Color « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Customize bar colors in XYJfree chart

how to paint different bars in different colors, I tried to use renderer, here is my sample code:

    public IntervalXYDataset createDataset() throws InterruptedException {

2. Bar should reder with double layered colour Using StackedBar

Hi, I want to display the bar with double layered color(i.e first half with one color and second half with another different color) using StackedBarRenderer3D. If i use StackedBarRenderer3D i can't achieve double layered color, but i can achieve using by StackedBarRenderer. Using StackedBarRenderer i can't achieve 3D view. StackedBarRenderer - Possible double layered color , impossible 3D view StackedBarRenderer3D - ...

3. Bar Chart Colors

private transient Paint paintArray[][]; private boolean isPaintArray = false; public Paint getItemPaint(int row, int column) { Paint returnPaint = null; if (isPaintArray) { returnPaint ...

4. Changing bar colors.... Plz help!

Changing bar colors.... Plz help! by ChrisW Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:09 am If you have a look at this chart generated using cewolf Do you have any idea how I would change the coloring of the bars, I'm hoping to display projects delivered on time in green (currently red) and projects which are Over 8 weeks late displayed ...

5. Bar Color Change

Hi, Were using JFreeChart to build some bar chart graphs. Its working fine, but, we havent been able to change de color of the bars from red to anything else. Does anyone know how to do this? The code were using is the following: JFreeChart jfreeChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(title, categoryLabel, valueLabel, dataSet, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false); jfreeChart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); jfreeChart.createBufferedImage(500, 300); jfreeChart.setBorderPaint(new Color(94, 94, ...

6. [solved] BarChart, colors question

Hi! I want to create a bar chart, it's OK, but I've some color problems. My bar chart is horizontal. It represents the value of several things in 2 years. - frais de personnel - travaux - ... My dataset is like this : Code: Select all DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dataset.addValue(123, "1994", FRAIS_DE_PERSONNEL); dataset.addValue(10, "1994", TRAVAUX_FOURNITURES); dataset.addValue(23, "1994", CHARGES_SOCIALES_PERSO); ...

7. Bar chart with 2 color

Hello, I didn't find any example of the chart I would like to create. Could you please help me? Requested chart is very simple: 2 bar with constant width (together) placed into same column. For example - full width is 100%, Bar1 is 45% and second Bar2 is 55%, same column => one big bar, two color: XXXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYY <---BAR1--------><--BAR2--> <-------always 100%---------> ...

8. Problems with color in bars

HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone, i have a problem with the colors in my bar charts, i dont know how can i set the color of a bar in my graphics, i know that can be specified with setSeriesPaint, but the problem is that my graphic has only one series and if i use the method setSeriesPaint, all the bars have the same color, ...

9. How to change color of volume bar in candle stick chart? View topic - How to change color of volume bar in candle stick chart? Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login How to change color of volume bar in candle stick chart? A free public discussion forum for ...

10. color of bars in barchart

12. How to set individual bar color

13. Change Color of Bars

15. Different Colors for a Bar Chart

16. Colors barchart

18. color in BarChart ( newbie)

My source : DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dataset.setValue(new Long(100), "Hits", "Thuyet" ); dataset.setValue(new Long(200), "Hits", "Van" ); dataset.setValue(new Long(500), "Hits", "Nhi" ); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart ("Thu choi", "Family", "Members", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, true ); CategoryPlot plot = (CategoryPlot)chart.getPlot(); BarRenderer ren = (BarRenderer)plot.getRenderer(); ren.setItemURLGenerator(new StandardCategoryURLGenerator("xy_chart.jsp","series","section")); ren.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.CYAN); ren.setSeriesPaint(1, Color.BLACK); ren.setSeriesPaint(2, Color.BLUE); and then , three bar are all CYAN ...

19. change individual bar colors

I have a bar graph, I know how to change the colors the bars are painted in. I want to change the color of individual bars. For example, I would like to draw one set of bars in a series say blue. Then in another series I would like to draw those bars a unique color based upon the variance of ...

20. Change the color of individual bars (fresher)

Hi All, I am new to this jfree chart. I had a 3D bar chart. Now I need to change the individual bar colors , the colors will written in an properties file, i should read the file and change the color of individual bars accordingly. Also when ever i change the color in the properties file the same should be ...

