1. Jfreechart DateAxis should show date on the top of first tick unit stackoverflow.comcan anyone help me how I could display the date alone on top of the first tick unit of DateAxis in Jfreechart Gantt Like this: 6july|||7july|||8july||| valueAxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.HOUR,6)); ///what needs to be extended here ... |
2. JFreeChart and Y-axis Units stackoverflow.comI have a StackedXYAreaChart that looks like the following:
3. How to show both +ve and -ve values as trick units on y-axis jfree.orgHi, Thanks for your reply.It worked for me. I have another requirement as below. The x-axis tick units are as below 125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000(Each value is double of the previous value) Can you please help me in deriving a formula(API) to do this calculation? I really appreciate if you can help me with an example. Thanks in advance. Regards, Ravi |
4. Setting tick unit in ValueAxis: Help jfree.orgHi How can I set tick units for a value axis? I don't see any setTickUnit method in the ValueAxis class in 0.9.21. But setTickUnit is available for NumberAxis class. I am able to set range using setRangeWithMargins but can someone please let me know how I can set tick units? I want to specify how far the ticks are. Thanks ... |
5. xyplot - "size" if the units for both axis jfree.orgHello, I am using a XYLineChart in an application. I am able to customize it as I want it to be: color, stroke of lines, background, font and so on. The only thing I am unable to do and that I am looking for days, is to change the size unit for X axis as well as Y axis. In fact, ... |
8. Y Axis unit and label problem jfree.org |
9. Variable units in Y axis jfree.orgI have a problem. My data lies in extreme intervals , like some data lying between (10-30) and the rest lies in the range (500 -700). This makes the chart values quite unreadable so as to accomodate the whole chart image. Can i have something in Y axis so that I can have varied units on Y axis, thus clearly showing ... |
10. Setting the rangeAxis w 1 grid unit margin on top n bottom jfree.orgHi, How do I set the Y Axis with the upperbound being the maximum value of the data + 1 grid (tickunits?) and the lowerbound being the minimum value - 1 grid?? Ive tried this: NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) xyplot.getRangeAxis(); rangeAxis.setUpperBound(maxValue+1); rangeAxis.setLowerBound(minValue-1); But if the grid units (is it also called tickunits?) is really small...say 0.05 then I sometimes end up ... |
11. how to specify the unit range on x-axis and y-axis jfree.orgthax for ur replaying, but i didnt get what u sent. my problem is in x-axis the labels are coming like(0,25,50,75,100,125...) so the difference between adjacent points are 25 . but i want to make it as 15 only. so that i can get the report like(0,15,30,45,60,75..etc).. please send me the code how i have to use this |
12. XYLineChart axis padding, and tick unit custom naming. jfree.org |
13. DateAxis Tick Unit jfree.orgHi, I have values on x and y axis as below. x axis(date) 03/10/04 04/10/05 05/11/05 06/12/07 5 07/12/07 Y axis 120 127 130 140 124 I am taking DateAxis as X axis but the tickunits on the x axis are getting generated automatically............i want to create tickunits only at the points i am getting like first tick unit on 03/10/04 ... |
15. Axis units jfree.orgHi I am wondering if there is anyways to set units of a line graph. For example the units on one of my line graphs is coming out as doubles 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, etc. Is there any way to make the graph only show integers instead? For example 1, 2, 3, etc. Thanks in advance. |
16. Giving the units to the range axis. jfree.org |
17. question about custom tick unit on axis jfree.org |
18. prob. tick units: set automatically tick & axis step cha jfree.org |
19. TimeSeries override x-axis unit jfree.org |
20. Alignment of units on the axis jfree.orgHi, I am using a simple NumberAxis(for range) for creating my graph. The issue is that when auto scaling is on, the alignment of units is not always consistent. The axis doesnt always start at zero. In addition, the lowest value used for scaling the axis is not always rendered. Is there a way to configure the alignment of units? 2. ... |
21. NumberAxis unit conversion jfree.orgHi, I'm using an XYPlot/XYSeries setup for my chart. The X value for each data point in my series is in the unit of seconds. I would like to have the NumberAxis for my domain to be displayed in minutes. I basically want a tick mark for every 1 or 2 minutes on the chart. Thanks ahead of time for any ... |
22. Multi Y axis JfreeChart and Tick Units jfree.orgI have a multiple Y axis chart using SymbolAxis for all new Y axises, the problem I am having is with the Tick Units, each axis has its own and I would like to have a standard unit among them regardless the ranges each has. The other problem I have, and I think it will be solved with the ticks is ... |
23. Position of tick units line on x and y axis jfree.org |
24. Constant ratio between the units on the x and y-axis jfree.orgI see there have been numerous discussions around the problem of keeping a constant ratio between the units on the x and y-axes for a JFreeChart. Since I draw a lot of vectors I need to deal with this problem both a) Initial size (since a sudden legend changes it) and b) Allow user to resize I want to check the ... |
25. I want overide yAxis unit jfree.orgI using a jfreechart. I will draw a chart bellow. 320 * 160 * 80 40 * 20 06/01 06/02 06/03 Y Axis value unit is increase by 20, 40, 80, ... I want sample code. I guess that use by LogarithmicAxis class, but it is increase 10, 100, 1000,... |
26. how to define a gap between the x-axis tick units jfree.org |
27. Max. number of tick units of a NumberAxis jfree.org |
28. Configure Tick Units of DateAxis jfree.orgYou can use setDateTickMarkPosition to change to the middle or the end of the tick unit (year in your case). But it's not possible to choose the exact month the DateAxis will use for the tick besides the DateTickMarkPosition. But you can extend the DateAxis and override previousStandardDate method to set the month used when the unit is year. Take a ... |
29. Same axis with different tick units jfree.org |
30. I have some issue in JFreeChart axis tick unit rendering forums.oracle.com |