BubbleChart « Chart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Large range of values in bubble chart    jfree.org

If the X axis had a range from 100 to a million how do I handle it? The only way I know of is to create a MatrixSeries which needs a 2-dimensional array which would mean wasting a lot of memory. I tried to "map" a range from 100 to a million to 0 to 1000 and calling series.update() with the ...

2. 3D bubble chart    jfree.org

3. BubbleChart Demo missing    jfree.org

4. Bubble chart    jfree.org

5. Label Bubble chart    jfree.org

6. Bubble chart    jfree.org

how to scale the the z axis value . for the same dataset i m having perfect chart in excel .but in jfree bubble chart ,the size of the bubble doesnt fits perfect. i found that if the difference b/w the largest value and the smallest on either the domain or range axis is too large ,then my bubbles are bad. ...

7. Bubble Charts and Labels    jfree.org

I searched through the forum looking for answers on how to label each item in a bubble chart. The latest post from a year ago stated that there was no support in the bubble chart for labels. Has support for this been added since then? If not, what do people use to provide context for their bubble charts? Thanks! -Mike

8. ItemLabels on BubbleChart    jfree.org

Can you give me a hint, how to deal with item labels until you'll insert the code for it? I tried to sublcass XYBubbleRenderer and overwrite the drawItem() method, but it doesn't work. I thought it's enough to insert the drawItemLabel() method, but apparently it seems not. Thank you very much for your help!

9. About the new additions for item labeling in bubble charts    jfree.org

About the new additions for item labeling in bubble charts by popov Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:17 pm Here's some thoughts about these modifications (dated from 2005/12/13). Note that I'm a user of jfreechart for a few days only, so I may be wide of the mark. However, I needed some improvements on the bubble chart handling side, so I ...

10. Lines Connecting Bubbles in BubbleChart    jfree.org

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had the following problem, I am trying to create a bubble chart with lines connecting each bubble. Like a linechart, but instead of points I need bubbles. At this point I just have a bubble chart. I require a chart whereby bubbles on the same x-axis are joined by lines. Thanks! lcosgrave[/img]

12. Bubble Chart shown like four Quadrants... How?    jfree.org

Hello - What is the best way to create a bubble chart where the domain and range axis go from 0 to 10. However I want a big crosshair in the middle. This giving the visual effect of four quadrants. As an added bonus how does one layer on text over the chart? Thanks... any help or direction appreciated.

13. Help to generate BubbleChart - through JDBC connection    jfree.org

Hi, I would like to generate a bubblechart automatically from the data extracted from the database. The JDBC datasets right now has provisions only to generate Category / Pie / XY dataset. Is there anyway we could put a wrapper around the JDBCXYDataset and make it to get a XYZDataset as an output ? Any alternatives mith minimal coding... Many Thanks ...

14. issue with customization of a bubble chart    jfree.org

public void customize(JFreeChart objChart, JRChart jasperChart) { XYPlot plot = (XYPlot)objChart.getPlot(); XYBubbleRenderer objXYBubbleRenderer = (XYBubbleRenderer)plot.getRenderer();

15. HTML links with points in a Bubble Chart or a scatterplot    jfree.org

HTML links with points in a Bubble Chart or a scatterplot by Pierre Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:20 pm I try to manage HTML links with points of a Bubble Chart or a Scatterplot. I used basic examples and URLGenerator sses described in the user guide, but obviously, there is something missing in my code because it doesnt work Could ...

16. How do i control the size of the bubbles in a bubble chart    jfree.org

Hi All, Does anyone have any idea about how to control the size of the largest bubble in a JFree Bubble Chart. Sample this dataset -------------------------------- Month Savings Size 0.5 12000 1 3.5 10000 1 The default scale type for a BubbleChart is SCALE_ON_RANGE_AXIS, because of which the bubble chart does not get rendered properly. Two huge bubbles get rendered, and ...

17. Bubble chart problem with axes X or Y and big values    jfree.org

I have some problems to display bubble chart when values on axe X or Y are bigger than 2000. With big values, the response time is very long and there is an memory error when it's too big. What can I do? The code is like this: ... NormalizedMatrixSeries bubble = new NormalizedMatrixSeries("libell", nlMaxY, nlMaxX); bubble.update(beanlBulle.getY().intValue(), beanlBulle.getX().intValue(), beanlBulle.getZ().doubleValue()); ...

