StackedAreaChart « Chart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Jfreechart: segmented StackedAreaChart

Hey guys, I could use some help tracking down a really weird problem... I've made a program to generate various charts, which runs fine from Eclipse. Today I ran the same ...

2. StackedAreaChart help

3. StackedAreaChart outline bug?

Hi, Is it possible to have an outline for a stacked area chart on each series? I have tried using the setSeriesOutlinePaint method, but it appears to not make a difference. I am able to set the paint on each series using setSeriesPaint, so I know I am using the correct renderer. *New* I have gone through this in debug and ...

5. Problems with Dataset for StackedAreaChart

String series1 = "Series1"; String series2 = "Series2"; String category1 = "Type 1"; String category2 = "Type 2"; ...

6. Gaps in StackedAreaChart

Hello folks, I am a new User of JFreeChart an i've got a Problem with the StackedAreaChart. My Dataset works fine and this is how i create the Chart: Code: Select all JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedAreaChart( "MYStackedAreaChart", ...

7. Bug in StackedAreaChart?

Bug in StackedAreaChart? by sneal_dssi Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:58 pm I noticed this behavior in some charts I was generating, and figured it was me being a newbie... but now I can reproduce it in the standard demo, and I think it might really be a bug. If all series have 0 in the first n categories, then in ...

8. Vertical Lines in StackedAreaChart, Antialiasing Artifacts

David, It would help to get a current status / final word on the vertical lines problem in StackedAreaChart. It is those faint vertical white lines that appear, due to aliasing by the awt, and because of the fact that the panels are drawn in pieces (left and right polygons). I can turn off the lines by turning off anti-aliasing from ...

10. StackedAreaChart

StackedAreaChart by JustinSD Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:12 pm Hi, I have a problem with the StackedAreaChart. Here is how I create it. Code: Select all import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import org.jfree.chart.*; import org.jfree.chart.plot.*; import; public class TestChart { public static ChartPanel createChart() { DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = ...

11. StackedAreaChart too many values on the x axes

I do have this StackedAreaChart and I do not manage to get the values proper on the x axis. My x axis now looks like this, filled with years: 200020012002200320042005 I would like to show only every 5 year, so that it looks like this: 2000 2005 The axis is a CategoryAxis, where I cannot use something like a IntegerTickUnits. I ...

12. Need to hide the lines in StackedAreaChart

Need to hide the lines in StackedAreaChart by roshani14 Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:46 am Hi, Using jfreechart-1.0.13, I created StackedAreaChart. I see some kind of lines parallel to range axis, looks like domain lines but they are not, can anyone help what the lines can be? Need to hide those. They appear in the same color as plot's backgroundPaint ...

13. Strange StackedAreaChart mishap