3D « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. How to apply texture pattern to 3D bars in pdf generated using iReport?    stackoverflow.com

I have a requirement like applying texture pattern to the 3D bars in 3D Barchart using ireport. I am able to see the texture pattern in the default JRViewer. But when ...

2. how to display values/lables on top of JFree 3D Bar graph    stackoverflow.com

I am creating 3D Bar Graph. I want to display the values on top of each bar. but when i create 2D bar graph values are displayed outside. but incase of ...

3. Marker - ValueMarker on 3D Bar chart    jfree.org

How do I add marker without 3D effect on 3D bar chart. Marker gets renderd on regular bar chart and I can get single nice line. But on 3D Bar chart marker comes in three dimesion infront of a bar chart and does not look good. Following code snippet does not give me desired results JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D( "3D Bar ...

4. Huge Chart Margins in a 3D bar chart    jfree.org

I've built a series of graphs that will display stacked 3d barcharts. When I have roughly less than 20 categories the chart displays fine - the bars begin rendering just to the right of the Y axis. However, if the chart has more than 20 categories, the margins on on the left and right of the first and last bar begin ...

5. Labels in 3D bar chart    jfree.org

6. multiple charts having 3D Bar chart and line chart    jfree.org

Hi I want to create a Bar chart with a default target line. For this i'm using dual axis demo4 chart(). But the line is not starting from the (0,0) point as it is not a XY chart. Is there a way of Creting a Ctegory plot bar chart with a Target line being displayed?

9. Shapes for bar 3d. How to use?    jfree.org

10. Horizontal 3D Bar value labels display problem...    jfree.org

Hi all! I want to display something like this (3D view): ^ | |---------------------- |/////////////////////| 435 |---------------------- | ********************> I am using 0.9.21 version. I wrote: ChartPostProcessor dataColor = new ChartPostProcessor() { class VariationBarRenderer3D extends BarRenderer3D { public Paint getItemPaint(int row, int column) { switch (column) { case 0: return Color.decode("#FFFFFF"); case 1: return Color.decode("#81B400"); case 2: return Color.decode("#EFC500"); } return ...

11. Need code to draw a 3D bar chart    jfree.org

13. 3D bar chart problems with PNG and browser display    jfree.org

3D bar chart problems with PNG and browser display by shockwave_rider Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:50 pm Good afternoon, Apologise if this has already been asked, but having done extensive searches of this forum I cannot find an answer. The problem: I've produced a number of bar charts to be displayed in a browser, via cewolf. Everything works beautifully if ...

14. 3d bar chart and bar's values    jfree.org

... JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("3D Bar Chart Demo", "Category", "Value", categorydataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); CategoryPlot categoryplot = jfreechart.getCategoryPlot(); CategoryAxis categoryaxis = categoryplot.getDomainAxis(); categoryaxis.setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions.createUpRotationLabelPositions(0.39269908169872414D)); CategoryItemRenderer categoryitemrenderer = categoryplot.getRenderer(); ...

15. 2 Bar Chart Problem (6000 bars and transparent for 3D bars)    jfree.org

I am pretty new to JFreeChart. I have 2 questions. 1. My bar chart works fine until I pass in a DefaultCategoryDataset contains 6000 rows. chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("", "", //x axis label "", //y axis label dataset, //6000 rows PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, //include legend false, //tooltip false //urls ); will freeze the GUI. Does anyone have the same problem? 2. when I ...

16. 3D bar color    jfree.org

17. Display 3-D bar chart item values on top of the bars    jfree.org

Hi, We are using jfreechart's 3d-bar graph and using the following code snippet to enable item label generation. Any suggestions on how to get the values to show on top of the bar and not inside the bar itself? Thanks. BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) plot.getRenderer(); DecimalFormat decimalformat1 = new DecimalFormat("###.00"); renderer.setLabelGenerator(new StandardCategoryLabelGenerator("{2}", decimalformat1)); renderer.setItemLabelsVisible(true); plot.setRenderer(renderer);

18. Center 3d barchart range axis on point >0    jfree.org

Hi, I'm trying to center a 3d bargraph about 0.5 rather than the default 0.0. Some of the examples show this being done with negative values have 3d bars rendered below the 0.0 mark and positive values above. I have a range of 0.0 to 1.0 and would like the same effect. i.e. 1.0.. __ ........|..| ........|..| 0.5._|_|_____ ............|..| ............|..| ............|..| ...

