range « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

1. How to get static range for X axis (Range axis) in JFreechart    stackoverflow.com

I am using Jfreechart in one of my projects. I have a peculiar problem with line chart. On X axis we have time as unit I want to have static range for ...

2. X axis range in jfree chart    stackoverflow.com

I am using "XYSeries" and "XYSeriesCollection" to draw my X-Y graph but I want to have a range for my data in X axis(form (-30,+30)). How can I set domain for ...

3. dynamically change Y axis range in Jfreechart    stackoverflow.com

I have a time series data which I can draw using jfreechart. the issue is, as new data comes in, the chart will change based on the new dataset. I used, chart.fireChartChanged(); chartPanel.repaint(); the ...

4. Toggle upper bound of JFreeChart axis range    stackoverflow.com

I have a chart that graphs number of tasks completed versus time. On the Y-axis, 0 is always included and there is a fixed value that will be the maximum number ...

5. Range steps on vertical axis    jfree.org

Hi, I am using a old version of JFreeChart (april 2000) and it works fine. But now I want to re-layout the vertical axis. Normaly I get the min and the max value of the axis out of a DB and the rest is plotted automaticly. But in this case its possible, that I got values like: 101,3 or 143,7 But ...

7. Changing range of Y axis    jfree.org

Hi I am new to JFreechart and it would be great if someone could help me out. I am creating a TimeSeriesCollection chart with dates in x axis and values in y axis. If I have values ranging from say 500 to 600, Jfreechart automatically changes origin for y axis as 500 and divides 500-600 into big chunks and plots it ...

8. Set y axis (range) at right (instead of left) border?    jfree.org

Of course. You can use the setRangeAxisLocation() method. The options are not completely intuitive - they take into account the fact that the orientation of the plot can be changed at any time, so you need to specify where the range axis goes for a vertical plot (left or right) AND where the range axis goes if the plot is changed ...

9. Setting axis range?    jfree.org

Hello all, I believe this problem to be a fairly simple one, but after several hours of tinkering I still can't get it right. I have a line graph, and the Y-axis values can range from 100 to -100, with ticks for every 10. JFreeChart currently scales the chart in such a way that if the highest value is 40, you ...

10. Static Axis Range    jfree.org

11. change the axis range for time series collection    jfree.org

I am creating a Gantt chart and I would like to set the range differently from a Task's start and end dates like say... there is just one task which starts from July 1st till July 10th but I would like the start date to be Jan 1st and end date be Nov 1th. The graph should show all the months ...

12. having range problems with tick labels using PeriodAxis    jfree.org

I am trying to use PeriodAxis in a chart to graph some time series data. The first data point occurs at 2006-02-09 17:44:21 and the final data point occurs at 2006-02-10 17:24:21. When the chart is drawn, the tick labels start at 17:29 and end at 17:29. I want them to start at 17:00 and end accordingly -- that is, I ...

13. how To-- Combined Range chart with different axis    jfree.org

i have y-Axis as price and X-Axis and time and other x-Axis as profit. i would like to draw combined RangePlot where y-axis would be my price and one x_axis(domain) would be time and other would be profit. can any one provide me some example? can i combine timeseries axis with normal (profit) axis ?? Thanks

14. How to change y-axis range    jfree.org

15. Need Chart to Cutoff on the next Range Axis Tick    jfree.org

Is there a way to have a chart cutoff in the positive direction on the next range axis (y axis) tick, without having to manually set tick spacing? For example if I have a chart where my maximum Y value is 12 and the tick spacing on the Y axis is every 5, how do I get the Y axis to ...

16. How to align y-axis range dynamically for time series charts    jfree.org

Hi All, I am trying to display a time series chart using JSP. for that I am sending the details to generate the graph, the details are, for x-axis I am sending the from date and the to date. and for y-axis I have to pass the values dynamically for that I am calculating the values using some formula. the values ...

17. How to change the range axis(y-axis)    jfree.org

Hi all, I am working with TimeSeriesCharts. I want to display y-axis as the range from -10% to 80%. I dont know how to do this? can any one help me? Actual Output I need is the y-axis range should be displayed as starting from -10% then interval of 20 and so on up to 80%. I need a % symbol ...

19. How to define the x and y axis range in createXYLineChart    jfree.org

Hi everyone, i am using a createXYLineChart as follows: Code: Select all JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(//createLineChart()( "Last Spectrum Calculated", // title "Frequency", ...

