1. Adding Legends on Bar Chart for custom colors jfree.orgI am currently displaying a bar graph, but am modifying the color of each bar based on my conditions. As a result, my bar graph has 6-7 different colors. I need to be able to add a legend to the graph so users know the significance of each color. I tried this code, but it does not work. LegendItemCollection m_colorLegends=new LegendItemCollection(); ... |
2. Rendering Custom color for the Bars (Newbie) jfree.orgHi, I have a single row and multiple columns for BarChart and i would like to control the color of each bar. Can anyone let me know i can achieve this. Here is the snippet of my dataset. DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dataset.addValue(11.0, "S1", "C1"); dataset.addValue(44.3, "S1", "C2"); dataset.addValue(93.0, "S1", "C3"); dataset.addValue(35.6, "S1", "C4"); dataset.addValue(75.1, "S1", "C5"); return dataset; So ... |
3. custom bar chart legend text. jfree.org |
4. aligning custom tick marks with bars in bar chart jfree.orgHello, I have a DateTickUnit of 7 days, starting on the 01. then 08., 15., etc. Now the problem is that on the chart I see the average as tick mark, the 04., 11., etc. I don't find where to control this, shouldn't it be in DateAxis setTickMarkPostition()? But changing the TickMarkPosition doesn't have any effect. Does anyone know what could ... |
5. custom bar url generator jfree.org |
6. Custom Colors for Bar chart based on value jfree.orgHi everybody, Sorry to take your time but have been researching quite a lot on some minor thing that I need to accomplish. Basically I have already got custom colors for the bars, here is the e.g. http://www.infocaptor.com/dashboard/cus ... jfreechart I already have a custombar renderer and would like to assign bar colors based on the value of the bar. For ... |
8. GanttRenderer bar thickness / Custom Renderer class jfree.orgI'm having trouble finding a way to get the bar thickness for my Gantt chart to be anything but a very thin bar. I've tried tweaking maximum and minimum bar widths of the GanttRenderer and a few other things but I have not had much success. Does anybody have a quick code snippet or if this has already been discussed in ... |
9. Custom label for bar chart-Using CategoryItemLabelGenerator? jfree.orgrahul wrote:Hi, I have a bar chart on which I want to display a date below each bar on the X -axis. I got to know that CategoryItemLabelGenerator is to be used. But I am not able to understand how to do that. Can somebody please help me?? No, the x-axis labels in a CategoryPlot are derived by JFreeChart calling the ... |
10. Custom series texture or shape for Bar Graph chart jfree.org |
11. CategoryAxis values in barchart which uses custom renderer jfree.orgCategoryAxis values in barchart which uses custom renderer by raj_jfree Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:43 am Hi, I tried to create a barchart using categorydataset and categoryplot.. it uses CategoryAxis for domainAxis, ValueAxis for rangeAxis i want to display my own category axis values instead of the one which are generated like category1, category2, category3... Commented with red color in ... |