dual « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

1. problem in dual axis    jfree.org

I want to create a 3D bar chart with a 3D line chart as in DualAxisDemo4.java. My problem is that I can create the 3D bar chart but can't create the 3D line chart.... it is viewed as a simple line not in 3D. My code for creating the chart is as follows ..please review it... Please help me.... Code: Select ...

2. Dual axis    jfree.org

3. Dual Axis - Crosshairs only choose primary axis    jfree.org

I noticed two different threads from Aug 04 and Oct 05 about incorrect behavious when using getRangeCrosshairValue() when one has two axis (in my case a right and left one for the Y-axis). Has anyone come up with a fix to this yet in JFreeChart? I noticed someone even submitted a bug report. Kurt Peters

4. I want to change axis values and also to make dual axis char    jfree.org

I want to change axis values and also to make dual axis char by vairamuthum Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:15 pm Hi Dave and all, I have created all type of charts using jfree.I am really happy to use jfree in chart making for my company project dashboard.And also i am presently going thro the classes,methods defined to change the ...

5. dual axis chart with both axis values set by user    jfree.org

Dear Dave and all, This is the coding i used for making dual axis chart and the chart i got is comprising of four bars.I want only two bars to be shown but there are four bars and overlapping also.I have posted two more forums regarding this one and axis range to be set.But i didn't get any reply? String seriesNames ...

6. Dual Axis Problem    jfree.org

Hi, I've created a dual axis chart like DualAxisDemo1. If there is data for the line chart then the chart is displayed ok but when all data is 0, the line chart is displayed in the middle of the bar graph, so the Y-axis base (0) comes in the middle of the bar chart. Also the category lables are displayed slanted. ...

7. JFreeChart Dual Axis Problem    jfree.org

JFreeChart Dual Axis Problem by valderrama Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:14 am Hi: I've developed a Dual Axis Chart (bar and line char) using the JFreeChart library. However, when the chart is displayed in the screen the line chart appears always behind the bar chart. How can I solve this? I would like that the bar chart appears behind the ...

8. about the dual DomainAxis    jfree.org

about the dual DomainAxis by gulang Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:16 pm In the following source code, I think it will be generate a chart with two domainAxis, and the one domainaxis has the tickets like 1,2,3,4, the other domainaxis has the tickets like Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr. But it generate the two domainaxis with the same tickets like 1,2,3,4. it confuse me ...

9. Problem in Dual Axis with StackedBar    jfree.org

www.jfree.org Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login Problem in Dual Axis with StackedBar A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 1 post Page 1 of 1 Problem in Dual Axis with StackedBar by ...

10. dual axis chart    jfree.org

try this by hubert66 Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:03 pm import java.awt.Color; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisLocation; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryLabelPositions; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.DatasetRenderingOrder; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.LineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.data.category.CategoryDataset; import org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDataset; import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame; import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities; public class DualAxisDemo extends ApplicationFrame { public DualAxisDemo(final String title) { super(title); final CategoryDataset ...

11. Line Colors of dual axis timeseries plot    jfree.org

Hi. I am using 2 JDBCXYDatasets to produce a dual axis timeseries plot in a servlet - all working beautifully - cept for the line colors...Both the series assigned to the left hand side and the series assigned to the right hand side are using the same colors for the lines, so I cannot tell them apart! Is it possible to ...

12. Dual axis mutliple lines on each axis.    jfree.org

Hello, I'm trying to use the DualAxisDemo2. I need 4 lines which of 2 of them uses the first y axis(danx100) and the other two uses the second y axis(pm, bar). x axis is seconds. I've managed to get my 4 lines, however i cant get two axis to use the second axis. As it is now 3 of the lines ...


Dual Axis charts work for BAR and line chart types, similarly does it work for the following Dual Plot ( LINE & SCATTERED as Y1 and Y2 respectively) Dual Plot ( BAR & SCATTERED as Y1 and Y2 respectively) Dual Plot ( SCATTERED & SCATTERED as Y1 and Y2 respectively) if yes then can you give some clue on how this ...