20. CombinedRangeXYPlot hidden range axis    jfree.org

Hi, I have problem with setting color of range axis in CombinedRangeXYPlot. It looks like the axis is below the plot - change is not visible. When I am trying set wider stroke, then part of stroke is hidden: ... NumberAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis("Value"); valueAxis.setAxisLineStroke(new BasicStroke(5.0f)); valueAxis.setAxisLinePaint(Color.green); ... CombinedRangeXYPlot parent = new CombinedRangeXYPlot(valueAxis); ... When is the valueAxis on the ...

21. Setting series as visible/invisible and setting range axis    jfree.org

I have a program which allow user choose which series is actually visible on my chart. I tried making the series invisible/visible by using method setVisible(index, boolean) for some different Renderers, they are: LineAndShapeRenderer, BarRenderer, Bar3DRenderer, and StackedBarRenderer. And I noticed that Only LineAndShapeRenderer worked correctly. So what can I do to make the others renderers work as correctly as LineAndShapeRender ...

22. Modifying DateAxis for customizable range of tick marks    jfree.org

Hi all, I'm new to JFreeChart, and have been banging my head against the wall for a day or so trying to getit to behave how I want it to. I have a list of data coming in from a SQL query, which contains (for the sake of simplicity) a weekStartDate attribute and a count, which I want to display in ...

23. Dynamic Data and Auto Range Axis    jfree.org

Hi, everybody. I've a chart with "infinite" amount of data. Because i cannot show all data at same time, i've build a kind "scrollable" data set that works like a linked list with a fixed size. My dataset is loaded with its max size. When the user clicks at "previous button", i load new data at the beginning of my data ...

24. How to set different range on X Axis    jfree.org

Hi, i created a simple Line Chart following an example. The chart has put on a PDF document as image. JFreeChart set automatically the values on X and Y Axis, i want to define different range ont he Axis. For instance : the values on Y Axis are : 0,500,1000,1500,2000 the values on X Axis are : 0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,600 I want to ...

26. Range axis labels as Strings    jfree.org

hello, I have a bar chart that has range axis values of 1, 2 or 3 and I'd like to assign certain strings to be displayed instead of 1, 2, 3, i.e. low, medium and high. I've tried to extend NumericTickUnit and assign it to the plot, but it doesen't work and I don't know if this is the right way. ...

27. Force X-Axis range even without values    jfree.org

I am drawing a graph using TimeSeries, which is always for one hour, when I have no data the graph shall span over one hour anyway, so I do: ts.add(new Second(start), null); ts.add(new Second(end), null); where start and end are one hour apart of course, what I get is a graph with only one point in time, no range. It only ...

28. Extend range from CategoryAxis    jfree.org

29. How to fix the axis range    jfree.org

30. Range Axis location    jfree.org

31. Remove Range Axis    jfree.org

32. Axis range issue with numbers < 1.0-E8 and numbers < 1    jfree.org

There seems to be a problem in generating a graph with zero range and values <1.0-E8 (1.00000777666) and values > 1.0E8 (29999999999). The workaround for this I am using is limit the decimal places to less 8 (less the default minimum range) and for huge numbers set the range to lower bound. But I am still not able to understand why ...

33. How to set x axis range    jfree.org

Hi I have a 1 years times series and I would like to let the user to select the time horizon to display 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year data. What's the best way to do it? I can't see any code in the demo source code. Also would the displayed curve auto-size to fit the chart panel? ...

34. Range Axis    jfree.org

35. Axis range limitation + Vertical Tick Width    jfree.org

For the next version of my software, I will try this solution : 1. I use an Homemade TickUnits : FunctionJFreeTickUnits DecimalFormat aDf11 = new DecimalFormat("##0.#####E0"); // we can add the units in any order, the TickUnits collection will // sort them... add(new NumberTickUnit(1.e-20, aDf11)); add(new NumberTickUnit(1.e-19, aDf11)); add(new NumberTickUnit(1.e-18, aDf11)); add(new NumberTickUnit(1.e-17, aDf11)); add(new NumberTickUnit(1.e-16, aDf11)); add(new NumberTickUnit(1.e-15, aDf11)); add(new ...

36. how to change / set y axis range    jfree.org

hey. i'm new at jfreechart. i'm looking and looking, and i can't find anythig, that could help me. i've got a chart with default x & y axis range (from 0 to some value). i want to change just y range. for an example set y range from value 3000 to some value. could anybody help me?