19. User defined labels on 3D Bar charts    jfree.org

Hi, Recently I started using jfree charts. Was really excited on your 3D Bar charts, especially 3D Stacked Bar charts...But I now want to write my own labels on the charts... renderer.setItemLabelGenerator(anItemLabel); renderernew.setItemLabelsVisible(true); This will set the value in the dataset as labels, but I want different values like "AVERAGE VALUE" on the bars. If possible I would also like to ...

21. Item labels on 3D bar vertically centered along with the Bar    jfree.org

Hi pl helpme out in this. this is my code sinppet. position = new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE3, TextAnchor.CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0); renderer.setPositiveItemLabelPositionFallback(position); renderer.setNegativeItemLabelPositionFallback(position); renderer.setPositiveItemLabelPosition(position); renderer.setItemLabelsVisible(true); But this is displaying the lebels in the middle of the bar horizontally and causes to overlap the bars. I want to display the item lables vertically on the bar.

22. how to create a postscript 3D BarChart    jfree.org

Hi all. First of all forgive me if this is not the correct forum to post this question. I've a Java application that reads a data file and create a postscript file mixing data read from the file with postscript commands. The problem is that I need insert in the postscript file a 3d BarChart generated from some values read from ...

23. How to create a 3D-Data bar chart (not only 3D effect) ?    jfree.org

I want to represent a 3-dimension data in a 3-D bar chart. For example: X-axis -> Company Name (A,B,C,D...) Y-axis -> Year (2000,2001,2002,....) Z-axis -> Profit (or number of employee, etc) Value Every data item should be represented a bar in location (x,y) with its value as height. Sorry for my poor explaining. But i think you can image it. z ...

24. [3D BarPlot] Item labels missing for some of the bars!    jfree.org

Hi, We are using JFC 100rc1. Sometimes, in a bar plot, the item labels for some of the bars do not show up. This seems quite unpredictable. Is this a known issue ? I see the following comment in the 'README.txt' in 1.0.1 release. - some renderers do not respect the series visibility flags yet; Is this the limitation that I'm ...

26. 3D Bar Chart - How To Show Zero Value Item    jfree.org

I've tried looking for this answer, but can't quite find the right way to do this. How can I force a zero value item to show up in a 3D bar chart? I don't like the empty space, and I'd like to show a flat color square while in 3D mode to indicate that the item was there. Can I do ...

27. Integer Tick Units in Bar Chart 3D    jfree.org

Hi, We are using this code for generating 3d bar chart. Also we have set the following: rangeAxis.setRangeType(RangeType.POSITIVE); rangeAxis.setAutoRangeStickyZero(true); But when my dataset is empty the bar chart has -1 and 0 in the Y axis. Now when one value is present the bar chart has -1,0,1 in the Y axis. I want to eliminate the -gative values from appearing in ...

29. Clickable stacked 3d bar charts    jfree.org

Hi, I just wonerd if it was pssible to have a stacked 3d bar chart and allow the users to click on one of the bars and have an event occur. I have got the mouse clicking and pcikuin up a screen location. I want the event to prodouce a graph of the selected stacked bar. I just need to find ...

30. stacked bar 3d but the outline isnt seen clearly    jfree.org

stacked bar 3d but the outline isnt seen clearly by demonhead Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:56 am My stacked 3d bar has no gradience and also the outlines for each series is n't there. This is the following piece of code that i used. Using jfreechart1.0.1 and jcommon1.0.0. public static GradientPaint[] gradientPaint={new GradientPaint(0.0F, 0.0F,new Color(0xFF7F00),0.0F, 0.0F,new Color(0xFFBF7F)), new GradientPaint(0.0F, 0.0F,new ...

31. Value above 3D bar chart    jfree.org

32. 3D bar chart    jfree.org

34. 3D bar chart web application example!    jfree.org

Hi there, I am new to JFreeChart, and I would like to know if there is an example showing how to generate a 3D barchart in a web application with each bar of the chart haing a hyperlink to another jsp page that would display some aother information. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in adcance. ps: I ahve downloaded the ...

