domain « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

1. JFreeChart + JRuby - fill area between two points on domain axis

I'm using JRuby to access JFreeChart. But I can't seem to set a domain marker on the date axis... Can anyone tell me why this is not working?

def create_plot

2. How do I rotate tick mark labels on the domain of a number axis in JFreeChart?

Just like is being done in the following example, I want the tick mark labels on the domain of chart to be rotated 45 degrees as the are in this chart:

3. How do you show Tick Marks on the domain axis?

I think it has never been implemented for CategoryAxis. It needs some flags to control whether the tick marks are shown in the middle of the category or between the categories, and then some drawing code to actually display the marks. It is on the to-do list, but not a high priority right now.

4. Domain axis values occurs more than onetime

Hi @all, I have an problem with my datasets of a timeseries collection. i have different time series which are all in them range. but not all dates in range are filled with data. the result is, that in the chart dates are so often occurs on domain axis as time series exists. but data of all series are placed at ...

5. Domain Axis question

Hi everybody! I have a question about axis range. I have a XYSerie with: - X values between Xmin and Xmax - Y values between Ymin and Ymax - Ymax>> Xmax and Ymin<

6. Domain axis with integer values

7. PeriodAxis force X (Domain) Axis to not auto range

I am trying to force the chart to not auto range my chart based on the data, I want to show 10 years (major ticks) and show the quarters (minor) ticks. Even though my data only goes from 1/1/1965 to 5/31/1965 I want to force the chart to show all 10 years. Calendar minDate = Calendar.getInstance(); minDate.set(1965, 1, 1); Calendar maxDate ...

8. Converting from screen co-ordnates to Domain Axis Values

Hi, We have a requirement to allow users to select the points from a scatter plot - and them feed these points into other parts of the applciation. I have implemented it so far by adding a glasspane over the ChartPanel, and letting the users draw polygons on the glass pane. I now need to convert these polygons in screen coordinates ...

9. DOUBLE domain axis

I wondering if it is possible to have a DOUBLE domain axis, witch had a normal value of the days of the month and the row beneath it the corresponding year numbers. in the chart this looks something like this. | | | | | |_____________________________________________________ 1-10 16-10 31-10 12-11 24-11 8-12 20-12 1-1 18-1 28-1 1997 1998 Domain Axis (Date) ...

10. Set the location of domain Axis

11. Overlapping domain axis ticks

Hello everyone, I am using JFreeChart 1.0.0 rc1 to create a scattergraph. I am overriding the formatter of the domain axis on a NumberAxis to minimumfractiondigits = 2. But I have stumbled upon a case where the values are overlapping. I thought that the ticks where auto calculated to avoid overlapping but in this case it isn't. My code follows: Code: ...

12. How to limit the frequency of Domain axis labels?

Sorry if you get this question a lot, but I've been searching for a solution for a few hours now and can't find the answer: I am using a Category type chart, and have a hold of the CategoryAxis via the following call: CategoryAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis(); My chart displays AGE along the x axis, from 0 to 100. The width ...

13. Could the width of the domain axis be fixed? Not max/min val

I want to paint the chart within a rectangle area. And I also want the "width" of the domain axis to be fixed. Please note, it does not mean fixed min and max values, but just the physical size in the screen. So if I put more Range axis to the chart, the value of the "width" will not change. The ...

14. Can I make a combine chart with different domain axis?

Can I make a combine chart with different domain axis? I want to make a chart with two time range. The format is exactly like the demo Combined (Range) XY Plot (Figure 2.25). In that chart, the domain axises, shows on the two charts, are the same. But I want to two different domain for them. Would anyone knows how to ...

15. Icons on the domain axis

16. How to make the domain axis labels clickable ?

The tick labels on the domain axis can be made clickable. By adding category labels for the category axis, TickLableEntities can be added in the ChartRenderingInfo entity list. Then by simply iterating over them the URL to which the link is to be mapped can be set. Code example: //create some chart ... // get reference to the plot and the ...

17. create domain axis label linkable (URL)

Hi, It might be pretty simple question. I am creating a chart using jfreechart and storing it as a png. Then I am using this in an html page. What I want to do is to make the domain axis label linkable to other pages. Is this possible? if yes can anyone suggest a direction? Thanks in advance Anand

18. question about XYBARChart set domain Axis

hi all, i use the demo code to generate XYBarChart as below Code: Select all TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries("", Day.class); for(int i=0; i

20. How to build a dynamic graphic with fixed domain axis!

I need for example, fix the domain axis at 08:00 - 20:00, and i need to plot the graphic during the day, i tried do this, the domain axis stay fized, but the chart doesn't plot the graphic. If i click in the chart with the left mouse buttom the chart start to plot the graphic, but the domain axis become ...

