Stacked « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. JFreeChart connecting points in stacked bar charts

I created a stacked bar chart using JFreeChart (similar to this one). Now I would like to connect the points of the corresponding series for all rows. Is this possible ...

2. How to set different colors to the bars in stacked bar chart in ireport?

I need to set a unique color to each bar in the stacked bar chart. Whatever the color I see in one bar it shouldn't be repeated in any other bar ...

3. JFreeChart: is it possible to combine a stacked bars and line chart combined?

As in this mockup: Layered chart I know it is possible to have charts display next to each other using org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainXYPlot, but is it possible to have them overlaid, possibly using ...

4. JFreeChart - Stacked Bar Chart

I have created a program to draw a stacked bar chart using jfreechart. The colours in the bar are decided on their own is their any way that I could assign the different colours in the bars. eg : On the x-axis I have "customer name" On the y-axis I have "number of days" The bars are created on the basis ...

6. Multiple Stacked bar for single domain value

Hi All, I need your help in generating muiltiple stacked bar graph for a single domain value. I have given the code which will generate ordinary stacked bar chart. but I need two stacked bars in one X value. This is for ordinary graph: DefaultCategoryDataset categorydataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); categorydataset.addValue(15.76D, "A", "1"); categorydataset.addValue(8.66001D, "B", "1"); categorydataset.addValue(4.71D, "C", "1"); categorydataset.addValue(8.660001D, "A", "2"); ...

7. Stacked Bar Chart overlaid with a line chart

Please help me with my problem. We have a set of data coming from the database: Date,Value1,Value2,Value3 for example, "07/22", 1, 2, 10 I need to get the following: - X axis should be date - there should be a stacked bar chart with Value1 and Value 2 being 2 components - there should be an overlaid line chart displaying the ...

9. How to adjust width of vertical stacked bar chart

Hi All, I need to draw a vertical stacked bar chart. The number of bars are not fixed, they are dynamic. Thus, the width of the bar automatically gets adjusted on the basis of number of bars. I don't want this to happen. I want to assign a fixed width to all bars. Please help me on this issue. Moreover, I ...

11. Stacked Bar Chart Help

12. How to display the text inside stacked Bar chart?

Hi, I have single category multiple series stacked bar chart, and I want to display each series name inside the bar(not as usual at the base of the graph in which each color is showing a corresponding series with series name)? Is there any API or any option to display the text like this i.e. inside the bar?

13. Display "Total" on a stacked bar chart

I currently have a stacked bar chart with x sections on each bar. I have each individual section displaying the value by using: // disable bar outlines... BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) barPlot.getRenderer(); renderer.setDrawBarOutline(false); renderer.setItemLabelsVisible(true); CategoryLabelGenerator gen = new StandardCategoryLabelGenerator("{2}",new DecimalFormat("0")); renderer.setLabelGenerator(gen); renderer.setPositiveItemLabelPosition( new ItemLabelPosition( ItemLabelAnchor.CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0)); Is there a way that i can display the total of all sections ...

14. Changing color of Stacked Bar

16. Stacked Bar Drill

Hello, I have a stacked bar in a JSP and I want the drill down option, however for some reason drill is not working. Here is my code. Kindly correct me if I am wrong somewhere. Thanks *** CategoryAxis categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis("Site"); ValueAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis("Value"); StackedBarRenderer3D rend = new StackedBarRenderer3D(); rend.setItemURLGenerator(new StandardCategoryURLGenerator("xy_chart.jsp","Site","Value")); rend.setToolTipGenerator(new StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator()); Plot plot = new ...

17. Setting the width of stacked bars

19. stacked grouped bar charts

Is there a way to create a stacked grouped bar chart? I have been searching relatively intensively over the last few days and have yet to find a way to create them. I saw that there is a StackedGroupedBarRenderer class, but nothing on how to implemement a stacked grouped bar chart. It appears that atleast a portion of my problem is ...

