1. Distance between bar and labels in bar chart jfree.orgThe item margin is specified as a percentage of the plot width (e,g, 0.10 is 10 percent). So if the plot is 600 units across, an item margin of 0.10 will allocate 60 units for use as the margin between adjacent bars. The total of 60 units is split between however many bar gaps there are in the chart (this will ... |
2. Distance between bars in bar chart jfree.org |
3. increase the distance between bars in barchart jfree.org |
4. Distance between Open/Closed issues per day bars jfree.org |
5. distance between bar jfree.orguse Class XYIntervalSeries as dataset so you can have witdth-sensitive datasets. or XYSeriesCollection class has setIntervalWidth, you can use it. but as you are talking about the distances between, you might be using Category datasets and BarRenderer instead of XY stuff because XYBarRenderer gets the bar locations for XYSeriesCollection already so that you can set the places of the bars at ... |