Custom « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Adding Legends on Bar Chart for custom colors

I am currently displaying a bar graph, but am modifying the color of each bar based on my conditions. As a result, my bar graph has 6-7 different colors. I need to be able to add a legend to the graph so users know the significance of each color. I tried this code, but it does not work. LegendItemCollection m_colorLegends=new LegendItemCollection(); ...

2. Rendering Custom color for the Bars (Newbie)

Hi, I have a single row and multiple columns for BarChart and i would like to control the color of each bar. Can anyone let me know i can achieve this. Here is the snippet of my dataset. DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dataset.addValue(11.0, "S1", "C1"); dataset.addValue(44.3, "S1", "C2"); dataset.addValue(93.0, "S1", "C3"); dataset.addValue(35.6, "S1", "C4"); dataset.addValue(75.1, "S1", "C5"); return dataset; So ...

3. custom bar chart legend text.

4. aligning custom tick marks with bars in bar chart

Hello, I have a DateTickUnit of 7 days, starting on the 01. then 08., 15., etc. Now the problem is that on the chart I see the average as tick mark, the 04., 11., etc. I don't find where to control this, shouldn't it be in DateAxis setTickMarkPostition()? But changing the TickMarkPosition doesn't have any effect. Does anyone know what could ...

5. custom bar url generator

6. Custom Colors for Bar chart based on value

Hi everybody, Sorry to take your time but have been researching quite a lot on some minor thing that I need to accomplish. Basically I have already got custom colors for the bars, here is the e.g. ... jfreechart I already have a custombar renderer and would like to assign bar colors based on the value of the bar. For ...

8. GanttRenderer bar thickness / Custom Renderer class

I'm having trouble finding a way to get the bar thickness for my Gantt chart to be anything but a very thin bar. I've tried tweaking maximum and minimum bar widths of the GanttRenderer and a few other things but I have not had much success. Does anybody have a quick code snippet or if this has already been discussed in ...

9. Custom label for bar chart-Using CategoryItemLabelGenerator?

rahul wrote:Hi, I have a bar chart on which I want to display a date below each bar on the X -axis. I got to know that CategoryItemLabelGenerator is to be used. But I am not able to understand how to do that. Can somebody please help me?? No, the x-axis labels in a CategoryPlot are derived by JFreeChart calling the ...

11. CategoryAxis values in barchart which uses custom renderer

CategoryAxis values in barchart which uses custom renderer by raj_jfree Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:43 am Hi, I tried to create a barchart using categorydataset and categoryplot.. it uses CategoryAxis for domainAxis, ValueAxis for rangeAxis i want to display my own category axis values instead of the one which are generated like category1, category2, category3... Commented with red color in ...