20. Add a line to a stacked bar chart

Hi, first i want to bring my thanks to the creators of jfreechart. Great job guys . I have one small problem. I can't figure out how to add a horizontal line to my bar chart. This line is an average of the values displayed in the bar chart. I tried to adapt the example from the "OverlaidXYPlotDemo" but with no ...

21. time series stacked bar chart

23. Sum in Stacked Bar Chart

24. Stacked Bar Label Issue Revisited

What is happening is that the renderer detects that there isn't space in those smaller bar sections to display the label, so it looks to the fallback position (the default is "above the bar", which is sensible for a regular bar chart but not a stacked bar chart). You can change the fallback position using the setPositiveItemLabelPositionFallback() method inherited from the ...

26. Stacked Bar chart Problem

We are trying to have percentage values on Y-Axis. But the bars indeed have absolute values for labels for each of the colors in a stacked bar chart.When we try to plot this stacked bar chart, the bars are displayed as per the scale. So we need to show the bars as per percentage values but the labels should be different ...

27. Stacked Bar Chart with a Line graph

Hello I am new to Jfree Chart. Can someone please let me know if it is possible to generate a Stacked Bar Chart have a line graph with it. If yes, can you please guide how it can be done. If someone has already done it, can you please re-direct me to the reference code. Thanks in advance for your help. ...

28. issue with stacked bar charts

Hi david, Ill try to explain what I'm trying to do. I want to have a chart with the information like this Y-AXIS stream 1| .............|--c1c1c1c2c3---c1c2c2c2c3c1c2c2c3----c1c1c2c2c2c3c3--------- stream 2| .............|----c1c2c2c2c3-----c1c1c2c2c2c3c3-------c1c1c2c2c2c3c3-------- stream 3| .............|-c1c2c2c2c3c3---c1c1c2c2c2c3c3------------------------------------ .............| 1......2.........3........4.......5........6.........7.......8........9.......10... .............| ............. X-AXIS->time The ---- is time that is not used component 1 - c1 - yellow component 2 - c2 - blue component 3 - c3 ...

29. Not printing '0' on a stacked bar chart

On a stacked bar chart the positive fall back position is set to be outside the bar. This is OK; that's what users want for the chart. However, they do not want to print '0' if the value is zero of the tacked bar. Anyway to check and set positive fall back position only if the value is greater than 0? ...

30. Stacked 100% bar chart

31. Specific Bar Chart / Stacked Bar Chart problem, questions

Hello, I have basic Bar Chart where: a) X Axis = firms b) Y Axis = values c) 3 series - each serie means year (2005, 2006, 2007) So, for example for Firm1 there are 3 bars for 2005, 2006, 2007. Just like on screen Now, i need to add some aggregate values to each of bars. Just like in ...

32. Top Label as Grand Total of each Stacked Bar

Hi all, I was trying hardly to find the source to get to know how to Customzie to have Top Labels as Grand Total of Series for Each Bar. So far for what i im able to do is only have the label of total at each series. Someone wise could help out? May the force be with u

33. How to combine bar chart with stacked bar in one plot?

Folks'es, i would like to combine a bar chart and a stacked bar chart in one plot. how can i do this (i only found replies in the forum that it can be done but not how ) here is what i have: - one DefaultCategoryDataset - containing 3 series of data here is what i would like to see: - ...

34. Entity and Stacked Bar chart

new ChartMouseListener() { public void chartMouseClicked( ChartMouseEvent event ) { ChartEntity entity = event.getEntity(); System.out.println("entity coordinates: "+entity.getShapeCoords()); ...

35. With TimeTable XYDataset, why the stacked Bars are shifted ?

With TimeTable XYDataset, why the stacked Bars are shifted ? by ckp Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:22 pm Hi Dave, My stacked bars are shifted with this dataset. How do I fix this? (bars were apparantly ok with CategoryTableXYDataset.) Regards, ckp Code: Select all private TimeTableXYDataset createdTaskData(){ //SAMPLE DATA ...