37. Changing the value axis range...    jfree.org

Hi, I have created a chart on some large data and saved the byte[] into memory. Now I want to see same chart on different ranges of X-axis. My question is, can we see some part of chart (selected range) by using saved byte[] without supplying data again and recreating chart again from scrach? In other words, can we use same ...

38. Y-Axis range as a percentage    jfree.org

Hi, I'm trying to set my y-axis range labels to show 0 - 100%, but I don't want to actually affect the chart - just the labels. Calling axis.setRange() seems to zoom into the range specified which is not what I'm after. Hope someone can help (I've bought the guide and couldn't find anything). Cheers, Mike

39. exponent values in range axis    jfree.org

41. NumberAxis auto range question    jfree.org

I'm trying to implement a well-behaved barchart with dynamic incoming data. All incoming data will be integers, 0 and greater. I would like to have a Y axis with the following behavior: 1) Start with the range 0...20 2) If a bar grows over 20, go ahead and autoscaling upwards 2) If all bars drop under 20, don't scale less than ...

42. Only draw range axis?    jfree.org

This is going to sound weird, but I need a way to only draw the range axis on a plot. I've tried many ways, but whatever I do, there's always a blank data area (even if all renderers are turned off) showing in the middle. Anybody have any hints as to what can be done? I'm basically doing this (in case ...

43. Overlapping labels of range axis    jfree.org

Hi, If my dataset has the values from 0 to 23412345623, then the labels ( indicating the numbers ) overlap with each other. How can I go about it. I tried creating my own unit using NumberTickUnit TickUnitSource rangeUnits = units.add(new NumberTickUnit((maxValue - minValue) / 10)); // minValue is the minmum value and maxValue is the maxValue that appears in the ...

44. Overlapping labels of range axis    jfree.org

Hi, If my dataset has the values from 0 to 23412345623, then the labels ( indicating the numbers ) overlap with each other. How can I go about it. I tried creating my own unit using NumberTickUnit TickUnitSource rangeUnits = units.add(new NumberTickUnit((maxValue - minValue) / 10)); // minValue is the minmum value and maxValue is the maxValue that appears in the ...

45. Regarding X-axis Range and Tick Marks    jfree.org

Hi all, I am creating a line chart with 6 series. My first question is regarding the tick marks. CategoryAxis DomainAxis=plot.getDomainAxis(); DomainAxis.setCategoryLabelPositionOffset(5); DomainAxis.setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions.UP_45); DomainAxis.setTickMarksVisible(true); I want to set tick marks on the x-axis. How do I do that? My x-axis range is from 1-90 (1,2,3,4,.90). I want to use intervals like 1,10,30,4090, but still should be able to populate the dataset ...

46. XYDifferenceRenderer - Wrapping the range axis    jfree.org

I think the problem is more general than the XYDifferenceRenderer. By 'wrapping' around the range axis, you effectively redefining the definition of positive by taking a modulo. For example, 0100 (1 am) is less than 0300 unless 0100 is really 2500 mod 2400 (i.e. the end of the previous day). The simplest way of doing this may be to represent the ...

47. how to customize the lables on the range axis    jfree.org

Hi, I'm looking on how to customize the labels on the range axis in a 3D bar chart (but more generally for all charts) to display a percentage (ex : 100 %) instead of the strict value (ex : 100) keeping my current way to call a servlet for all my graphs so sending the value of the percentage (ex 100) ...

48. Auto range the Y-Axis after a DomainZoom.    jfree.org

Hello, I have a CombinedDomainXYPlot. My chart pane is defined DomainZoomable only by setRangeZoomable(false) When I make a DomainZoom with the mouse, I want all the subplots auto adjust their y-axis range function of the range of the dataset still displayed in the plot. Am I clear or not? Is there a short way ? Thanks

49. How to set range for ticks in the CategoryAxis    jfree.org

I have a CategoryAxis. The ticks corresponds to the age of the person. As per rquiremnet if I have to show 10 yeaqrs on the axis the increment should be of 1 ie 1 2 3 4 5 6.... 10 If the range is of 20 years the increment should be of two ie 0 2 4 6 8 .... 20 ...

50. How to change the range values for Y-axis    jfree.org

I have the following code to display the X and Y-axis scales axis.setNumberFormatOverride(new DateNumberFormat()); Range range = axis.getRange(); double lowerBound = range.getLowerBound(); double upperBound = range.getUpperBound(); int diff = (int)((upperBound - lowerBound) / IConstants.ONE_DAY_IN_MILLIS * 2) + 1; axis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(IConstants.ONE_HOUR_IN_MILLIS / 2 * diff)); This is for your info:: /* public static final long ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLIS = 1000; public static final long ...

