Font « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

3. Bold fonts saving a barchart into a PDF using iText

Hello everybody. I have an extrange problem: I am adding a barchart to a pdf document that I am generating on the fly with iText. If I do not add the chart the document looks fine, but if I add it the rest of the document gets darker and fonts look like bold. Has anybody had the same problem? I guess ...

5. How to change font of legend in bar chart?

Hello I have a bar chart displaying five products and their market share. Below the bars there is the legend with the product names (in black). How can I change the color of the product names and the font size? I searched the documentation and developer guide and couldn't find an easy solution. Maybe I've just overlooked it. Claus

6. Legend bar item not aligned for small fonts.

I was able to write a little test method that shows the effect: Code: Select all /** * The bar in the legend is too big and top aligned. * * @return JFreeChart. */ ...