18. Bubble charts - 2 questions    jfree.org

Hi; 1) How can I set the size of a circle for a given Z value in the bubble charts? They seem to work off the X and Y range but I can envision cases where X and Y are say 1..20 and Z is 100,000.0 - 1,000,000.0 - is there a way to set the ratio for the circle size? ...

21. What's wrong with my bubble chart? ImageMaps ?    jfree.org

What's wrong with my bubble chart? ImageMaps ? by msatish Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:02 am I want to generate ImageMaps for a BubbleChart. I want to make the Bubbles Clickable for Drill-Down. How do i do that?? Here's the code for my example. I see that the image map is generated but is returned empty, How do i ensure ...

22. Bubble chart and labels    jfree.org

Hi, I'm working with JFreeChart 1.0.7. I need to do a bubble chart with labels in the range axis, like in Bar Chart Demo 2. My code is: Code: Select all DefaultXYZDataset dataset = new DefaultXYZDataset(); double[] x = {0.5, 1.5, 2.5}; ...

23. BubbleChart with rectangles    jfree.org

24. Help regarding Bubble Chart    jfree.org

Help regarding Bubble Chart by zulfikaralib Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:01 pm Hi All, I am trying to generate a Bubble Chart through my code but I am getting the following exception. I have ported from a very old version to the latest one. The same piece of code is used to generate the Line, Bar and Pie charts (general ...

25. bubble chart    jfree.org

Hi all, In my project i wat to creat bubble chat with 4 quadrants format rather what it is there in xy ie the x and y axis should cross each other at (0,0) rather at the lower boud values of the axis, this is for look and feel of the chart. can any one suggest sollution for the same. thank ...

27. Display problem with bubblechart    jfree.org

Hello, I have some problems to correctly display a bubblechart: can anyone help me? Here's the image I get: And the associated code: Code: Select all private void plotBubbleChart(ResourceResponse response, Portefeuille portefeuille, String indiceReference, String portefeuilleReference) throws IOException{ final MatrixSeriesCollection dataset = new MatrixSeriesCollection(perfVolatDataset(portefeuille,indiceReference,portefeuilleReference)); final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBubbleChart("Croisement ...

28. BubbleChart problem    jfree.org

BubbleChart problem by f_lombardo Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:33 pm I'm not sure if this is a problem or if I must change something in my code, but the following example draws only big red area and it generates an error. ////////////////////////////////////// public class BubbleChartDemo1 extends ApplicationFrame { public BubbleChartDemo1(String s) { super(s); SampleXYZDataset samplexyzdataset = new SampleXYZDataset(); JFreeChart jfreechart ...

29. Adding Links to bubble charts    jfree.org

30. Bubble chart    jfree.org

34. Cannot Display Bubble Chart with 1.0.13    jfree.org

Hi, I recently upgraded my iReport/JSP/Tomcat/Jasper reports app libraries. This includes Jasperrepports, Itext, jcommon et al and jfreechart to version 1.0.13 Now my Jfreechart chart/graph PDFs look fantastic - the 3D effect is really nice. However Bubble charts just don't work. The error on loading is: Error loading object from file : e:\jasper\ActivityViabilityChart.jasper My iReport version is 3.6.0 Thanks for any ...

35. 4D bubble chart using RadialGradientPaint    jfree.org

Hi Mats, nice work indeed! Some time ago, I needed something similar: multi-dimensional datasets (or, as I have called them, datasets with multiple z-ranges) and appropriate renderers (the link) One major motivation behind this work was to ensure that the z-range of the dataset and the z-range which is displayed by a suitable legend (such as a PaintScaleLegend but later generalized ...

36. BubbleChart with dynamic Bubbles    jfree.org

Hi everyone, I have used jFreeChart since last month and really like this framework. Now I should create a Bubble Chart, whichs Bubbles are dynamic. It means, Bubbles should automatically move to the new position when their values have been changed, and when I click the mouse on a Bubble, a new separat Chart for its should be opened. Is it ...

37. Help Needed With Bubble Chart    jfree.org

Hi, I am a new user to this forum and i am using JFreeChart for the first time , I have a requirement in which i have to create a Bubble Chart with Size as the third parameter in the Default XYZDataset, when i give the third parameter value to the dataset the bubbles are to large in the Chart and ...