35. I need to create a pop up from 3D bars in my graph.    jfree.org

I would like to do something similar with 2d bar plots. However, I would like to keep the default plot popup menu when the user does not click on a specific bar. For instance, if the user clicks on a bar on the histogram, it will display a popup which is aware of which bar was clicked. If the user clicks ...

36. Layered Bar Charts -3D    jfree.org

38. i need to generate 3D bar chart having x y and z axis showin    jfree.org

just browsing the forums and I see so many requests like this... Volatility Surfaces would be so useful to be able to produce. if it will be available in the 3d version (whenever that comes out). Will there be a simple class just for these surfaces or will it require a lot of work on the developers side?

39. Labels with 3D barchart    jfree.org

I have a 3D bar chart. I want to display item labels over each bar. Since it is a 3D bar, the 3D effect overlaps with the label. I want to display the label further up, away from the bar. I have checked with all the P&Cs of ItemLabelAnchor and TextAnchor. However this does not seem to happen. Is there a ...

40. BackgroundAlpha for 3D Bar Chart    jfree.org

by david.gilbert Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:02 pm Thanks for the report. I've applied this patch to CVS, which I hope resolves the problem. These changes will be included in the 1.0.6 release, whenever that might be (sometime in May, most likely): Code: Select all Index: source/org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/BarRenderer3D.java =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/jfreechart/jfreechart/source/org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/BarRenderer3D.java,v retrieving revision diff -u -r1.10.2.6 BarRenderer3D.java --- source/org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/BarRenderer3D.java ...

41. 3d bar item label    jfree.org

42. Bar Chart 3D Horizontal with Label Generator    jfree.org

Hi to everybody. I've used BARCHART3D overwriting a class LabelGenerator and I've got the numbers of my chart in the upper part. BUT when I change the BARCHART3D to HORIZONTAL I've got my numbers in the center part but I need them on the right part of the chart.... how can I resolve this? [/code]

43. 3D stacked bar transparency    jfree.org

3D stacked bar transparency by HTPC2Good4U Wed May 30, 2007 3:28 pm Hello. I'm trying to render two StackedBarRenderer3D objects on the same chart. I have succeeded in getting it to work, but I was having problems with getting the bar to be partially transparent. Java has a bug with the Color.darker() method, where it doesn't preserve transparency. I have ...

44. 3D effect for bar charts    jfree.org

3D effect for bar charts by Dominik Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:32 am Hi! I have been working with JFreeChart for almost 3 months and I am very pleased with it. However, does JFreeChart (version 1.06) support "3D effects" for bar charts, which use DateAxis as x-axis, NumberAxis as y-axis, TimeSeriesCollection (as the dataset for the time series chart) and ...

45. Multi-series on Z-axis in 3D Bar Chart?    jfree.org

Hello, I have a question whether certain functionality exists in JFreeChart. In the webstart demo I see that there is such thing as 3D bar charts which support multiple data series by drawing the bars on the same Z-axis in different color. What I am looking for is to draw multiple series along the Z-axis so that the bars in the ...

46. Overlaid chart - 3D Bar and 3D Line    jfree.org

Hi, I tried searching in forums but could not get any help. I was trying to generate an overlaid chart with 3D Bar and 3D Line. I see that there is a XYLine3DRenderer for 3D Line but, I was looking for a 3D Bar Renderer. Could any one help me as to how can I get an overlaid chart with 3D ...

47. 3D bar chart    jfree.org

Hi, I need to generate a 3D bar chart representint a ranking - that is the highest bar having the lowest value (1 - first rank), the middle one of value 2 and finally, the smallest bar with the lowest rank (3) - as in sport competitions. Which properties should I set and how to get this result? I'm using an ...

48. How do I hide the zero-value layers in stacked 3D bar chart?    jfree.org

When I create a 3D stacked bar chart and plot zero values, these values show up on the chart as very thin layers on top of the other bars or at the axis depending on the over series' values. I do not want to render these "slivers" at all. I read in a previous post (that I can't find anymore so ...

