orgHere's the situation: * I have a barchart displayed horizontally. * The color of the bars is black. * The background color of the chart is white. * The ItemLabelPaint is white (for display inside the black bar) * The item label displays the value inside the bar - their font is white (I'm using PositiveItemLabelPosition...) - This is good... * ... |
41. How to set a color to a serie? jfree.orgHow to set a color to a serie? by keumlebarbare Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:38 pm Hello, I'm starting with JfreeChart, and I have a problem cause I can't affect a specific color to a series. In fact, I tried this: Code: Select all //row keys String series1 = "Acheter"; String ... |
42. forbid a color jfree.org |
43. ToolTip... and Colors.. jfree.orgHi all and Hi Dave Gilbert .. I am plotting a graph with Y value in the range of 6e-9 (nm).. but i can able to see the curve Tooltips' y value always 0. and only one 0.0000000 in Y grid.. How can i solve inorder to display as 623e-6 (ex) with atleat 5 Y grid..... Dave, From the example AnnotationDemo1.java ... |
44. Different colors for different Tasks jfree.org |
45. Coloring alternate grid rows with different colors jfree.org |
46. Box and Whisker Category Colors? Reference? jfree.org |
47. Set Color fr PiePlot3D jfree.orgby VOGELLA Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:43 pm Hello David, thank you very much for the quick reply. That method (even though deprecated) did the trick. In case someone else would like to use this, I post here the test coding (which is not very nice; I know). Best regards, Lars Code: Select all package gui; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; ... |
48. Default colors changed in version 1.0 - how to switch back jfree.orgHello, I searched the forums but couldn't find an answer to this. I've used JFreeChart 0.911 for quite some time and it worked fine. Now I switched to version 1.0 and I have a strange problem - all colors are washed out. For example the default color for Series 0 was red (255,0,0), Series 1 - blue, etc. In version 1.0 ... |
49. Default Colours jfree.orgOr even simpler: create your own DrawingSupplier like this: Code: Select all new DefaultDrawingSupplier( new Paint[] { ... |
50. hey I'm a fresh, &color Q: set color according to direct jfree.orgThe only thing needed i to do is extends BarRenderer and overwriter the method getItemPaint(int, int). Hope it is useful for you. [code] public class MyBarRenderer extends BarRenderer { public MyBarRenderer() { } public Paint getItemPaint(int x_row, int y_row) { Paint paint = null; if (x_row != 0 || y_row != 0) { CategoryDataset dataset = getPlot().getDataset(); String row_key = (String) ... |
51. Change ine colors jfree.org |
52. How to change colors in PolarChart jfree.org |
53. How to obtain the (Default) Colors for each DataSeries ? jfree.orgDear Friends, i have a timeseries chart with several XYDataSeries. My idea was to show in the legend the color for each as well. But where to get the Color(codes) for them? The Class XYDataSeries doesnt provide such a method. I tried a bigger "workaround" where i set a default ColorSequence (DefaultDrawingSupplier), but i recieved some new trouble when changing (add,remove) ... |
54. How to change color of AxisTrace? jfree.org |
55. How to change the color of one item in an OHLCSeries? jfree.orgI have seen some solution to this in the form of changing the candle color. i found that post, but its very confusing esp. with the language problems. i want to be able to specify a color and a date and change the color of that bar only. id appreciate any recommendation on approach |
56. Color selction jfree.org |
57. Changing the Color of the Zoom Rectangle jfree.orgThis is from org/jfree/chart/ChartPanel.java Code: Select all 2024 private void drawZoomRectangle(Graphics2D g2) { 2025 // Set XOR mode to draw the zoom rectangle 2026 g2.setXORMode(Color.gray); 2027 ... |
58. Different Colours for different locales jfree.orgHi all I am a Java developer and use JFreeChart 1.0.3 in our project. we have different locales (EN, DE, FR) for this project. We came across a very strange thing and I can't find any explanation in the documentation or Google. if(key.equals(GlobalParameters.PIE_CHART_FREE_SECTION)){ plot.setSectionPaint(GlobalParameters.PIE_CHART_FREE_SECTION, Color.GREEN); break; } This is a piece of code where I set the color of a pie ... |
59. How to change the volume color on a JPNCNDLSTK jfree.org |
