1. Help me in JDBC BarChart problem?? jfree.orgHi all, I really need yours help to solve the below problem. Code: Select all I got the database as below: CATEGORY | SERIES | COUNT(*)| ---------+---------+---------| London | SERIES1 | 10 | London | SERIES2 | 25 | London | SERIES3 | ... |
2. how to show dynimic bar read via JDBC jfree.orgHi folks: I am a little bit confused by the demos of Jfreechart. Say I wanna setup a chart panel, which reads data via JDBC. How could demonstrate the change of data via JDBC through time? (dynamic chart?) Best Regards, ye 1) program of invoking: Code: Select all public static void plotCommunityStatus() { CommunityJCPChart communityJCPChart = new ... |
3. BarChart + TimeSeries + JDBC - Is that possible ? jfree.org |