49. Changing value types for the Y axis in a 3D Bar chart    jfree.org

//some stuff before data.addValue(valor, "Acessos", chaveMes); data.addValue(impressao, "Impresses", chaveMes); // create a chart with the dataset JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("Relatrio de Acessos", "Ms", "Acessos", data, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); NumberAxis yAxis1 = new NumberAxis("Acessos"); NumberAxis yAxis2 = new NumberAxis("Impresses"); yAxis1.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); yAxis2.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits());

50. Applying gradientpaint for 3D Bar chart, pls Help!    jfree.org

I got a problem in applying gradientpaint for series colors in 3D charts. I use the following code to set series colors. int seriesNo = 0; GradientPaint BackgroundColorGradient = new GradientPaint(0f, 0f, Color.red, 350f, 0f, Color.white, true); renderer.setSeriesPaint(seriesNo, BackgroundColorGradient) This works properly with the Bar chart. But for 3D charts(Bar3D, Stacking Bar3D etc) it doesn't apply colors properly. I want to ...

52. 3D Bar Chart - tick marks in domain axis?    jfree.org

Guys, I have used the following code to display the tick marks in the domain axis for a 3D bar chart. But i couldn't get the tick marks in the domain axis. final CategoryAxis3D domainAxis = (CategoryAxis3D) plot.getDomainAxis(); domainAxis.setTickMarksVisible(true); domainAxis.setTickMarkPaint(Color.black); domainAxis.setTickMarkStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); domainAxis.setTickMarkOutsideLength(1.0f); can u people help me? do i miss anything in the code?

54. 3D barChart - change gray color of side and bottom    jfree.org

Hello, is it possible to change the gray color of the side and bottom of a 3D barChart ? There's my code : (I have a image but cannot post url) Code: Select all barChart.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(152,153,51)); barChart.setBorderVisible(false); ...

55. 3D Bar Chart bars overlaying each other incorrectly    jfree.org

I wish I could figure out how to paste an image of what I'm talking about, but here goes for a description. I have a horizontal 3D bar chart. There are a sufficient number of bars that they have to overlay each other. The 3D effect is as though you are looking down on the chart - i.e., you can see ...

56. BarChart 3D    jfree.org

Hi, Quick questions about bar chart - 1) How to display tool tip in a BarChart3D? if someone can show me their code, that would be wonderful. 2) How to hide labels being displayed on the Y axis? 3) Is there any way to control the color of the base where the bars stand? for instance, by default; color of the ...

57. Bar Chart 3D    jfree.org

Hello All!! I'm develloping an applet which generate chart. I use the JFreeChart library, and I would want to know, if it was possible to do chart 3D where we can have several bars in the same category, but where they are the some in front of the others, not as in the demo where they are side by side. Thanks ...

58. changing axis for dimensions in 3D bar chart    jfree.org

thanks for the quick reply,i want to swap the dimension on X and y axis say for example if i'am time is on x axis and rate is on y axis then i want time on y axis and rate on x axis. One more ques,is there any way by which i can give options to user to select 3 dimensions ...

59. Custom Color on a single series 3D bar chart    jfree.org

I have a single series 3D bar chart with multiple values. I am trying to change color of each item (bar). I am using a customrenderer with getItemPaint(final int row, final int column) to use a different color for each item. It works, except that it turns my 3D bar chart into a 2D one. Am I doing something wrong here? ...

60. Can one create 3D bar charts with 2D domains?    jfree.org

Is it possible to create 3D bar charts where the domain has 2 dimensions using JFreeChart? I saw how to 3D bar charts with a domain in 1 dimension, but what I need is to be able to show is a chart where the domain looks like a small spreadsheet with only a few rows and columns. Each "cell" maps to ...

63. 3D bar charts(Back to Back bars)    jfree.org

Hi, How to create a 3d bar chart having bars back to back. Say x axis has values Month1 and Month2 Y axis has integer values Z axis has values ->Open,Closed So how can i display this as an 3d barchart with bar values back to back. Say, (Month1, 5, Open )is one bar (Month1 , 3,Closed )is another bar, (Month2 ...

64. 3D bar chart    jfree.org

66. ItemLabelPosition above 3D Bar?    jfree.org

Hi, I'm trying to move the Label to be above the 3D Bar graph, as you can see if the range is large enough and the value small enough you don't see the label anymore. JFreeChart 1.0.13 + JDK 1.6.0_13 + Eclipse 3.4.2 EDIT: Follow up question, what is the method to set the distance between two series? I can't seem ...

