axis « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. extending axis in bar chart

I would like to extend the Y-axis in a vertical bar chart by one tick (or interval?) so that there is more vertical space between the top border of the chart and the top of the highest bar (with the highest data value). I need this extra space because I am displaying the numeric data value above each bar. Can anybody ...

2. Bar chart Axis label issue

Hi, I am creating a Bar chart where the values for the bar can be positive or nagetive. The bar will have blue color (positive) or red color (negative). I am easily able to create a chart with these color specifications. Now the problem is: I want to also print the labels under each bar (Horizontally). I am adding the data ...

3. Is it possible to have a bar chart with string axis labels?

Make sure you grab the STABLE_1-0-0 branch, which is where the 1.0.0 final release will come from. I really thought that 1.0.0 final would be done by now, but I've had a lot of distractions lately. I'm about to go on holiday for 2 weeks - when I get back, finishing off 1.0.0 final will be the top priority.

4. Bar Chart: Do not display unit value along range axis.

Hi: I have created a Bar Chart that already displays its value at the top of each bar chart. I don't want the unit value to be displayed on the range axis because I have the value displayed on top of the bar chart already. Also, is it possible to make the tick marks invisible along the range axis? Thanks in ...

5. dual axis bar chart,plz help!

I draw a dual axis bar chart following the demo, but the first bar overlaps the second bar. This is my code,plz tell me which is wrong: JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(chartTitle, xName, yName, categorydataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false); CategoryPlot categoryplot = jfreechart.getCategoryPlot(); NumberAxis numberaxis = (NumberAxis)categoryplot.getRangeAxis(); BarRenderer barrenderer = (BarRenderer)categoryplot.getRenderer(); barrenderer.setDrawBarOutline(false); categoryplot.setDataset(1,categorydataset1); categoryplot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(1,1); NumberAxis numberaxis1 = new NumberAxis(y1Name);; categoryplot.setRangeAxis(1, numberaxis1); categoryplot.setRangeAxisLocation(1, ...

6. Bar chart in three axis

Hi, I need to plot a chart in 3D. The chart should be a bar char. I need to put series in x axis and in y axis, and the z axis should be the amount of results crossing x and y. There is any posibility to draw this kind of charts with jfreechart? Thanks in advance. Nico

7. Bar chart dual axis

Hello From reading from this forum I see that I am not to first to raise this topic however I am at my wits end as how to fix it. The problem consists of as the title suggests to render multiple datasets aginst multiple axis in barcharts. The bug causes all datasets to be rendered on top of eachother. As many ...

8. Invert axis and same time bar direction?

I have seen the CatagoryLabelPositionsDemo1, and I have seen you can invert axis, showing lower values in the upper side and upper values at the bottom. But when you invert axis the bars are flipped. I need to be able to invert axis but I need the bars to remain starting drawing from bottom to top direction. How can I do ...

9. please help!! bar chart axis show and title problem

hi everyone i would really apprciate if someone could please help me with this axe hanging over my head... i really need to solve this problem and have been trying to tackle it for over two weeks now... this is my current graph: and want to make it look like this: so the difference is... the middle line going through the ...

10. customize Range axis in bar chart

11. Bar charts : customizing axis

Hi, I am customizing bar charts and I meet some problems with customizing the axis : - for a horizontal bar chart, I would like to place the value axis at the bottom of the chart and not at its top, - for a bar chart, I am looking for solutions in order to place the label of the value axis ...

12. Predefined range on Axis & Reduse bars stretch

In my chart I want to display hours = x asis and # of video views = y axis. Here is my code. final TimeSeriesCollection timeSeries = new TimeSeriesCollection(); timeSeries.addSeries(m_timeTimeSeries); final DateAxis domainAxis = new DateAxis("Hours"); domainAxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.HOUR, 2)); domainAxis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("H")); final ValueAxis rangeAxis = new NumberAxis("# of video views"); final XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(timeSeries, domainAxis, rangeAxis, renderer); final JFreeChart ...

13. Bar Chart Domain Axis Labels

Hi to all. First of all, I apologize if something like this was already answered. I used search and got over 180 pages... I'm using a bar chart for days of the month. I prefer using CategoryDataset, keys are dates for one month. On click of a bar I call some method with the bar date as a parameter. I've already ...

14. dual axis bar chart negative scale problem

There's no flag in JFreeChart to do this automatically. If you want to have a go at modifying the sources, I think you could insert some code in the CategoryPlot.draw() method where you see the line 'state.setDataArea(dataArea);' (line 3261 in JFreeChart 1.0.12). At this point, the data area is by looking at the ranges on the two axes (and the ...

15. Invert domain axis in BarChart

Hi all, I have a created a horizontal StackedBarChart and set the range axis to be on the bottom, but the domain axis values are drawn from top to bottom. Is there a way to invert them, I saw a setInverted(boolean) in the XYPlot but it seems to not exist in the CategoryPlot. Does anyone have a clue ? Thanks to ...

16. Create Multi-dataset Stack Bar Chart that shares same axis

I am trying to create a stacked bar chart that is time based by weeks (12/1, 12/8 etc.). The week entries represent the X (bottom) axis. My first dataset contains values for those weeks to fill the stacked bar chart for dataset #1. The second dataset needs to share the X axis values so that the series values specified for dataset ...