PieChart3D « Chart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. PieChart3D translucency    jfree.org

public DefaultPieDataset dpDataSet; public JFreeChart chart; public ChartPanel cp; public final String[] categories = {"Set1", "Set2", "Set3"}; public void init() { dpDataSet = ...

2. PieChart3d Orientation    jfree.org

Hi, We are using cewolf to generate a 3d pie chart. It works perfectly for the most part. Yet I was unable to tilt it. Right now it looks as if we are looking from the top. I need to rotate it away from me so that we have a better 3d picture (if that makes any sense. I wish I ...

4. Help with piechart3d, please!    jfree.org

5. Is PieChart3D Rotation possible in this case?    jfree.org

Hi, I 'm actually creating a BufferedImage of the piechart and is passed to the servlet,where it displays the chart in the browser.My problem is that whether the Rotation possible in this case. I found an example(Piechart3D with Rotation) in which the chart is directly displayed in a frame,but the case is somewhat different here. Any ideas will be appreciated. Divya ...

7. Distorted Piechart3D    jfree.org

9. Method setForegroundAlpha on PieChart3D with SWT    jfree.org

Hello everybody, I'm new on this forum and I just start to use the JFreeChart API v1.0.6. I'm working on an Eclipse (v3.3) RCP application. My problem may be simple. I try to have a PieChart3D like the one in the demo (PieChart3DDemo1) in one of my view. But I'm not able to have the same effect of transparency and I ...