36. Legend in a stacked bar chart

37. BarValues Stacked XY BaR Renderer

Hi David, I did try the following code import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection; import org.jfree.chart.entity.XYItemEntity; +import org.jfree.chart.labels.XYItemLabelGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.labels.XYToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CrosshairState; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; @@ -281,6 +282,13 @@ g2.draw(bar); } + if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) { + XYItemLabelGenerator generator = getItemLabelGenerator(series, + item); + drawItemLabel(g2, dataset, series, item, plot, generator, bar, + value < 0.0); + } + // add an entity for the ...

39. Ordering items in a stacked bar chart

Ordering items in a stacked bar chart by mdweezer Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:46 pm Good afternoon, I'm using the following to build my data set: Code: Select all private CategoryDataset createDataset() { DefaultCategoryDataset result = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); result.addValue(83.0, "Submitted", "1/7/2007"); ...

40. Arranging stacked bar chart bars, highest to lowest

Arranging stacked bar chart bars, highest to lowest by mdweezer Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:23 pm I currently have a stacked bar chart showing data for around 20 or so projects (the bars are how many open activities per project and what state those activities are in). I'm not sure how it's arranging the bars but I would like to ...

42. Keeping colors consistant in stacked bar charts

I'm building a bunch of stacked bar charts. Each bar represents a count and the bar can be made up of a maximum of 7 states. Assigned Submitted Delivered In-Work In-Verification Closed Duplicate I've noticed the colors are generally the same and assigned by the order of data inserted. However, if a certain chart doesn't contain any Assigned items, then Submitted ...

43. Help with Multi-Series Stacked Bar Chart

I had a look at the GroupedStackedBarRenderer demo and associated source but couldn't get it to work as required. Maybe I'm missing something however as I had terrible trouble getting my head round the concept! My Data is as follows if anyone can advise how it should be grouped: A Portfolio with 5 AssetAllocations - The 'Target' data e.g. Cash 26% ...

44. stacked bar chart color

hi, i have a stacked bar chart in which every bar can have atmost 4 sections. possible sections are: Failed Passed Not Run Blocked i want to have uniform section colors across all bars. for ex i want that all the 'Failed' sections should be in red. i m trying to use setSeriesPaint for setting colors but havent been able to ...

45. custom URL Generator for Stacked bar chart.

Hi Folks, I have a requirement to generate a stacked chart with customized URL for a web application (using image map in JSP). Can any one suggest me how to generate a custom URL for the stacked chart. If can provide a code snippet, would be very useful. I tried using StandardCategoryURLGenerator. It didnt work for me as I need to ...

46. How to sort a Stacked Bars

48. Stacked XY Bar Chart Possible

49. Order of Bars in stacked bar chart

Hi all, I am using JfreeCharts for building an application which reports the usage metrics of two servers over a period of time. Each server does a number of operations which can be broadly grouped under 6 heads and these broad divisions are being used for reporting. When I use Stacked bar chart for creating the bar graph image, the order ...

50. Stacked bar chart labels

51. Creating a Stacked Bar Graph using specific data

I have relatively new to java and using Jfree for graphs. I am trying to create a stacked bar graph for Project Management related data (Resource Workload) with the following details: X-Axis : january, February, March etc (i.e months of the year) <- problem Y-Axis : Hours Legend: 'allocated' and 'unallocated' Each stack represents the allocated And unallocated hours per month. ...

53. label for stacked bar chart

heys pals, could anyone suggest me how to bring the label for in a stacked bar chart.label value should be the summation all the bar value of a single bar. (eg.same bar may have different colours.but label should tell the value of summation all the colour bar values of a single bar) .Thanks in advance

55. Problem with lines between stacked bars

Hello! I have a problem with unwanted visible Lines between bars. I use a xy-Plot with a timebased dataset (TimeTableXYDataset). In my aplication it is possible to virtualy zoom into the dataset by giving a start & end date. When I show 10 days (-> 10 values), it is nice but not necessary to have this small unwanted lines between the ...

56. Line in a Stacked Bar chart

You'll need a custom renderer to do this. I saw one once (for JFreeChart) that does what I think you are describing - it was a couple of years ago, and I haven't been able to find it since (I didn't write it, and you're not the first to ask about it). If you manage to develop one that works, please ...

