1. JFreeChart Bar Graph Labels stackoverflow.comI have made it possible for value labels to appear on top of the bar in JFreeChart. However, it would look better if the labels are inside the bars. How do ... |
4. clickable BAR graph ? jfree.orgHello all, I used this product 3 years back, but now I have to use a graph tool again. I am trying to figure out if jfree can do the following: A. I need to create a bar graph and would like to make each BAR clickable. Once the user clicks on the graph, all I want to do is display ... |
5. Basic Bar Graph - FIX Bar Width, Left-Align Bars jfree.orgBasic Bar Graph - FIX Bar Width, Left-Align Bars by world2160 Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:15 pm I am trying to make a very standard bar graph. I am using the following code which creates a very standard bar graph. private JFreeChart createChart(final CategoryDataset dataset) { // create the chart... final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart( "Bar Chart Demo", // chart ... |
6. How to draw Range Bar graph using JFreeChart? jfree.orgI want to use JFreeChart to draw frequency spectrum for an application. I wanted to represent it as a Range Bar graph, with HORIZONTAL plot direction. I want to draw these bars at locations indicated by specific Y-positions, for the range of values indicated by X. For example: for X = [10,20], Y = 5, I expect to see a horizontal ... |
7. Bar Graph and Bar Width jfree.orgI'd recommend using setMaximumBarWidth() to cap the bar width. If you set this value small enough, the bars will always be the same width until such time as there are too many bars to display, and they'll be made thinner in order to fit them in. The setLowerMargin()/setUpperMargin() methods are poorly named - setLeadingMargin()/setTrailingMargin() might have been better names. Anyway, the ... |
8. sometimes black bars for series in 2D graphs jfree.orgIt use 2D charts for showing results over this year and last year side by side. The colors are configurable, but we mostly use the colors red and blue for these graphs (the blue differs a bit from the default blue). Now in rare occasions, the blue bars are black. Also when not using barRenderer.setSeriesPaint and thus asking for the default, ... |
9. Test cases for Testing Line graph and Bar Graph(Jfree Chart) jfree.orgWhat is it that you want to test? I've written a lot of JUnit tests that ship with JFreeChart, but typically they check things like dataset integrity, or specify features of each object like cloning, serialization, and equality testing. It's very hard to write something that checks the visual characteristics of the chart (e.g. are the data points being plotted in ... |
10. need help for bar graph jfree.orghi, i would be very grateful if someone can guide me how to fix my problem. i am creating a bar chart with jfreechart which is coming fine except for the base items. i mean the labels at the bottom of each bar. for a big text like MY_BIG_COMPANY_NAME it shows MY_BIG_CO... can i get the full text here. thanks, Kapil ... |
11. Bar Graph with High/Low Forecast jfree.orgHello, I am trying to reproduce the following image in JFreeGraph: clandaith.freezoka.com/lineChart_with_barGraph.jpg (I can't actually display the image here since I am a new user. Please copy and paste the url in a browser.) Basically, it's a forecasting image for a fuel tank. The green lines are the high/low forecast for that hour. The blue line is the mean average of ... |
12. PeriodAxis and TimetableXYDataset (mixing bar graph and line jfree.orgI am constructing a stacked bar graph with an overlay of a line graph. The domain axis is a PeriodAxis intended to show the values for a month. The X axis is the number of persons and the secondary X axis is the percentage of the total. So the series are: Total people, people on alert (stacked bar graph) and percentage ... |
13. Bar Graph with negative/positive values jfree.org |
14. Flat bar color for 2d graphs jfree.orgAnother set of eyes is welcome. The goal is to have bars of a solid, flat color rather than the changing color. here is the relevant code to date: DefaultCategoryDataset queueset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); queueset.addValue(Round((float) RunAVG,2), "r1", "Run"); queueset.addValue(Round( (float) WaitAVG,2), "r1", "Wait"); File chartfile = new File(ImagePath + Sep + GraphName); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(null,null,null,queueset,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); CategoryPlot ... |