60. Customizing the colors in version 1.0.6 jfree.orgGenerally you should override getItemPaint(int, int) rather than getSeriesPaint(int). That said, what you've done should work and the problem is the new lookupSeriesPaint() method I introduced in 1.0.6 - it should call getSeriesPaint(int) rather than accessing the data structure directly. I'll fix that. Note that if you do override getSeriesPaint(int) you should also take care of setSeriesPaint(int, Paint) somehow. |
61. How to change the color of a TimeSeriesPlot? jfree.org |
62. Almost there - problem with default colour selection and dis jfree.orgOK, I have done almost everything I need to do with these charts. However, I find some of the colours selected by default for different series to be quite hard to see. It may be a function of age, but i find yellow displayed on white extremely hard to see. Is it possible to easily change the colours used to something ... |
63. Histogram with different bin colors jfree.org |
64. Hollow, colored bubbles? jfree.orgWith Excel, I've created an overlaid bubble chart with red- and blue- edged bubbles with a transparent fill; this lets me see bubbles behind bubbles pretty nicely. I've been able to create translucent bubbles with JFreeChart: final XYItemRenderer renderer = chart.getXYPlot().getRenderer(); renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, translucentColorFor(runId)); where translucentColorFor() returns something along the lines of: private static final Color TRANSLUCENT_BLUE = new Color(1, 0, 0, ... |
65. Colour loss while saving as JPEG jfree.org |
66. Rgarding setting different colors to each symbol jfree.orghi, There is a tricky problem here, for which i am not able to find a solution from past one month. The problem is i am using a symbol axis which consists of 4 symbols. I have to set the particular color for each symbol i.e 4 symbols consists of 4 different colors of same symbol axis. Please suggest me how ... |
67. get color of a serie jfree.org |
68. Problem with BoxAndWhiskerPlot Item colours jfree.orgHi, I need to make a Histogram chart for which I have used the BoxAndWhisker Chart. I need to have the histograms filled with light gray as well as outlined with black. However, all I can manage is to get the boxes filled as light gray. The setter methods on paint objects in the AbstractRenderer class do not seem effective. I ... |
69. Graduation and Title Color jfree.org |
70. Change entity color on the fly. Possible? jfree.orgHi, Is it possible to change the color of a chart entity without having to re-create the chart and plot with the new color specification? I'm looking for something like an on-click selection, in which the selected entity (first example would be a part of a pie chart) would change color (either changing the Color or, even better, the alpha of ... |
71. change color of categoryAxisLabel jfree.orgI would like to change to the color and font of the CategoryLabels. I have been able to change the color of the everything else but can't see how to change these. For example, if I wanted the background to be black and all of my text to be white, I can change the tick mark labels and my series labels, ... |
72. Get Color with getSeriesPaint returns null jfree.org |
73. different category colors in spiderweb? jfree.org |
74. problem using custom colors jfree.org |
75. StackedBarRenderer3D colour problem jfree.orgHi All, I'm having a problem others seem to be experiencing with 3D Stacked Bars. Depending on the order in which JFreeChart renders individual series, often a bar will be drawn with one colour, but then an empty series will be stacked on top of it, manifesting itself as a flat top with a different colour. I'm just wondering has there ... |
76. Over-riding default color selections. jfree.orgI'd like to over-ride the default color for a chart with my own. Does anyone know if this is possible. For example. I have a compound timeline chart that displays different type of user actions. The top contain one time and the bottom a different. I'd like the top part to be a different shades of blue while the bottom use ... |
77. want to display different color to weekends jfree.orgwant to display different color to weekends by prakasam Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:55 pm Code: Select all cdata.addValue(getCost(),"string",getDate()); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("TITLE", ... |
78. Colors getting overlapped in StackedBarCharts jfree.orgHi David, I am using stackedbarchart in my application.Values will change dynamically in the application and if any one of the value is very large then graph is plotted with the color corresponding to that value and not able to see other values. I tried using setForegroundAlpha()to plot but its looking as if graph is overlapped. can you please suggest me ... |