51. Problem in representaion of TickUnits on Range axis    jfree.org

Hi, Y axis in jfree chart represent range in integer or double format . Can i represent these in string form instead of integer or double. Like instead of 1 it should display "one" , 2 as "two" on y axis. Please send me reply i needed it urgent ..also please tell me which class in jfree chart is used to ...

53. problem with setting the range of y-axis    jfree.org

Hi All, I'm facing a problem while setting the range of Y-axis for Date(X-axis) and Time(Y-axis). Code: double lowbound =parseTimeThreshold(from); double upbound = parseTimeThreshold(to); axis.setRange(lowbound, upbound); when the lowerbound > upperbound i'm getting the following error. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Range(double, double): require lower<=upper. at org.jfree.data.Range.(Range.java:79) at org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis.setRange(ValueAxis.java:1077) at com.jpmorgan.metrics.util.servlets.chartGeneratorServlet. createKPIChart(chartGeneratorServlet.java:468) at com.jpmorgan.metrics.util.servlets.chartGeneratorServlet.doGet(chartGeneratorServlet.java:253) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:689) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:237) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:157) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:214) at ...

55. SETTING RANGE FOR CategoryAxis URGENT    jfree.org

Hi, I am making use of the CategoryAxis class to plot the chart and i want to set the Range for the graph. There is a class called XYPlot in which method with the name " setRange()" is present to set the range but it does not exist for graphs generated by using the CategoryPlot class.SO anyone can help me to ...

56. How can i normalize y-axis range for huge value differences?    jfree.org

HI, I am using Bar Chart and the values that i have for y axis can range from 2 to 10000. Now bcoz of the huge scale difference the bar for the value 2 , 8 or 10 gets almost small compared to the 10000 value. How can i normalize the chart to show a comparitively visible bar for 2 and ...

57. Fixed y-axis range and automatic rescaling    jfree.org

Hi everybody, I'm doing dynamic time series charts and I would like to have a fixed y-axis range, for example from -1 to 2. This is easy, but I would like the axis to automatically rescale if higher/lower values than the fixed range are inserted. Also, when higher/lower values are not visible anymore, I would like the axis to rescale automatically ...

58. Property set to range of y-axis?    jfree.org

Hi every body, Let us suppose I have different values of prices in database as 10,140,1,0,30,230,490,30,300 but my requirement is that plot the bar graph with maximum y axis range 100.If the graph read the value greater that 100 then it must plot till 100. My question is that Is there any property to set the range of y-axis. Thanks Best ...

59. Range on the y axis    jfree.org

60. Two range axis not synchronized    jfree.org

I'm having a chart (time chart) with two datasets and of course two range axis (Number Axis). The primary range axis is on the left side of the chart and the second on the right side. When I have a negative value in any of the two datasets the corresponding axis is self adjusting to display the negative value and that ...

61. How can I redefine the axis range?    jfree.org

Hi victor, instead of using the index of the data point as x value you should be able to calculate its timestamp. The timestamp for point i (in seconds from start) within a total of n points recorded between start and end (both in milliseconds as usual for a java.util.Date) is start+(end-start)*i/(n*1000). You could then plot your data using a DateAxis ...

62. Negative range axis values in combined chart 1.0.9    jfree.org

Hello everybody I pass a dataset with positive and negative values in a category subplot that is part of a CombinedDomainCategoryPlot but the chart does not display the negative values. I also tried to build a bar chart with negative values and it worked fine. I use jFreeChart 1.0.9 JRE 1.6.0 Netbeans Thank you

63. How to keep a constant range in the axis ?    jfree.org

How to keep a constant range in the axis ? by KV Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:52 pm Hi all, I am a new developer working in JFree Chart. I am constructing a horizontal stacked bar chart. say suppose i have a for loop like this for(int i = 0; i < 20; i ++){ float range = 0; if(i%2 ...

64. Range axis left and right: Synchronize number of tick steps    jfree.org

Hi I have 2 range axis, left and right with 2 different data sets of course. When I calculate the tick units there are different number of steps between the left and the right axis. I like to have the same number of steps left and right and the position of the ticks and labels should be at the same place. ...

