Error « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. how to generate plots with error bars?

In scientific applications one often needs to generate a line plot or a scatter plot with error bars. I am looking for information on how to do this using JFreeChart. Eventually, I'd like to invoke the functionality using the Cewolf taglib. Here is an example: x: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y: 3, 1, 2, 5, 4 errors: 0.5, 0.2, 0.3, ...

2. error bars in scatter plot

3. multicolor bar chart - error

multicolor bar chart - error by rasa Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:31 pm hi , the following code is used in my project bar chart ,but it doesn't display multiple color barchart instead of single color.i want to display each sets have diffrent color( i have 12 set of values).the code has shown the blank image(x).can u help me to ...

4. plot with error bar

5. error bar on plot

6. plot with error bar

7. Customising error bars

Hi, Does anyone know how to customize a chart with error bars? I am currently making charts based on My data have small error bars and their range (in Y) is large so the default parameters of XYErrorRendererDemo1 are not satisfactory . I have 3 questions : 1> Is it possible to change the size, shape and color of the ...

8. Asymmetrical error bars

Hello, I have been using JFreeChart in combination with CeWolf for quite a while. I was particularly using DefaultStatisticalCategoryDatasets to produce a bar chart with error bars, where these error bars are, in my case, showing a 95% confidence interval around the data. Now I have a problem, however, that I want to display such a confidence interval range around the ...

9. Error bars innecesary displayed, chart looks bad

I want to show error bars only in some points of my charts. To do that I use an XYIntervalSeriesCollection, setting the start and end x/y point to the same values when I want a given error bar not to be displayed (because it is inexistent). The problem is that my chart looks a little bad, because in those points where ...

10. Bar Chart Error

12. deployment Error while using jfree jar files for bar chart

deployment Error while using jfree jar files for bar chart by vinesh Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:35 pm Hi i am using jfree jars() for bar chart code ,get error and deployment failed due to this error. please urgently give me solution to rid from this issue i am placing the full exception,which i face log4j:ERROR Could not parse ...