21. BarChart color

22. I want to change colors of the bar chart

Hi Dave and all, I am Vairamuthu working as a trainee programmer.Actually i got a bar chart from my friend.W have to create some dashboards.So only focussing on JFREE.It's new to us.But we hope this suits for our requirement.But at the starting i had a doubt to change the color of bars.Where i can find solution for that.what i have to ...

23. StackedBar chart is not displaying same colors for more bars

StackedBar chart is not displaying same colors for more bars by skkuchipudi Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:18 pm hi, here i am using a Stacked Bar chart, but this Stacked Bar chart is having more Bars in the graph, but for each graph, it is diplaying different colors. but I want same (2 Colors) colors in different Bars in the ...

24. Configure Negative Bar Color

public class DifferenceBarRenderer extends BarRenderer { public DifferenceBarRenderer() { super(); } public Paint getItemPaint(int x_row, int x_col) { CategoryDataset l_jfcDataset = getPlot().getDataset(); String l_rowKey = (String)l_jfcDataset.getRowKey(x_row); String l_colKey = (String)l_jfcDataset.getColumnKey(x_col); double l_value = l_jfcDataset.getValue(l_rowKey, ...

25. Changing BarChart bar colors. Is this possible?

I am currently dynamically generating a horizontal bar chart based on risk values of track data. The higher the risk, the greater the value each item has. These risks fall into certain risk categories, ie. high, medium, low. Is there any way for me to change the color of individual bars to something specific based on their risk assessment? I've been ...

26. Bar Chart color help

As a related question: I want to make a bar-chart or step-chart where the series color changes from one end of the series to the other. Is this possible by changing the properties of an existing Renderer? Would this be possible by subclassing AbstractRenderer? (I tried overriding getItemFillPaint(int, int), but my overriden method doesn't seem to get called.)

27. Bar Chart - Bars with different colours

Thanks a lot Richard for your reply. But still i am not getting the current month bar in a different colour. I have overrided the getItemPaint as below. public Paint getItemPaint(int x_row, int x_col) { if(x_col==4){ return Color.BLACK; } else{ return Color.GREEN; } } if the value for the int x_col is 4, then it should return a different colour. else ...

28. Bar Colours

Hai All, I am having a Bar chart. At present my Bar colour is Green. It is Gradient Paint i am using. So the colour pattern of the bar is horizontal pattern, like(DarkGreen-lightGreen-Darkgreen) I want this pattern to be of diagonal, same as (darkGreen-lightGreen-DarkGreen) What is the solution to make it??? Thanks in advance.

29. Bar Chart Colors

30. show different colour Bar Chart

thanks for your comment. i managed to get that thing to i am trying to obfuscate my java application using JShrink.i have been using it for quite long time but had no problem.i added a new class which uses BarRenderer3D class.this class is in jar when i try to obfuscate using JShrink i get the below error.what is the ...

32. Changing a color of a single bar (not a section color)

Hello, Im trying to change a color of single bar (Im using BarChart3D). I know how to change a color of section, but this is not my goal. for example if i have 3 categories (1,2,3), with 5 sections in each (1,2,3,4,5), and i want to change color of one bar only from category "1"; bar "2" (this which belongs to ...

33. Bar Chart Colour Modification

36. bar chart different color bars/sorting/labels

hi there... 1)my bar chart has 5 bars... i want only one of the bars to be a different color if its a certain value... anyway to do that ? i have attached a picture of how i want my chart to look... 2) i want to make the labels at the bottom to be horizontal like the one in the ...

37. different color in same bar...

hey friends, i want a bar with different colors..means in a single bar i need a different color. i have a lower bound value as 0 and upper bound value as 40.between 1.6 to 32 i need differrent color and rest of the bar should be in some other color..could someone please help me..??

38. Need help in creating multi colored bar charts

Need help in creating multi colored bar charts by Mahesh Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:33 am Hi I am new to Jfree charts. I need help in creating multi colored bar charts. I want to display Interval bar charts for which i am using DefaultIntervalCategoryDataset. Say my requirement is A's Range is 1 to 3, B's Range is 4 to ...

39. Coloring bar issue.

40. how do i customize bars colors in Bar chart..

hi skunk thanks a lot, the code which u posted is fixed my problem.. i am facing one more problem i need to put one small line between each categories.. and i need to print category labels in in two lines alternatively... i have only one series in my domain axis..i am print 30 items(dates) in domain axis. first item label(01/03) ...