65. how to get CombinedDomainXYPlot and Range Axis values    jfree.org

Hello everybody. I have CombinedDomainXYPlot and I need to have about 5 different Range axis for this combinedDomainAxis. For every range axis, Basically, for common XYPlot, I am adding range Axis like this ..........( as I need to make only one chart in one common area) subplot.setRangeAxis(1, someAxis1); subplot.setRangeAxis(2, someAxis2); So far it is good, however I am having trouble in ...

66. Range axis resize to include item label    jfree.org

I am plotting a stacked bar chart, and when I set the item label to show on the chart, it gets cut off because the range axis does not include the range for showing the labels. Is there a quick way to auto-resize the range axis or do I need to set the UpperBound manually? Thanks in advance.

67. Marker outside Axis range    jfree.org

You could extend your dataset to implement the RangeInfo interface. Code: Select all public class MyDefaultXYDataset extends DefaultXYDataset implements RangeInfo{ public double getRangeLowerBound(boolean includeInterval) { return getRangeBounds(includeInterval).getLowerBound(); } ...

68. Chart + table in 1 component that share a common range axis    jfree.org

Have you got an (additional) example (source code + demo) of a graphic curve + table in one component that will share a common range axis? F.eks. CombinedCategoryPlotDemo1.java can combine several charts that share a common range axis. + I want to show the table under that will share a common range axis.[/img]

70. XYPlot range axis ticks for small numbers disfunctional    jfree.org

XYPlot range axis ticks for small numbers disfunctional by emf Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:28 pm img530.imageshack.us/img530/4633/xytickdefaultsp6.png {I'm a "new" user, and can't embed the image..} Under JFreeChart 1.0.11 with JCommon-1.0.14, the default tick calculations fail for numbers with magnitude less than about 1e-7. Symptoms include no or one tick on the range axis, and displayed tick labels of 0.0000000. ...

71. Need seperate range axis    jfree.org

I would like to have 10(or more) XY charts placed next to each other with a horizontal scroll bar. I tried using CombinedRangeXYPlot and it works great except that when I scroll, I lose the range axis values. All charts have similar range axis. Is there a way to get an image of only the range axis values so that I ...

72. How to fix the increment value of the range axis?    jfree.org

Hi Everybody, I'm trying to fix the incrementation value of the range axis of my charts. For example: I have a chart with the minimum range value as 15 and the maximum value as 35. Then my generated chart haves the range values starting with 15 and increasing ramdomly, sometimes adds 2, sometimes adds 3, as: 15,18, 20, 22, 25, 28, ...

73. Range axis rescaled when printed landscape    jfree.org

I have an XYPlot with a range axis going from 1 to 24 in steps of 1. The plot has horizontal grid lines for each integer tick mark. When I print the plot from the popup menue in portrait orientation things look ok. When I print in landscape orientation the range axis is changed to increments of 2.5 instead of 1. ...

75. Extending axis range    jfree.org

76. Determine Tick Interval Between Range Axis Labels    jfree.org

Hi, How can I determine the interval between the tick mark label numbers on my range axis? For example, the numbers on the y-axis of my graph go from 100K to 1.9K and it goes up by 100K intervals. How do I use the API to determine that the interval between each tick label is 100K? I think I've looked at ...

78. Marker on Range axis    jfree.org

79. Setting Range on DateAxis    jfree.org

Setting Range on DateAxis by gunjannigam Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:37 am A general Query. I am implementing a dynamic graph in which I am taking input from a JTextField. I am reading the text only when it is not empty. Now the problem is that though I have set a maximum age of the Timeseries but this item remains ...

80. Regarding setting fixed range on DateAxis    jfree.org

I have posted my problem earlier also but I received no reply. I would like to explain my problem in a better way. I am drawing a Dynamic Chart using TimeSeries dataset. In my XYPlot my domain axis is DateAxis and RangeAxis is NumberAxis. I have set my DateAxis setAutoRange to true. Now I want that in my XYPlot only fixedrange ...

81. create dynamic range axis    jfree.org

82. how to specify a minimum value for range axis?    jfree.org

Hi I have some bar charts which I must show a threshold line for them. I am able to configure the chart to show the threshold line but problem is that sometimes none of the elements in the barchart reaches the threshold line so my line is not shown in the chart. for example the threshold is 120 and all chart ...

83. Range Axis Problem    jfree.org

Range Axis Problem by abentley Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:53 pm I'm using jfreechart to display data that is typically very small values (last two columns in the data below)and when graphed it displays a graph like this: Do you have any suggestions? Flow Test 1 Time Pi Pd Po Flow Permeability Permeability (s) (torr) (torr) (torr) (scc/min-cm2-torr) (cm2) (darcy) ...