14. how can i plot dual axis same scale    jfree.org

First find the axis with the larger value range and then use the larger value as new upper bound for both axes. I assume that the methods double getUpperBound() and void setUpperBound(double max) in class org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis can do that. //untested code fragment double max1 = valueAxis1.getUpperBound(); double max2 = valueAxis2.getUpperBound(); double newMax = max1 > max2 ? max1: max2; valueAxis1.setUpperBound(newMax); valueAxis2.setUpperBound(newMax); ...

15. Dual Axis Charts    jfree.org

Im trying to create a horizontal bar chart with the domain axis as the Y axis on the left of the chart, value axis on the bottom of the chart and another set of labels on the right hand side of the chart in line with each bar. I have set up the chart to draw the bars and the first ...

16. how to create Dual Axis charts..?    jfree.org

17. Problem with dual axis chart    jfree.org

Problem with dual axis chart by shikha.kalra@wipro.com Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:11 am Hi i am generating a bar chart with dual axis... Have pasted the code below..... The problem is that I am plotting the data for 2nd Y axis as points.....When these points come in the range of the plotted bar(based on first Y axis) it is not ...

18. dual axis mapping to TimeSeriesCollection series    jfree.org

Hi, I'm trying to generate a BarChart using XYPlot and ClusteredXYBarRenderer as I need to show two types of values for the same date. I'm using TimeSeriesCollection adding date-value for 2 types of series. My Dataset of TimeSeriesCollection having two series one for each type. I need to show value axis on either sides of the chart. My left hand side ...

19. XY dual axis chart - x-axis displaced    jfree.org

Hi, I'm trying to plot dual axis graph with NumberAxis values for both x and y axis. Values on x-axis are positive integer numbers, however the values on y-axis can be negative and positive decimals. I'm using XYSeriesCollection to create two datasets one for each axis. I need my graph to look like 'H' with y-axis standing as parallel lines for ...

20. Dual Axis One Data set Second is transform of first    jfree.org

Suppose you have one dataset which you would like to represent with 2 axis. Simple case. Dataset is representing degree in celsius. You would like to have a dual axis chart with Celsius the one and Fahrenheit the second. Currently the (naive) solution I am using is to create a second dataset which contains the transformed values of the first and ...

21. Dual Axis mode on same range    jfree.org

22. Dual DomainAxis with DateAxis and NumberAxis    jfree.org

Hello, first thing my english is not the best, sorry for that. Im working on this Problem since a Week but cant get to a Solution. I have createt an TimeChart which get its datacollection from an file. The x-Axis for the Dataset is setup with the timestamps as an DateAxis. Then i have an function that switches from x-Axis with ...

23. Dual TickUnits for DateAxis    jfree.org

24. customize x-axis or dual x-axis    jfree.org

Hi, guys: What I want to implement is add a marker to the plot when user click on the chart. I can add XYPointerAnnotation to the chart, but it can not synchronize when zoom-in and zoom-out. Because user only care about X value, I can do something like the attachment image, add marker to x-axis instead of annotation. But I find ...

25. Dual Axis Alignement    jfree.org

26. JFreeChart Dual Axis Problem    forums.oracle.com

XYDataset dataset7 = createhourDataset(24,50,"Velocidad"); JFreeChart chart8 = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Diaria", "Hora", "mps", dataset7, true, true, false); XYPlot plot2wd1 = chart8.getXYPlot(); final XYItemRenderer r1 = plot2wd1.getRenderer(); r1.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.RED); ValueAxis axis2wd1 = new NumberAxis(""); axis2wd1.setRange(0.0, 360.0); plot2wd1.setRangeAxis(1, axis2wd1); axis2wd1.setStandardTickUnits(units); axis2wd1.setAxisLinePaint(Color.blue); axis2wd1.setTickLabelPaint(Color.blue); axis2wd1.setTickMarkPaint(Color.blue); plot2wd1.setDataset(1, createhourDataset(24,50,"Direccin")); final XYItemRenderer r2 = plot2wd1.getRenderer(); r2.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.blue); plot2wd1.setRenderer(1, r2); ChartPanel panel_D1 = new ChartPanel(chart8);