category « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Create barchart using jfreechart with bars of same category together

I want to make bar chart using jfreechart such that the bars which belong to the same category should be displayed adjacent without any gaps. The categories should be displayed with ...

2. JFreeChart Bar Chart with same color for each category

Any help would be appreciated. My requirements are for a bar chart with 5 categories. Each category compares Series A and Series B. Each category needs to be the same base ...

3. What open-source java charting library can mark domains in a category bar chart?

I'm plotting my data in a bar chart and would like to draw vertical lines between particular bars to segment the plot into domains: Example I haven't been able to find ...

4. Change the Category Color of a barchart

by padhu Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:53 pm I created only one category, added all the tasks, created a custom bar renderer ( which set a color based on the item label ) and set this renderer to the plot. Here is the sample code for the renderer ( adapt this code to BarRenderer ): Code: Select all import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.*; ...

5. Set the gap between the bars in same category as ZERO

Hello All, I need urgentrly to solve my problem. want to set the gap between the bars in same category as ZERO In oters subject of this formum Dave Gilbert suggested---> Quoted: I think Jfreechart allocates some particular amount of space in the chart for each category according to the total graph width.So when the Maximum bar width is not set,then ...

6. Wraping category text in a Bar chart

Hi, I just migrated from 0.9.18 to 0.9.21 and I have a graph which is behaving diferently. The graph is a Bar chart defined by: JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("","", "", dataset, PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL,true,true,false); chart.setLegend(null); where dataset is maded up by 2 categories and 2 series: DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dataset.addValue(50.0, "real", "Budget 1 real \n projected"); dataset.addValue(70.0, "proj", "Budget 1 real ...

9. Can I create chart with multpile stacked bars per category ?

Can I create chart with multpile stacked bars per category ? I have multiple values for each category and in each value i have two component values. I want to display chart with bar for each value (same category) for comparable and in each one I want to add the compoenets values (as stackbar). Is it possible ? Thanks.

10. 3D Bars with several Categories and Series

Hello, am I able to do the following with JFreeChart?: I need to show data for several companies (=Categories) for each month (=Series) and compare them to the same data of the former year. (And therefore I need a second row behind the first row for the actual year) I tried to use another Bar3Drenderer for the second dataset and to ...

12. Barchart with variable count of values per category

The CategoryDataset forces a tabular structure to the data. You can use null as a value, but that will still leave a gap in the bar chart where the value would have been. The XYDataset interface is more flexible about the number of items in each series, but more difficult to use for generating bar charts (there is an XYBarRenderer you ...

13. Bar width in Category Bar Chart

I have tried every different way to set the bar width in a category bar chart. Nothing is working. I have a graph with 15 categories with 1 series in each category. No matter how big I make the chart, the bars remain thin. Setting the lower and upper margin, category margin, and item margin do not change anything. Also setting ...

15. Problem in Category Bar

16. Category label on/above bar?

JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("Reglas @Por", "", "Incidencias", categorydataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); CategoryPlot categoryplot = jfreechart.getCategoryPlot(); categoryplot.setDomainGridlinesVisible(true); CategoryAxis categoryaxis = categoryplot.getDomainAxis(); categoryaxis.setCategoryLabelPositionOffset(categoryaxis.getMaximumCategoryLabelLines()); categoryaxis.setTickLabelPaint(Color.RED); BarRenderer3D barrenderer ...

17. How to display series aswell as category values in BAR grapn

Dear David , The legend for Bar graph displays only the field names that we draw graph for, but not their values as it does in the case of Pie graph. In Pie graph, the legend looks like this: Boys=100 for a field of boys with a value 100 But for Bar graph it shows only the field name, i.e. BOYS ...

20. BarChart Display Problem (without use series&category)

Hi all; I have a problem a bit complicated First of all I have three diffirent dataset. I took them by 'data = new JDBCCategoryDataset()' function. I want to create a bar chart and insert these three dataset into chart. /********************************/ JFreeChart chart = null; try { Class object = ChartFactory.class; Method method = object.getMethod(methodName,param); chart = (JFreeChart) method.invoke(method,paramValues); } catch ...

21. formatting Month categories in bar chart

Hello - I am creating a bar chart and I want to use instances of as the domain category. However, when the chart is rendered, the Month's are displayed in "November 2006" format. That text is then significantly truncated ("Nov...") to fit all the text on the chart. Is there a method somewhere to change the formatting to something like ...

