Group « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Group Stack Bar Chart

Hi everybody, I am trying to create a bar chart exactly like StackedBarChartDemo4. But I tried to follow that example and define a data set and a KeyToGroupMap, but it seems to me that I cannot define any data set which is very dynamic. In the context of StackedBarChartDemo4, I would not know how many products, how many regions, and how ...

2. space between two groups of bars

Hi, Is it possible, creating a StackedBar3D Chart, to have different groups of bars (dataset) separated by an empty column. I already tried to create a dataset with a unique value set to 0, but it isn't an empty space; I have the borders filled but the color a one of the series. Thanks in advance for your help

4. Group stacked bar chart havin different subcategory in group

Hi i want to display a group stacked bar chart.. Consider a Sales chart of a state. First Stacked bar is of Total of area in that Group,rest of all are areas. Like Group G1 has first stacked bar total of Area A1,A2 then sale stack bar of A1 & A2..Group G2 has first stacked bar total of A3,A4,A5 then stacked ...

5. Bar Chart with two level of grouping.

I need a some sample code for a Bar chart with following requirement. First level - show all the employee for each department Second level - in each department group with salary In Y axis it should show exact salary and in x axis it should show the emp id and in the second line of x - axis it should ...

6. Bar Chart showing Individual Score And Group Average

Hi, I am currently using jfree chart to create bar chart for plotting individual score and group average for students score in multiple subjects. My aim is in such a way that - For against each group average score bar I want to plot a line chart on that bar with group minimum, group maximum, group lower quartile value, group upper ...