21. Common domain axis

Hello, I have created chart with two datasets and two axis, one on left side and one on right side. First dataset has negative values second positive values. Due this each of dataset has its own zero base. I want have for both datasets common zero base. (I have two zero base line, I want only one common for both datasets) ...

23. Clear Domain DateAxis Tick Labels

I have an application the uses a timeSeries chart. When I hit the apply button the application goes out and gets the data based on a given date range. I can change the date range and reselect the apply button. When I reselect the apply Button I clear the lines off the chart and tell the user I am getting new ...

24. domain axis label and the chart labels please take a look

hi all. as you can see my problem is that the whole labels are not displayed when i drop the domain axis label it is displayed well but i can't to do. i tried the setDomainAxisLocation but it doesn't help ( it is in the correct place i want) i tried also plot.setAxisOffset(RectangleInsets.ZERO_INSETS); but the domain axis label is next to ...

25. Help with Repeating Domain axis labels

Help with Repeating Domain axis labels by Alfred63 Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:03 pm I'm having a bit of trouble finding the magic bullet for keeping the domain axis from repeating labels, if this is indeed possible. Anyone have any ideas? Here is what I'm using for code: Code: Select all public abstract class AbstractMopChart extends JPanel implements DataManager2Listener { ...

26. Second Domain Axis for XYPlot but starting with 0

Hello, I want to add a second domain Axis to the Top of a XYChart. (I know, thats not too difficult) But: I dont want do assign any series, I just want to let it start with 0. E.G. The Bottom domain axis has Values like: 125 | 250 | 375 | 500 .... So I want the Top Domain Axis ...

27. Aligning two related domain axis

Aligning two related domain axis I would like to use more than one domain axis for one variable plotted on the graph (am using ChartFactory.createLineChart(), and the existing plot.getDomainAxis() is of type CategoryAxis). In short I would like to represent two event related values on the x-axis that correspond to the variable being plotted. Perhaps a sample dataset would assist in ...

29. tickUnit on Domain axis

// Set lowerBound/upperBound for Domain Axis NumberAxis axis = (NumberAxis)plot.getDomainAxis(); axis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); axis.setLowerBound(lowerBound); axis.setUpperBound(upperBound + 1); ...

32. Domain Axis doenst work right!

Hey, i have got a problem with a LineChart from the JFree Libary. I add 12 values but some of them are too long and jfreechart shortens them by just making ... and does not display the full name. I want JFree Library to show me the whole name even if the user has to scroll to see the whole chart. ...

33. skip domain axis gridlines

Hi I have used the solution from this forum to skip category labels. I would also like to skip drawing the corresponding gridlines. However I cannot override the categoryplot like that solution overrides the category axis class since I cannot find a way of replacing the categoryplot in the original Plot. Any help would be appreciated.

34. Domain Axis Issue

Hi all... I have a chart with one XYSerie wich values are (0,33),(50,120),(100,89)... the X values of this serie have always a space of 50 units between them. But i want to show different values at the plot like (for the example above) 100, 250, 125 instead of the 0, 50 and 100 without changing the original values of my serie ...

36. BUG: CombinedDomainXYPlotDemo un-zoom mis-sets domain axis

Would someone confirm this is a problem and just not me? To reproduce: Start the 1.0.4 Demo code. Choose 'Combined Axis Charts' Choose 'CombinedXYPlotDemo4' (valid with nearly every other combined chart) In the top chart panel, zoom in on a region (I picked 3x line intersecting). In the bottom panel, drag the mouse backwards/upwards to un-zoom. Note that the top panel ...

37. Position of Domain Axis

Hi I am trying to create a line chart, where i display negative values in the range, this is working fine except for the position of the domain axis, I would like the domain axis and labels to appear at the 0 y point . e.g. for range -10 to 10 the x axis and labels to appear where the value ...

38. I need to change the labels on the domain axis

I modified NumberAxis and provided a method to set a replace label provider. The provider has a method that receives the original label and returns the replace label and the axis displays the replace label. Each time the NumberAxis must display a label it calls the method of the provider. If the provider is null then the behavior is as before. ...

39. non-linear domain axis values

Hi, I have been trying to create a "smoothed" line chart that has the number of hours an activity took to complete on the x-axis and the corresponding number of activities that were completed on the y-axis. So I end-up with a dataset that tells me how many activities were completed in a 1hour period, 2hour period, 3hour period, upto a ...