58. Help needed on stacked bar chart

59. Stacked Bar Chart - dynamic sizing? Overwriting/scrunching

JFReeChart 1.0.10 Used iReport 2.0.5 to build chart When I exceed a certain row count for a chart the displayed rows start getting smaller and then eventually start overwriting each other. My assumption is that the chart area is fixed and it is trying to squeeze in the rows. I would hope there is a way to let the system auto-size ...

60. stacked bar chart with timeline

Hi, See http colon double slash to understand what I am trying to achieve. I have got this using StackedBarChart. This represents tasks for employee on a day. Hence I tried with DateAxis and able to show some timeline. Question is since StackedBarChart doesn't accept a timeline in its constructor, the axis and the bars dont match. Am I on ...

61. Stacked Bar Chart

62. Toop tip for Stacked Bar Chart

Hi, We are using stacked bar graph to show the data but now we are facing issue when we have one category number way higher then another where we are not able to show the number in bar and we need to show in below two options. Tool tip on top of Bar We are displaying stacked bar in 3 D ...

63. Texture color filling- Stacked bar chart

Hi, I want to fill the Stacked bar graph with the Gradient + Texture effect, Could any one help me ,is there any API available? I just want to set the filling effect not the colors, I want to use the jfree chart default colors with the customized filling effect. Appriciate any help. Thanks,

64. Dual axes Stacked Bar chart

Hi! I am currently displaying two datasets using a Dual axis bar Chart, similar to Now my first dataset (series1 in demo) can be split into several categories so I would like to display it as a stacked chart but leave the second dataset (series 2 in demo) displayed as a normal bar chart. Can you please let me know ...

66. Item labels in Stacked bar chart

67. how to display series total at the top of a stacked bar

Hi, Does anyone know how to display series total at the top of a stacked bar category.Example say i have values 2,3,4 in my category bar. how can we show the sum of it at the top of the category? Is it possible in jfree chart for stacked bar chart? Plz plz help i need it urgent. Thanks, Amit

69. showing data in stacked bar chart

71. How To Sort A Stacked Bar Chart

Greetings! I'm creating a stacked bar chart, and i'm traing to sort each stack depends on its totale value. I thought to manage 4 values.. RowKey ColumnKey ValueKey and TotalStackValue..for each entity that compose the bar..something like this Joe Apples 3 TotaleStakedValue: apples 10 Dave Apples 3 TotaleStakedValue: apples 10 Andre Apples 4 TotaleStakedValue: apples 10 Joe Peers 4 TotaleStakedValue: apples ...

72. Stacked XY Bar Chart

Hi, I have a requirement to draw an chart displaying aircraft flying time. For each aircraft, I want to display one stacked bar that can show take-off tme, fly time, and landing time. The chart should be very similar to XYBarChartDemo7, but each bar needs be a stacked bar and the X-axis should be Date axis displaying a 24-hour timeline. Any ...

73. Bar Chart and Stacked Bar dynamic width

Greetings, im sure there is somewhere the answer to my quesiton, but i dunno how to search for it...i remember to have read it... if i got only 2 categories in my chart, jfreechart create 2 bars very huge adapting the bar's width trough a %... i remember that is settable... but i dont remember where... some one can help me? ...

74. Textures in Stacked Bar Chart

76. Trouble with numerical domain stacked bar charts.

I am basically making a stacked bar type histogram for different prices with 1 cent resolution. I am trying to make a stacked bar chart where the domain labels won't overlap. I tried 2 ways with different problems 1) ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart this function needs a category based dataset, this seems to make it want to print labels for every bar, regardless of ...

77. How to add the stacked bars and show that inthe top of bar

How to add the stacked bars and show that inthe top of bar by coolvamsi Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:54 pm Hello All, I am able to draw the 2D Stacked Bar and 3D Stacked Bar chart with dual axis. My requirement is need to add the 3 stacked bars and show the total in each and every top of ...

