XYBarChart « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Bar width in XYBarChart    jfree.org

2. Bar width in XYBarChart    jfree.org

Bar width in XYBarChart by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:20 am I have tried to increase the width of the by using segmented timeline. It is increased a little but now labeling problem has come. My code is as follows, Code: Select all public class MyDateAxis extends DateAxis { ...

3. How to control the bar width in xyBarchart -VERY VERY URGENT    jfree.org

Hi 1. I got struckup with the space between the bars. In the BarChart I am able to adjust the width using BarRenderer barrenderer = (BarRenderer)categoryplot.getRenderer(); barrenderer.setDrawBarOutline(false); barrenderer.setMaximumBarWidth(0.015f); The same is not working. to adjust the space between the bars. 2. there is a line line between the x axis labels. How can I remove that. it is like 1 | ...

4. XYBarchart with bar from minimum value to maximum value    jfree.org

XYBarchart with bar from minimum value to maximum value by develop Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:28 pm I have bar chart with Dates on domain axis. but range axis is from -4 to +4 . now i need one bar from -4 to +4 . but every bar starts from zero. i want some funtionality similar to domain marker where ...

5. width of the bars in a XYBarChart    jfree.org

width of the bars in a XYBarChart by jesusmgmarin Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:52 am Hello, I have a XYBarChart but it has severals values, and the bars are superposed because they are a little wide. I want to know if there is some method to modify the width of the bars. The code I have is: Code: Select all ...

7. XYBarChart why my bars are shifted .    jfree.org

XYBarDataset will create a dataset with x-intervals (and hence bars) centered on the data values you supply. The result looks fine to me. Because the XYBarRenderer positions the bars according to the starting and ending x-values from the dataset, if you want to shift the bars along, you'll need to use an alternative IntervalXYDataset implementation.

8. Adjusting space between bars in an XYBarChart    jfree.org

I have an XYBarchart, and I'm trying to eliminate the distance between the bars. In other words, I want the bars touching each other on both sides. The only way I could see to do this was with CategoryAxis, but it doesn't seem I can access that with an XYBar Chart. Any ideas? Below is the relevant part of my code: ...

9. To get Tooltip on each bar in XYBarChart    jfree.org

Hi, Iam using XY bar chart with XYInterval dataset. I have the domain axis numbers(seconds) and Symbol axis names. I have to show the tool tip on each bar the start value of the bar and the end value. Right now it is showing the start value of the number and the symbol value. Can somebody tell me how to get ...

11. XYBarChart using TimeSeriesCollection - bars dont fill space    jfree.org

final TimeSeriesCollection dataSet = new TimeSeriesCollection(); TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries(title, Minute.class); for(Long time : data.keySet()) { series.add(new Minute(new Date(time)), data.get(time)); } dataSet.addSeries(series); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYBarChart(title, "Time", ...