68. 3D Bar Chart Displays 0-value Colored End-cap    jfree.org

It appears that JFreeChart displays a color stack in a stack bar chart when the last stack category is even of zero value, rendering a different colored "end-cap" to the bar. Thus, if there are two categories of stacks and the first stack is Orange, with a value of 10, it displays a large Orange bar; which is spot-on. But if ...

69. Gradients get whacky when removing 3D from bar chart?    jfree.org

GradientPaint gp1 = new GradientPaint( 5, 5, primaryColor, 10, 5, secondaryColor, ...

70. Is it possible to create statistical 3d bar charts?    jfree.org

You have two options I think: (1) Use the same approach as StatisticalBarRenderer, which is to subclass BarRenderer and add extra code to the drawItem method to draw the error bars. Of course, you'll subclass BarRenderer3D; (2) Write a custom renderer that draws only the error bars, and store this data in a separate dataset and then create an overlaid chart ...

71. Bar charts turned 3D after upgrade to 1.0.13    jfree.org

Bar charts turned 3D after upgrade to 1.0.13 by julie Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:51 pm I upgraded jfreechart from 1.0.6 to 1.0.13, and all of my bar charts turned 3D! Has anyone else had this problem? I searched the forums and the docs and didn't see any similar issues. I am impressed, however, that everything else worked perfectly. Here ...

72. Need help for create 3D bar chart with having keyvalue pair    jfree.org

Need help for create 3D bar chart with having key-value pair in createCategoryDataset constructor actually i need two create a bar chart with two comparison bar for same key value i use following code but its not provide required result DefaultKeyedValues vals1 = new DefaultKeyedValues(); vals1.addValue("Success", 123D); vals1.addValue("Success", 200D); DefaultKeyedValues vals2 = new DefaultKeyedValues(); vals2.addValue("Failure", 210D); vals2.addValue("Failure", 100D); DatasetGroup grp = ...

73. 3D Bar chart is not showing series label    jfree.org

3D Bar chart is not showing series label by sugarglide Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:37 am Hi, Im very new to JFreetChart. Ive been looking for ways to display series value on my 3D bar chart but without success up to this hours.. been spending a day... Im so clueless.. can someone help me please.. THanks Code: Select all import ...

74. 3D Stacked Bar Chart not showing labels    jfree.org

3D Stacked Bar Chart not showing labels by jmhwhite2001 Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:22 pm Hello everyone. This is my first time posting in the forum, but I do have the developer's guide and basically referenced the code. So, I'm creating a 3D Stacked Bar Chart and the labels are not visible for all the stacked bars. I'm submitting code ...

75. How to add a scrollbar to a stacked bar chart 3d    jfree.org

Hi everyone. I have to display the whole years data on the stacked bar chart but unfortunately the bars are getting too small as the number of bars to be displayed increases. I would be pleased to know if it's possible to add a horizontal scrollbar to the stacked bar chart. Thanks in advance. Lana

76. Bar Chart 3D Single Series with Different Color    jfree.org

DefaultCategoryDataset datasetASO = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); datasetASO.setValue( 80, "A001", "PS11"); datasetASO.setValue( 70, "A001", "PS12"); datasetASO.setValue( 60, "A001", "PS13"); datasetASO.setValue( 50, "A001", "PS14"); datasetASO.setValue( 40, "A001", "PS15"); FreeChart barChartASO = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("Approching Sold-Out", "", "% Sold", datasetASO, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, rue); // Create the rendering info ChartRenderingInfo infoSE = new ChartRenderingInfo( new StandardEntityCollection() ); // Setup the path String strNewFileNameASO = getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + ...

77. JFreeChart : Gradient color for background and when using 3-D bar graph    forums.oracle.com

plot.setBackgroundPaint(gpBackground); Query 1 is resolved, but I have another questions, how do you set the direction of the gradient color (i.e. left to right). the default is top to Bottom or vice-versa, but I want to make it fad from left to right. This gradient color is for the bar on the bargraph. Any pointers are welcome. Thanks once again.