40. Is there a way to change the position of a domain axis label

When I create a stacked bar chart and use GroupStackedBarRenderer, I angle the subcategory labels downward. I can adjust the category label with setCategoryLabelPositionOffset() to handle the increased height of the subcategory text blocks, but how do I do that with the main domain axis label (i.e. the label used in the constructor SubCategoryAxis()) ? Thanks, Mark

41. What do I need to show domain numberAxis between two subplot

I have a combined chart with subplot1 (top) and 2(bottom) What do I need to show domain numberAxis between two subplots? or What should I do to show x axis of subplot1 instead of the whole plot x axis? How can I increase the size of spot (data points) on the scatter plot? for example, I want to have larger circles ...

43. too much label on the domain axis

44. TimesSeries: domain axis start point

determen77 wrote:From the example dynamic demo1 it looks like the data is plotted from right to left. Is there any way to get the starting plot point to be at Y axis(0). In other wards, start from left side of graph and continue growing to the right and vice versa. I believe this is just a combination effect of the axis ...

46. Custom Domain axis

Hi, I am new to JFreeChart. I have a specific requirement related to domain axis. I want to show a BarChart which shows most popular mobile devices depending on the number of people using them. On x axis i want to show mobile device names. The x axis shows the device numbers but grouped according to brand. Sorry, I could not ...

47. How to Generate Area Chart with customized domain axis

Hi, we are creating a area chat with the following data sets Data Set 1 Year -- Value 1995 -- 5 1996 -- 5.5 1997 -- 7 1998 -- 5 1999 -- 8 Data Set 2 Year -- Value 1995 -- 6 1996 -- 6.5 1997 -- 5 1998 -- 4 1999 -- 8 But chart is generating with x-axis values ...

48. How to set the width of domain (X) axis ?

Alas, this is one of the grand limitations in JFreeChart. It is all to do with the layout being done as the chart is being drawn, from the outside in. The data area (which you want to align between the charts) is just the space that is left after the chart titles, subtitles, legend and axes have been drawn. In the ...

49. XYSeries domain axis problem

Hi, I have tried the XYSeriesDemo3 of jFreeChart demos. But I have a problem regarding the X axis. I want to customize the x axis which represents strings not the numeric values.Say 12 months of the year. if I have a 0 for y axis, I could leave that place empty. How can I do this? Can anyone help me soon. ...

50. How to Generate StackeAreaChart with customized domain axis?

now i am set this.. DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dataset.addValue(1.0, "S1", "2007-01-01"); dataset.addValue(2.0, "S1", "2007-01-02"); dataset.addValue(0.0, "S1", "2007-01-04"); dataset.addValue(4.0, "S1", "2007-01-05"); dataset.addValue(5.0, "S1", "2007-01-06"); dataset.addValue(6.0, "S1", "2007-01-07"); dataset.addValue(7.0, "S1", "2007-01-09"); dataset.addValue(8.0, "S1", "2007-01-10"); dataset.addValue(8.0, "S1", "2007-01-11"); dataset.addValue(3.0, "S2", "2007-01-01"); dataset.addValue(3.0, "S2", "2007-01-02"); dataset.addValue(13.0, "S2", "2007-01-04"); dataset.addValue(3.0, "S2", "2007-01-05"); dataset.addValue(3.0, "S2", "2007-01-06"); dataset.addValue(3.0, "S2", "2007-01-07"); dataset.addValue(3.0, "S2", "2007-01-09"); dataset.addValue(3.0, "S2", "2007-01-11"); ...

51. Fixed domain axis TimeSeries

Hi: I need to implement a timeseries chart with a fixed range in the domain axis. All I want to do is show four minutes of a few vars. The chart must begin to draw in the left and grow to the rigth, consuming the four minutes of empty space (I want this behaviour). To sum up: my question is: Can ...

52. DateAxis on Domain with fixed ticks / labels !? (autorange)

There's no option you can set to achieve that. It's something that a number of people have asked for, and I'd like to implement it, but haven't found time to do it yet. As a workaround, you could subclass the axis, and override the refreshTicks() method to return whatever ticks you require.

53. TimeSeriesChart : repaint on domain axis range modification

I tried with base lines visiblity on true. It didn't change anything. I think it was already the default value. The lines are visibles at the beginning. it's only when I change the range of the domain axis that the lines aren't displayed. There is something weird, when I set the range's max value is also the max of the domain ...

