2. Problem with Item Label Positioning on Bar Chart jfree.orgI tried setting the value to both true and false - to no avail. The problem seems to be related to the width of the bar and the fact that the text is being rotated. I am going to do some tracing to try to see where the difference between correct and incorrect placement arises, but any pointers based on your ... |
3. BarChart : How to have bar label at a fixed position jfree.orgHello! Help 1 I'm trying to have a barchart with the label for all the bars at a particular position. Could you tell me how to set the position for those labels. I tried StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator or setItemLabelAnchorOffset without success. I also found an impressive calculation in BarRenderer.calculateLabelAnchorPoint but it is a private method. Help 2 I'm looking for a way to ... |
4. Bar Chart bar width & Label position jfree.orgHello, I made an applet which contains a series of bar charts in a tabbed pane and I'd like to make 2 adjustments: 1. The bars are adjusting their width dynamically becoming thinner when more bars are added. I'd like them to have a fixed width. 2. I notice that the X axis labels are slightly misaligned. I'd like to make ... |
5. Change position of label on bar charts jfree.org |
6. Alignment of Bar position in the Bar Chart jfree.orgHi all, i am facinging problem in aligning the postion of the bar in the bar chart . If the number of bars drawn is 1 then it is aligned to center .can any one of u help me . actaully My requriments are as folllow i have to show 2 types of data in single bar chart . the first ... |
7. BarGraph bars position jfree.orgHello, I am using to create BarGraphs (Horiziontal alignment) using BarGraph3d. Because I am using jpeg data format and a variable size of bars, I need to find out, how to position all bars aligned to the top of the graph. Positioning in the middle is no option to atm. How can I achieve this? I have tried to find a ... |