1. How to make candlestick chart with multiple moving averages? jfree.orgI can make one candlestick with one or two moving averages, but can not make more. It doesn't show more than 2 moving average lines. Basically I want to show 5, 20, 30, 200 days MA. I searched previous posts but can not find the answer. Here is my code. Anything wrong with it? JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createCandlestickChart("Composite Demo", "Time", "Price", ... |
2. Help: Candlestick - 2 dataseries in 1 dataset. Can it be? jfree.orgHi everybody.. I'm new in this famous chart library. Just one question from me: I currently need to create candlestick chart which will compare data of two things. I am using DefaultHighLowDataSet. Is it possible to create more than one data-series in one dataset? I found in the example and demo for just one data-series. FYI, i use jfreechart-0.9.21 and cewolf ... |
3. Candlestick not based on Dates?? jfree.org |
4. CandleStick -------Modify jfree.org////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //setup volume paint-james.cheng(chengchun@unionsky.net) double zzVolume = volumeHeight * (max - min); if (yClose.doubleValue() > yOpen.doubleValue()) { if (this.upPaint != null) { ... |
5. candlestick volume not plotted with correct value jfree.orgHi , In CandleStickChart volume is not rendered properly. If i provide a vlaue 0f 100 it plots a bar up to 60 only. I found that in candlestick renderer you compute volume bar height to different value based on maximm and minimum value in the given volume data. Why this computaion and plotting. Do I wrong about candle stock renderer? ... |
6. candlestick wiht hollow candle (not filled) jfree.org |
7. CandleStick Candle width with SegmentedTimeLine jfree.org |
8. candleStick renderer settings jfree.org |
9. candlestick chart problem - lines up to CURRENT TIME jfree.orgencountering a very odd issue. i am creating a combined plot using a candlestickrenderer and a standardxyitemrenderer (for certain points on the candles...highs/lows etc.) the funny thing is that the candles are lining up to their specified date, but at the CURRENT time of day (that i buit/ran the program) the candlestick chart is created from a defaultOHLCDataset i can post ... |
10. candlestick chart - auto resize candles on zoom? jfree.org |
11. CandleStick + HILO Chart Problem jfree.orgby david.gilbert Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:42 am I'm not quite sure what you are trying to display, but perhaps this will get you started: Code: Select all /* ---------------------- * HighLowChartDemo3.java * ---------------------- * (C) Copyright 2007, by Object Refinery Limited. * */ package demo; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis; ... |
12. How to using candlestick chart dynamically jfree.orgwww.jfree.org Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login How to using candlestick chart dynamically A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 5 posts Page 1 of 1 How to using candlestick chart dynamically by ... |
13. Hide values in a candlestick graph jfree.orgHi everyone, I'm trying to implement a candlestick graph where some of the times are not shown. I have a list of all times I want to exclude, and I created a new DateExcludeAxis that inherits from DateAxis and overrides isHiddenValue to search in the list and return true if it should be excluded, therefore hidden. However, this simply doesn't work... ... |
14. Intraday candlestick graph drawing is wrong jfree.orgDefaultHighLowDataset dataset = new DefaultHighLowDataset("Test", dates, highs, lows, opens, adjustedCloses, volumes); DateAxis axis = GraphUtilities.createDateAxis(startDate, endDate, data, isIntraday); NumberAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(); ... |
15. Candlestick chart with SegmentedTimeLine does not work... jfree.orgCandlestick chart with SegmentedTimeLine not working if the data set start at Monday. I wonder if other folks have the same issue. The Candlestick chart will show, but the candlestick is displayed as vertical lines and the volume is not shown. A test case is to display a candlestick chart for a stock from 2008-10-12 (Monday) to 2008-11-12. The chart has ... |