55. Proble in setting Domain Axis

Hi I am new to JFree Chart ....I am trying to generate a XY step Chart and the X axis value i have is the date& time in epoch valeu... When i set the time zone for the Domain Axis as PDT...I get the time correctly for one day data.....But if i generate the chart for a week or if ...

56. Domain axis problem (many series)

Hi all. I'll try to to explain my problem the best I can I'm using a categorie dataset to fetch data I want on my chart. When using only 1 dataset, the new series added display fine on my chart. Notice the gap on the blue serie at the S02 which is correct. But, is I'm using a new dataset for ...

57. Domain axis values how to remove some

Hi, I'm trying to graph data from a csv file, memory usage and stuff like that versus time. The time is in the Y axis of the graph but after a few days of data the time values are not legible as there are to many. If I only set every nth y value to record and the rest null the ...

58. Fixing TimeseriesChart domain axis

I have a TimeSeries chart and functions beautifully as long as let the PeriodAxis auto adjust the range. All the points in the chart appear and are connected. See image below [img][/img] However when I tried to fix the domainAxis by setting setAutoRange(false), I see only one point rendered ( out of three possible points). See image below: [img][/img] The code ...

59. Domain Axis rendering

Hi, I have a Collection of values that corresponds to a measure made every X second. Those measures doesn't correspond to a specific date. So I do this: I use a XYSerie to represent the values; I have then the domain axis in "seconds" (which is normal). Instead of heaving domain values like 2875 seconds (for example), I'd like to have ...

60. Overlaid chart domain axis issue.

Hi, I am trying to draw a overlaid chart with stacked bar chart and a line chart. I am able to draw the graph, but for the line chart the value I want to show is coming on the line using the method setBaseItemLabelsVisible But I want to show the values at the bottom instead on the line graph. Can someone ...

61. How to set the tick in the domain axis

JFreeChart won't do that for you. But you can subclass the NumberAxis class and override the refreshTicks() method, and have it return any set of values you want. I could (maybe should) add this as a standard option, but the problem would be that for many datasets, the x-values might be clustered, so the labels could overlap.

62. Cannot find domain axis in domain combined XY plot's subplot

Several plot actions cannot perform properly in CombinedDomainXYPlot. Since all the subplots of CombinedDomainXYPlot has NULL domain axis, their domain axis should refer to their parent's domain axis by the XYPlot's method: ValueAxis getDomainAxis(int index) However, in CombinedDomainXYPlot, many drawing actions are relied on respective subplot (XYPlot), whose drawing are frequently get domain axis by "(ValueAxis) this.domainAxes.get(index)" instead of "getDomainAxis(index)". The ...

63. How to Invert the Domain (X) Axis on an XY Plot

I'm trying to invert my domain axis for an XY Plot. for example, I would like the axis origin to start at 30 at the lower left portion of the chart and end at 0 on the lower right. I was able to find a valueaxis invert method in the user documentation, but cannot find such a capability for the domain ...

64. How to custom a domain axis with different length?

static class CustomNumberAxis extends NumberAxis { public java.util.List refreshTicks(Graphics2D graphics2d, AxisState axisstate, Rectangle2D rectangle2d, RectangleEdge rectangleedge) { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); arraylist.add(new NumberTick(new Double(1),"1",TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0D)); arraylist.add(new NumberTick(new Double(2),"2",TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0D)); arraylist.add(new NumberTick(new Double(3),"3",TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0D)); arraylist.add(new NumberTick(new Double(4),"4",TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0D)); arraylist.add(new NumberTick(new Double(5),"5",TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0D)); arraylist.add(new NumberTick(new Double(10),"10",TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0D)); arraylist.add(new NumberTick(new Double(15),"15",TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, 0.0D)); arraylist.add(new NumberTick(new Double(20),"20",TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, TextAnchor.CENTER, ...

65. How to set the range of a domain axis from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm

a) I am OHLCSeriesCollection for displaying OHLC data against DateAxis. I want my domain axis to be set from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. I am able to set the range by invoking this method but if i leave my panel open for one more day it does not display the data as the range is set to a particular day. ...

66. setLog10TickLabelsFlag totally ignored for domain axis?

*** Using: JFreeChart 1.0.11. I've already searched this forum, but I cannot find any existing posts that address my issue *** I'm trying to create a scatter plot using LogarithmicAxis for both the domain and range. By default, JFreeChart gives me exponential labels on the vertical axis, but not on the horizontal axis (see screenshot and example code below). So I ...