41. Grabbing the colors of the bars question

I've searched the forum but haven't found a very quick, simple way to just grab the colors of the bars for a custom legend at the bottom of the chart. Is there any way to grab those colors at render time or maybe in an AJAX call after the page loads. I've tried using: ChartColor.createDefaultPaintArray(); I noticed it creates a default ...

42. How to set color of bars in CategoryDataset intact?

JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("Histogram (Per Module)", // chart title "Time frame in seconds", // domain axis label "Hit count", // range axis label dataset, // CategoryDataset PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, // orientation ...

43. Different color for each bar in a bar chart

I need to color each bar based on some condition. There is only 1 series. I saw some example that suggested overriding getItemPaint in BarRenderer. Can someone post an example of hoe to do this? Is there a better alternative? Ideally I would prefer to do this without extending. Thanks in advance.

45. Customise IntervalBarRenderer for different Color bars

Hi I'm looking for some tips to customise the IntervalBarRenderer to change the colors of the bars depending on the data that is in the dataset. I've created my own class that overrides the drawItem method. I'm stuck at detecting the data row in the dataset (row is the data row in the DB table), and changing the colour. My entity ...

46. My bars on charts are not solid in color

If you don't like the gradient bar style you can call the setDefaultBarPainter() static method in the BarRenderer and XYBarRenderer classes to change the default used for all new renderers. There is also a method in each renderer to change the current painter if you just want to change it on a per-renderer basis.

47. How to change the color only for several Bars?

Hallo, I have a dynamical Barchart and I want to change the color of a part of the Bars(due to their index possitions(on the base of a week-of-the-year selection)). Is this possible? Example: first 2 are red, the next 3 green and the rest also red(the order is always different). They are all in one series. thank you

48. Bar chart with different color

I want to create a Bar chart Using Jfree charts. I am using Jfree charts version number jfreechart-0.9.21 On y axis thier is frequency. On x axis their is Vehicle/calibration. My criteria is that for one vehicle their can be zero or more callibartions. I want to draw a Bar chart group by vehicle on x axis for example v1 is ...

49. Contrast label color and bar color

I'm generating stacked bar charts with custom colors generated by another program. The problem I have is that the color of the labels inside the bars is sometimes the same or similar to the color of the bar (i.e. a black bar and a black color for the label). Of course, black on black is not very easy to read. How ...

50. Need the different colors of bars.

I'm using JSP with that code. Every thing is fine but unable to do the bars of chart with different colors. Please tell me this as using JSP. <% String app_path = application.getRealPath("/"); String query="SELECT * from chart"; JDBCCategoryDataset dataset=new JDBCCategoryDataset("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/license_server", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver","root",""); dataset.executeQuery( query); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D( "Test", "Id", "Score", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); CategoryItemRenderer renderer = chart.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer(); renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, ...

51. fixing a bar's color

Hi everyone, I wanted to know that is there some way by which I could fix the color of a particular bar in a bar chart say, for example I am displaying the rainfall in an area in a year, and, want to mark the bar representing max rainfall for that year with red. Then, how to do that?? Thanks & ...

52. Bar3DChart - Each bar colour depending on a result

Hi everyboby! I'm using iReport y JFreeChart to generate a bar chart. My problem is that I need to paint each bar depending on the colour of the query result. If the bar has value between 0 - 33 so red, 34 - 66 yellow, 65 - 100 green. I really don't know how to do this. Thanks in advanced!

53. bar color and chartmouseevnt

hi everybody my problem is I want to change the color of a stick of a graph jfreechart when I clicked with a mouse the chart that I use is a stackedbarchart3d and here is the snippet for chartmousecliked public void chartMouseClicked(ChartMouseEvent chartmouseevent) { ChartEntity chartentity = chartmouseevent.getEntity(); if (chartentity != null) { CategoryItemEntity entity = (CategoryItemEntity) chartentity; System.out.println(entity.getColumnKey().toString()); BarRenderer render ...

55. Bar color issue -- changing bar colors

Greetings I have two issues with bar colors: First it seems only one series is recognized despite I have two. Second the jpeg appears to have a transient color (( one color bleeding to another )) I wish this to be one solid color I am displaying the average run and wait queues. One series is the runqueue the other is ...

56. Gridline color on bar chart based on range

Is it possible to render the gridlines of a bar chart with different colors based on a range of values. i.e. 0 to 20 gridline will be red 21 to 50 gridline will be orange 51+ gridline will be blue I found categoryplot.setRangeGridlinePaint(; but it sets the value for all the gridlines on the chart.

57. Color swap in Bar Chart