78. Stacked Bar Chart Labels Position and Value Marker Problem

Pegasus, Its first piece of code in the post... Anybody, pls let me know why things that work in 1.0.9 dont work in 1.0.13(range gridlines)... am I missing anything here? And reg the marker problem, when I analysed, I see that when the domain axis labels are set to true, the marker appears for vertical orientation...whereas it is independent of domain ...

79. Stacked bar chart sub-bar alignment

Greetings. I need to generate stacked bar charts that put whitespace between the sub-bar elements, so the same elements in each bar start at the same point on the x axis. The motivation here is to make it easier to compare the constituents of each bar. The image below shows what I'm looking for. I haven't found any way to do ...

80. Export Stacked bar chart to MS Excel..

I think its called Apache POI - it can produce Excel files among other things. Very low-level API IIRC. You have to know a lot about what you are trying to do. There are other 3rd party tools to produce Excel files that are more like templates that you fill data in to. I have found CSV to be a pretty ...

81. Order in the stacked bar chart

public class ChartTest { public static void main(String[] args) { DefaultCategoryDataset ds = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); ds.addValue(100, "A", "2001"); ds.addValue(1000, "B", "2001"); ds.addValue(600, "B", "2006"); ...

82. Creating stacked bar chart with Max value at the top

Creating stacked bar chart with Max value at the top by Kanti Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:37 am Hi, This is the first time that i am creating stacked bar chart. I have created a horizontal stacked bar chart but the values are appearing in random manner. I want to show the maximum value at the top and rest of ...

83. Stacked Bar Chart?

Stacked Bar Chart? A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 1 post Page 1 of 1 Stacked Bar Chart? by Iceman79 Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:01 am Hello, I modify the StackedBarChartDemo2 to get the following result. Code: Select all package demo; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Paint; import ...

84. Stacked Bar with same item repeating in the same line

Re: Stacked Bar with same item repeating in the same line by JulianHunt Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:51 am Thank you for your reply. However I could not make it work... Could you please show me where in the code do i need to add the code? Thank you again Code: Select all package StackedBarChartDemo2; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import ...

85. Stacked Bars will Not Seperate

Stacked Bars will Not Seperate A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 6 posts Page 1 of 1 Stacked Bars will Not Seperate by SDyke Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:09 pm I have the following class I use to create a chart. My problem is instead of having two sets of stacked bars ...

86. Combined Vertical Stacked Bar Charts - individual Range Axes

Combined Vertical Stacked Bar Charts - individual Range Axes by jamiehunter Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:09 pm Hi everyone, I'm having some trouble figuring out how to achieve a specific chart style. I'm using JFreeChart v1.0.12. Currently, the image above is a screen grab of 3 separate JFreeCharts output side-by-side. Each one is a Stacked Bar Chart, with Vertical ...

88. Stacked Bar Chart

JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart("bla", "bla", "blubb", this.defaultcategorydataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); jfreechart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); CategoryPlot categoryplot = (CategoryPlot) jfreechart.getPlot(); categoryplot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); categoryplot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); NumberAxis numberaxis = (NumberAxis) categoryplot.getRangeAxis(); numberaxis.setNumberFormatOverride(NumberFormat.getPercentInstance()); StackedBarRenderer renderer = (StackedBarRenderer) categoryplot.getRenderer(); renderer.setBarPainter(new StandardBarPainter()); renderer.setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator()); renderer.setBaseItemLabelsVisible(true); jfreechart.getCategoryPlot().setRenderer(renderer); renderer.setRenderAsPercentages(true); renderer.setDrawBarOutline(false); renderer.setItemLabelsVisible(true); ...

90. Stacked Bar Tooltip

91. Creating a Stacked Bar Graph(JFreeChart) using specific data

I am trying to create a stacked bar graph using JFreeChart. The graph is for Project Management related data (Resource Workload) with the following details: X-Axis : january, February, March etc (i.e months of the year) <- problem Y-Axis : Hours Legend: 'allocated' and 'unallocated' Each stack represents the allocated And unallocated hours per month. I tried the following: private void ...