79. Can I get it B&W(1-bit color) PNG ? jfree.orgTaqua, Thanks for the answer. Actually I have already tried to convert images in another process (after creating images). About the textures I'll take care of them.. But, is there an option when saving images to save in 1-bit color? (Because I could not find on the API docs, neither on the web..) Could you give me some help on that? ... |
80. Color showing different then what is given in code jfree.orgHello Guys I am making difference chart, if its negative then its colored as red and if its +ive then gree, so first i used Color.red and Color.green but color of my chart is not excatly red and green its quit fadded... then i used 0xFF0000 for red and 0x00FF00 for green.. but still its the same result.. when i check ... |
81. Use only certain colors jfree.orgHi all, I've read through the Developer's Guide (1.0.11) and I didn't see this so I apologize if I missed it. I've been asked to remove the "green" color from my charts because it is "too light". What would be the "right" way to do this? It would be ideal if I could somehow extend ChartColor to specify my own list ... |
82. JFree and color shifting... jfree.orgI am using JFree to create charts used in a report that is printed in PDF. Everything works, except for pages that show the JFree charts. the colors for everything on the page changes. I seem to have rounded it down to this issue.... mail-archive.com/itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net/msg36301.html. They say that objects with transparency for another colorspace can cause colorshift and not display images ... |
83. How to create colors in a certain range jfree.orgNo, but if you create the sequence of colours in your own code, you can create a new instance of DefaultDrawingSupplier using that sequence, and if you assign that to your plot (using the setDrawingSupplier() method) *before* the plot is first drawn, then the plot will use the colours you specified. Or, you could just call the setSeriesPaint(int, Paint) method in ... |
84. setMouseZoomable(true, true) rectangle color jfree.orgIf you look at the source Code: Select all 2112 /** 2113 * Draws zoom rectangle (if present). 2114 * The drawing is performed in XOR mode, therefore 2115 * ... |
85. Change standard colors jfree.orgHi, I use an XYPlot to draw several lines in one graph using the XYLineAndShapeRenderer. Works very nicely. Only I changed the background color, and now one of the line-colors (light green) that are automatically selected when you don't specify a specific color for each line is barely visible against this background. I know I can specify for each line which ... |
86. two barcharts using same colors jfree.orgI'm using a CombinedDomainCategoryPlot to display two barcharts next to each other. The two barcharts display different views on the same data (one displays averages, while the other displays totals). Is it possible to use the same colors for the bars in both charts? For instance, would it be possible to link the two renderers to each other and in that ... |
87. How to change subtitle color? jfree.org |
88. How to get Color? jfree.org |
89. Annotations & different Colors & ZoomRectangle jfree.orgHey guys i got a few questions: I use the XYDataset, XYPlot and XYTextAnnotation classes for creating a chart. The chart contains X and Y-Data of an object. Every times when there is an full hour a want an annotation next to the line in the chart and a Point. How can i display points in the chart at the timepoints?? ... |
90. (Solved) Problem with deprecated methods to get Color. jfree.orgpublic void chartMouseClicked(ChartMouseEvent event) { [...] CategoryItemEntity entity = (CategoryItemEntity) event .getEntity(); //FIXME: getSeries and getCategoryIndex deprecated. Suggested methods don't return int // get ... |
91. DialPointer Color jfree.org |
92. different color for above the threshold value jfree.orgHi, I need to represent a chart lines/bars if the data value exceeds a defined threshold. For ex: Below are the data test1 test2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 87 87 23 23 4 4 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 3 3 32 32 5 5 7 7 8 8 6 6 5 ... |
93. Managing grid square colors jfree.org |
94. how to fill a color in XYShapeAnnotation jfree.org |
95. JFreeChart / Color definition zkoss.org |
96. Colours in JFreeChart forums.oracle.comHi, i'm a new programmer with the library JFreeChart. I have a doubt: I created a line chart, and i show several lines on it. I pretend the user can select a colour for each line. For that, i introduce a JColorChooser, and i show it when the user click on the button correct. Thus, it shows a dialog to select ... |