candlestick « Chart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. How to make candlestick chart with multiple moving averages?

I can make one candlestick with one or two moving averages, but can not make more. It doesn't show more than 2 moving average lines. Basically I want to show 5, 20, 30, 200 days MA. I searched previous posts but can not find the answer. Here is my code. Anything wrong with it? JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createCandlestickChart("Composite Demo", "Time", "Price", ...

2. Help: Candlestick - 2 dataseries in 1 dataset. Can it be?

Hi everybody.. I'm new in this famous chart library. Just one question from me: I currently need to create candlestick chart which will compare data of two things. I am using DefaultHighLowDataSet. Is it possible to create more than one data-series in one dataset? I found in the example and demo for just one data-series. FYI, i use jfreechart-0.9.21 and cewolf ...

4. CandleStick -------Modify

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //setup volume paint-james.cheng( double zzVolume = volumeHeight * (max - min); if (yClose.doubleValue() > yOpen.doubleValue()) { if (this.upPaint != null) { ...

5. candlestick volume not plotted with correct value

Hi , In CandleStickChart volume is not rendered properly. If i provide a vlaue 0f 100 it plots a bar up to 60 only. I found that in candlestick renderer you compute volume bar height to different value based on maximm and minimum value in the given volume data. Why this computaion and plotting. Do I wrong about candle stock renderer? ...

8. candleStick renderer settings

9. candlestick chart problem - lines up to CURRENT TIME

encountering a very odd issue. i am creating a combined plot using a candlestickrenderer and a standardxyitemrenderer (for certain points on the candles...highs/lows etc.) the funny thing is that the candles are lining up to their specified date, but at the CURRENT time of day (that i buit/ran the program) the candlestick chart is created from a defaultOHLCDataset i can post ...

11. CandleStick + HILO Chart Problem

by david.gilbert Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:42 am I'm not quite sure what you are trying to display, but perhaps this will get you started: Code: Select all /* ---------------------- * * ---------------------- * (C) Copyright 2007, by Object Refinery Limited. * */ package demo; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis; ...

12. How to using candlestick chart dynamically Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login How to using candlestick chart dynamically A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 5 posts Page 1 of 1 How to using candlestick chart dynamically by ...

13. Hide values in a candlestick graph

Hi everyone, I'm trying to implement a candlestick graph where some of the times are not shown. I have a list of all times I want to exclude, and I created a new DateExcludeAxis that inherits from DateAxis and overrides isHiddenValue to search in the list and return true if it should be excluded, therefore hidden. However, this simply doesn't work... ...

14. Intraday candlestick graph drawing is wrong

DefaultHighLowDataset dataset = new DefaultHighLowDataset("Test", dates, highs, lows, opens, adjustedCloses, volumes); DateAxis axis = GraphUtilities.createDateAxis(startDate, endDate, data, isIntraday); NumberAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(); ...

15. Candlestick chart with SegmentedTimeLine does not work...

Candlestick chart with SegmentedTimeLine not working if the data set start at Monday. I wonder if other folks have the same issue. The Candlestick chart will show, but the candlestick is displayed as vertical lines and the volume is not shown. A test case is to display a candlestick chart for a stock from 2008-10-12 (Monday) to 2008-11-12. The chart has ...