23. How to set the Category's height/width of a BarChart?

hello I've a BarChart with PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL now I've my categories on the left. I want to set the width (I think I must set the height because I change the orientation) where the categories descriptions are printed. Infact the categories string are truncated because they are too long Someone can help me? thx a lot Martina

24. Setting a different url for bars of the different categories

Hello everyone, I have a problem regarding setting different urls for bars of different categories,but of the same series. the following are the requirements of my chart,which is being converted to an image map and is being used in a html webpage. 1)the graph contains of different fields and each field has a corresponding score eg. intellect 80 bravery 79 honesty ...

25. Bar Chart and Categories

Hi, I have a Bar Chart, with 2 categories. One of the categories usually have several series, the other have just 1 or 2 series, so I have half of my chart to present 1 or 2 series, and the other side, with several bars, have the same space. So, my chart looks like: ------------------------ ||||||||||| | | ||||||||||| | | ...

26. Align category label with bars on bar chart

Hi I have been trying to create a horizontal bar chart with a fixed set of categories. Could someone help me with these queries. 1)The category labels seem to not align with the bars creating a confusion as to which bar corresponds to which category. 2) is there any way I can manipulate the width of the categories . I tried ...

27. Category bar chart: do not show null values

Hello everyone, I am using the ChartFactory.createBarChart function to create a bar chart with categories, that displays values per year and per country. When a value is null for a country in a specific year category, the graph keeps the space of the bar if data exists for the same country in another year category (even if no value is added ...

28. Order by Category in a BarChart using a CategoryDataSet ?

Hello, I have a bar chart (which can be displayed also as a line chart)t which shows information in this form : value - date - location so the Y-axis gets the "values" , the X-axis shows the date, and there are different series according to the "location" where the value was obtained. It seems I can't post images yet Anyway ...

30. How to remove spaces between bars in different categories

Thanks Dave, I am working with category plot (and category axis). So when i set categoryMargin to 0, its behaving in a very strange manner. Here is whats actually happening. I have two series: aug and Oct Each bar has a different category label. So when i set the category margin to Zero, first bar is being created correctly, then a ...

31. Dealing with very long category labels in a bar chart

I need to deal with some very long category labels in a bar chart. The current truncation is very odd (same as this thread). However even with that fix I still to tweak things further. Is there a way to tell the chart to use more of the total plot area of the labels instead of the chart? Is there a ...

32. BarChart: excluding NULL series from Category

BarChart: excluding NULL series from Category by zapfbier Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:55 pm Hi. I think I am not the only one with this question: In a category bar chart (ChartFactory.createBarChart(...)), all categories have always the same width (in case of orientation = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) or always the same height (PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL). Even if a category has only 1 series, it ...

33. want to show category label according to width of bar on x-a

[b] i have drawn a bar chart with some dataset. i gave category label with more than 120 letters like "significantly exceeds to significantly below". But it is not displaying the category label on the chart properly. the label values are showing with dots like "significantly ex....", because it is not fitted on the size of chart. i should not increase ...

34. Set the position for each category or even bar in barchart?

Hi, there is a problem i have to solve which is kind of specific one. I have a generated neat barchart with different categories containg 4 bars each. Now I have to "synchronize" the position of the different categories with poitions of another kind of items in a JPanel above the barchart. The problem is that the space between the categories ...

35. Category Labels truncated with vertical bar chart

Most of my category item labels are truncated prematurely and could display much more if the full space was utilized. I've tried many different ways of generating the plot (not using the CategoryLabelPositions, changing the insets, etc.), but have had no success. setMaximumCategoryLabelWidthRatio(1) does not make a difference. My vertical bar chart has 2 series, with no margin between each series ...

37. Category plot with error bars

I need a category plot displaying only a few data items which must be updatable, looking like this: ... orbars.jpg I created the above chart using DefaultStatisticalCategoryDataset which just about works perfectly. However, I cannot figure out a suitable way to update the dataset and thus the chart. Say on that chart I want to update Group 2s data, I've ...

38. Problems upgrading - only first bar per category rendered

There was a change to allow the line charts to align points on the same spots as the bar charts - a getCategorySeriesMiddle() method was added to the CategoryAxis class, and this is used by both the BarRenderer and the LineAndShapeRenderer I think. I'd have to go back and review the changes fully, which I don't have time for right now, ...

