space « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

3. Space between range axis and plot CombinedDomainCategoryPlot

The lower margin on the CategoryAxis provides some space. It may appear as though there is more blank space if the renderer you are using doesn't fill the whole category space (for example, the LineAndShapeRenderer places shapes at the center of each category, so there will appear to be some space, half a category, even when the lower margin for the ...

4. remove space between the start of graph and y axis

i am using category dataset to draw a graph. The problem is that i have to divide the continous grph in 3 equal parts using markers. That has been taken care of. But the middle part looks small compared to the parts on the side bacause there is empty space as the graph is not starting from the range axis but ...

5. Handling Y Axis Label Margin Spacing

How do I set the minumim and maximum space allowed in the margin for labels on the Y axis, or how do I set the default size for a plot not including the labels? My problem is that when I have several plots and there are values of different lengths for the Y axis labels, the actual plot gets moved to ...

6. knowing space dedicated to range axis drawing

Hi everybody. I've got some problem and I hope somebody could help me. I use jfreechart to draw vertical barchart showing statistics about aligned text strings. Nethertheless, I've got an alignment problem between my chart and my text block cause, depending on the maximum of my range axis, (from 0.50 to 1000 depending on stats), the width of the drawing area ...

7. axis space

8. Spacing issues on SymbolAxis

When I attempt to create a symbol axis, it places labels every two ticks or so (which means they don't line up where they're needed). I experienced the same issue w/ NumberAxis but was able to make them line up by using setTickUnit() and setting tick to 1. SymbolAxis inherits setTickUnit() from NumberAxis, but it doesn't actually do anything in SymbolAxis. ...

9. DateAxis fixed spacing problem

Hi! I'm using JFreeChart to plot year related values. I created an XYDataset with a TimeSeriesCollection and defined the domain axis as a DateAxis. Usually my values are yearly defined (ie: for 1/1/2001, 1/1/2002, etc) but sometimes I have quarterly or semester values. When this happens, the space between consecutive ticks is proportional to the period (ie: the spacing in a ...

10. how we set the space in XAxis

Hi I have a problem to set the margin of XAxis.I want some space left beyond the upperbound of XAxis Range like suppose this dot(.) is the vertical line of graph ( . 1 2 3 4 5 6 .) there is space before 1 and after 6.Ialso want this type of space in my graph can u plzz help me ...

11. Empty Space in Chart Area between Axis and 1st Data Point

When I try to plot around 1500 data points using default preferred size for the ChartPanel, the chart shrinks to such an extent that it's not easily readable. So I am changing the preferred size for ChartPanel and also the MaximumDrawWidth. Doing this leaves a lot of empty space between the Range Axis and the start of the plot (the first ...

12. Empty Space in Chart Area between Axis and 1st Data Point

When I try to plot around 1500 data points using default preferred size for the ChartPanel, the chart shrinks to such an extent that it's not easily readable. So I am changing the preferred size for ChartPanel and also the MaximumDrawWidth. Doing this leaves a lot of empty space between the Range Axis and the start of the plot (the first ...

13. Spacing of category items along x-axis

Hello, I have a category plot. The distance along the domain axis between the range axis and the first item is not the same as the distance between the first item and the second item. Is there some way to adjust the spacing of the category items along the domain axis so that the distance between the items themselves will be ...

15. same space length between ticks in axis

Hi guys, I'm a new user of this great library since last week. But I'm also having a problem scaling the x-axis and the y-axis so they have the same scale i.e. length between ticks of the 2 axis should be exactly the same. Here is what I've been able to do so far but that's not that good... Code: Select ...

16. Category chart: how to insert an empty space on the X axis??

Hi, I need to separate some box and whiskers items in a BoxAndWhiskersCategory chart with an empty space. I did it by inserting empty lists as shown in the code below. The chart seems to draw OK but when I draw it in an iText document and print the resulting pdf document , Acrobat reader generates an error: "An error exists ...

17. Spacing of SymbolAxis Tick Marks

Hello all, Firstly, thanks to anybody who takes the time to read this. What I have here is a situation where the letters on the gene sequence axis correspond with the displacement axis values. By this I mean the first u should be directly in line with the -5, the first a should be directly in line with the -4, etc.. ...