1. Colored Area Between two lines jfree.orgCan someone show me how to create a colored area between two series in a time series chart, assuming it's possible? The Area Chart examples demonstrates something similar by showing color between a series and the 0 y-axis, but I can't find anything that shows me how to do this between two dynamic lines. Thanks. |
2. How to set the color for stacked area jfree.orgHi I was able to create Stacked Area chart from ChartFactory.createXYAreaChart(with TimeSeries dataset as Second.class). I faced problem while setting the color of stacked chart. Note: the code below successfully sets the color for legend but failed to set the color for stacked area. renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.GREEN); Do I have to something special to set the color for stacked area? Thanks, Zack ... |
3. Stacked Area color does not match with Legend jfree.orgStacked Area color does not match with Legend by HighWay Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:43 am Hi Everyone, Pasted below is the self-contained source for stacked chart. If you run it, you will see stacked area chart color is not set same as legend. I will appreciate if you can point me to right direction Thanks -Zack p.s - don`t ... |
5. how to colour area between 2 lines? jfree.orgThis would be very interesting for me as well. A typical application would be to plot a line with a line above and under showing how a graph develops +- one standard deviation. Fill the space between the upper and lower line with a fill color and voila, it looks quite nice. No clue as to how one actually should do ... |