1. Is there a way of making both bar chart and graph chart in one image by using JFreeChart stackoverflow.comI have searched many docs in google but didn't find anything about creating bar chart and graph chart in one image by using JFreeChart. Does anybody know it? |
2. Image map for Layered Bar chart jfree.org |
3. I get a wrong bar chart image jfree.orgThere's no text in your legend because you have used "" as the series key for each data item. That said, I'm very surprised at the output you've gotten from the pasted code. Can you try modifying the title text (or category names) and rerunning your code to confirm that you really are running the code you think you are running? ... |
5. In Bar chart can I put any image in place of Item label. jfree.orgby ashish_sriv Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:00 pm Hi Pin, As suggested by Gilbert I extended the BarRenderer and overridden the method "drawItem". Here is the overridden code.... Hoping this would work for you too. public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, CategoryItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, CategoryPlot plot, CategoryAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column, int pass) { // Thread.dumpStack(); ... |
6. Multiple Bar charts in single image jfree.orgHello, Am trying to save 4 charts as PNG for a dataset with 5 categories and 3 series. when the app runs on sunone - unix server, the server performance goes up to 98% and chart generation is very slow. inbetween saveasPNG, i have calculated time. for first chart, it takes 0 sec. but for second, third and fourth it takes ... |
7. Need to change the bar image jfree.org |
8. Adding Image to Bars using ClusteredXYBarRenderer jfree.orgJust have a look at the source. During drawing, the annotation converts its x and y values to screen corodinates (or Java2D coordinates) with the help of the axes (method valueToJava2D(double, Rectangle2D, RectangledEdge). In order to make the annotation visible you just have to make sure that its x and y values are within the visible axis range. For a DateAxis, ... |