85. TimeTableXYDataset with StackedBars: range y axis too small    jfree.org

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jfree.data.xy.XYBarDataset cannot be cast to org.jfree.data.xy.TableXYDataset at org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.StackedXYBarRenderer.findRangeBounds(StackedXYBarRenderer.java:208) at org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot.getDataRange(XYPlot.java:4465) at org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis.autoAdjustRange(NumberAxis.java:431) at org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis.configure(NumberAxis.java:414) at org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot.configureRangeAxes(XYPlot.java:1259) at org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot.setRenderer(XYPlot.java:1632) ...

86. Drawing on the range axis    jfree.org

87. how to set the range axis upto 8 or 10 points    jfree.org

Hello All, I have a scenario like getting the data from DAO . Suppose my value start at 1000 and ends up with 10,000 . In the range axis it starts with 100,200,300,400,500,.......10,000,10100,10200...upto the chart height . I don't want to show the range axis until the chart height . I want to show the range axis until the data . ...

88. Help:How to use getPercentInstance in Range axis    jfree.org

Re: Help:How to use getPercentInstance in Range axis by vsai1986 Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:11 am Hi Paradoxx I changed wht you have said but still the problem persisits can you help me where i need to change it below is the code Code: Select all import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Paint; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import net.sourceforge.chart2d.GraphChart2DProperties; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; ...

89. Reg: Custom Ticks on Range axis    jfree.org

TickUnits units = new TickUnits(); units.add(new NumberTickUnit(0.0)); units.add(new NumberTickUnit(237.0)); units.add(new NumberTickUnit(450.0)); units.add(new NumberTickUnit(600.0)); ...

90. Setting unveven intervals in chart range axis    jfree.org

You would have to create your own implementation of ValuesAxis in order to achieve this. I assume you want the axis space between 1 and 2 to be the same as between 25 and 50, right? I am working on something that would come close to this kind of functionality. It will be a linear-logarithmic axis, where a part of the ...

92. How to set range axis' higher bound?    jfree.org

private static CategoryDataset createDataset() { DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dataset.addValue(21, "Series 1", "Domain1"); dataset.addValue(1, "Series 1", "Doamin2"); dataset.addValue(6, "Series 1", "Domain3"); ...

93. How to read the index of a vertical range axis    jfree.org

Hello, I have an XYPlot that has one domain axis and 2 vertical range axes. We enabled a functionality that would allow the users to drag range and domain axes. Issue: Now I have a problem in reading the index of range axis when a plot has multiple range axes configured. Available Information: I have XYPlot and the point at which ...

94. Dynamically Updating/Extending the range of the Y-Axis    jfree.org

Hi, I've written this program that plots some time series data generated by a simulation. When a second run of the simulation is done it plots the results on top of the chart from the first simulation run. So the results of both simulation runs can be compared. However, say there is a 10,000 unit difference between the results of simulation ...

95. Axis Range    jfree.org

Re: Axis Range by joe_cqr Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:58 pm hi shunk, Im posting the entire source code, Im setting the number tick unit with the value 0.1; Code: Select all import java.awt.Color; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberTickUnit; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.data.xy.XYDataset; import org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeries; import org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeriesCollection; ...

96. Auto adjust ValueAxis max and min range values    jfree.org

Hi! Im quite new using JFreeChart and Ive been looking for an answer to this but couldnt find anything that helped. Can JFreeChart auto adjust my ValueAxis range? Ive seen it can adjust the max value, but seems it cant adjust the min. For example if Im going to show the following values (10, 15, 20) JFreeChart will have a range ...

97. CombinedDomainXYPlot with shared range axis?    jfree.org

I'm trying to make a chart that looks like this: If you look closely at that chart you can see it shares the domain axis for two charts (one chart is the green line and the other chart is the blue line). However if you look at the left and right sides you can see that it also has two different ...

98. Range Axis lables overlapping    jfree.org

I am using a combined XY plot chart . Range Axis label for first series say "Salary" Range Axis label for second series "Metrics" Range Axis label for thrid series in "Employee Evaluation Points" which is lenghty. Can I make this label to be displayed in two line as we have for domainAxis. Thanks in advance

99. Static X Axis Range    jfree.org

Hi all, Next question.... My application extracts plot values from a database and I want to plot a specific amount of data (78 values) per day. My question is how do I set a static X Axis with pre-generated values (Time Values) and then feed the Y Axis values later. When I pre-generate the X-Axis values and then later feed it ...