39. Category space bar chart

40. Problem in reducing the gap between categories bar

Problem in reducing the gap between categories bar by chittora Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:01 am Hi all, I am trying to create a waterfall chart ; the problem i am facing is when the number of bars is less then the size of the bar increases to auto adjust with the window size . I fixed the bar size ...

41. XYTaskDataset grouping bars in category, is it possible??

Hi I try to use XYTaskDataset grouped in category. Is it possible to implement such a thing or what should I do? For example I have 5 bars, called {"bar1", "bar2","bar3","bar4","bar5"} and i want to group(some be closer than another) them into category {"cat1","cat2"} ["cat1"]:"bar1", "bar2","bar3" ["cat2"]:"bar4","bar5" just make more space between some bars than another one. Sth like GroupedStackBarRenderer, but ...

42. Adjusting spacing in Bar Chart between categories

Adjusting spacing in Bar Chart between categories by aparnan Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:11 am Hi, Is it possible to adjust the spacing between bars between categories. In my bar chart, I will have a bar, one in each category. It so happens that each one is placed away from another that it looks so odd. I've tried adjusting the ...

43. category label and bar alignment

i have used the folowwing code by malar Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:32 am Code: Select all public class Test { public static void main(final String[] args) { List avgerageList=new ArrayList(); ...

44. category labels not aligned with bars

I'm trying to have a label besides each bar in a bar chart. To do this I gave each value it's own category. However the category labels don't align horizontally with the bars. Also there's a lot of spacing between the bars. This is my code Code: Select all DefaultCategoryDataset dataSet = new ...

46. Hide a category bar in a serie

HI, I'm doing a category/series barchart, but in some cases a specific category in a serie doesn't have a value, I need to hide this category only in that serie. I know I can send null values, but the category's x axis space it's still apearing. Can adjust the x axis space only to the showed categories in every serie?? thanks. ...

48. Display only one category label in 5 in bar chart

Hello i am currently displaying data in bar chart using DefautCategoryDataSet. the problem is i have very about 100 categories to display (so 100 bars). The bar display is correct but the category legends overlaps of course. For that reason, i would like: 1/ to display only one category label on five. 2/ to keep the possibility to have the hidden ...

49. 3D Bar Chart Category Label Alignment

Hi, I've implemented a 3D bar chart for a client using jfreechart. They are complaining that the labels do not line up properly with the bars and are hard to read. The tick marks for the first categories seem to line up ok, but as you get toward the end of the graph they get further and further out of alignment. ...

50. Bar Chart with markers between categories

Hi all, I've been asked to create a bar chart that not only has the normal data elements but that also contains an additional yellow line which is meant to be indicating a child's expected grade. When the expected grade falls into a category then this isn't a problem as I can just use a CategoryMarker which works really well. However ...

51. Barchart with category(rowKeys) having different columnKeys

I am trying to draw a barchart in which each category can have different names and numbers of bars. Also I want these bars to be displayed as; 1. without any gap inside the same category. 2. Different categories having some gap in between. I have tried creating the dataset using following two ways: 1. addValue method of DefaultCategoryDataset But here ...

53. Bar Chart multi-line category label left-aligned problem

JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D { "", // Title "", // X-axis label "", // Y-axis label dataset, // Dataset PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, // Horizontal orientation true, // Show legend false, // Show ...

55. url generator for category labels / bar chart

I am facing the following problem with bar charts / category plot and urls While I was able to assign url generator for the bars, I did not find a way to either assign generator for bar labels: * category axis label * bar item labels that I made visible in bar chart The problem is, that some bars are huge ...

57. Problem with gaps between the bars of the same category

Re: Problem with gaps between the bars of the same category by ShashankRaj Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:19 pm Thanx you sir for posting the reply,i followed what u had suggest but still problem does not get solved ,i set the DEFAULT_ITEM_MARGIN = 0.00 in my source code, still it is showing no difference ,the source code for the class ...

59. Error Bars in Category Plot of JFreeChart

Hi, i would like to add error bars to a JfreeChart bar chart. so i create a chart using a statistical data set: this.myStatisticalDataset.add(0.5, 0.001, "point 1", "type 1"); this.myStatisticalDataset.add(0.8, 0.005, "point 1", "type 2"); etc.. and then create a plot: JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart( plotName, "types", "value" , this.myStatisticalDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, true ); so when i do that i ...