70. Representing domain axis point 10000000 as 10e5

HI While plotting the graphs using JFreecharts the plot get long numbers along the domain axis . Like 100000000000000 etc . So the axis used to get cluttered with values. Is there any way to represent it as 10 e8 like that ? or something similar ??? I need to represent them like 10 e8 etc.Similarly for small numbers like 0.000000007 ...

71. Moving Domain Axis up

72. Domain Axis of three charts have to be aligned

Domain Axis of three charts have to be aligned by dazdh Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:23 am Hello, A main JPanel, with a fixed size, contains 3 charts (GridLayout with 3 rows). I would like to align the domain axis (Y axis) of each graph on a same imaginay Y line. Unfortunatly, the size of the Y labels of each ...

73. Intermittent problem w Integer Ticks Domain axis

Using JFreeChart 1.0.12 Have no problem using ChartFactory.createXYLineChart() and plotting time series, with JFC correctly showing Integer tick marks automatically, w/out programmatic interventiosn. Currently creating CombinedDomainXYPlots to show comparative analytics (e.g. plotting Cost on one subplot and Benefit metric on another. In most cases, Domain axis automatically displays integer values, however not always. works perfectly (just like XYLineCharts, if Domain max ...

74. How to Skip labels on domain Axis when data is more

Hello, i am using CombinedDomainCategoryPlot to create a graph having a line and bar together to show two different kind of data. we have facility to show data for one year and data is shown on weekly basis where data is show from week1 to week52 of year. user can choose multiple years in this case we show the data for ...

76. Adding text to domain axis in timeseries chart

Hi, I am using timeseries chart, which displays hourly data in domain axis. I want a static text to be appeared at the right corner of the domain axis in addition o the existing axis values. My report domain axis has to look like 12AM 2AM 4AM 6AM 8AM 10AM 12PM 2PM 4PM 6PM 8PM 10PM Average How to add the ...

77. Rotating domain axis values

78. Combined Axis Chart - Repeat Domain Axis

I tried setting the axis as I was creating each subplot. That didn't work. They all showed up blank. I figure they must get reset somewhere in the rendering. In the end I figured something out that seems to work. After all the subplots are added and the chart is created I copy the main axis to each sub-plot and then ...

79. Repeat problem of domain axis labels

Repeat problem of domain axis labels by kiddy Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:50 pm I have a XYPlot line chart with domain axis along several periods. When the domain range is small (like only 3 points ), the domain axis repeats the labels, so the domain axis looks like this: 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2003, 2003, ...

80. Numeric Domain Axis with XYBoxAndWhisker

I would like to create a BoxAndWhisker plot that has a properly spaced numeric domain for the x-axis. I see a demo example that supports DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset but I don't believe that will space the x-axis values correctly since the domain values are treated as just symbolic labels. I also see a demo using DefaultBoxAndWhiskerXYDataset but the only way to add an ...

81. Move tick marks of a domain axis

82. Ticks Domain Axis

83. Domain Axis Position - How to Modify?

I've been searching around on and off the forums, and throughout the API, and haven't been able to figure out a way to modify the position of the Domain Axis (a. k. a. x-axis of a xy-coordinate plane). Specifically, my personal project seeks to display a scatter plot grid. Traditionally, a default xy-coordinate plane would suffice. However, the extra requirement would ...

84. XYBarChart changes appearance with values on domain axis

Hi, thanks a lot for reading my question. I am using an XYBarChart to display a certain view of a probability distribution. Therefore, I create an XYSeries containing 100 X/Y-value pairs. This series is added to a dataset, and I create the LineChart using Code: Select all this.chart = ...

85. Custom Labels on Domain Axis

public abstract java.util.List refreshTicks(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, AxisState state, ...

86. Domain axis with a label each 500 items

CategoryAxis abscisse = plot.getDomainAxis(); // dataset is DefaultCategoryDataset for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getColumnCount(); i++) { ...

87. width of domain axis

88. domain Axis

yeah i want to make 3 D chart ---i m using few lines of code as given ---the point is that-- there are only two axis given by the jfreeChart that is domainAxis(x) and rangeAxis(y)---what about the 3rd axis(z)---suppose i want to increase the width of domainAxis ---or i want to set some properties of z axis---which i m unable to ...

89. How never reduce range axis on fixedAutoRange domain chart?

Hello, I have charts with a XYLineAndShapeRenderer, a XYPlot spannable and domain DateAxis with a fixedAutoRange which display the last hour. When my higher value is not more in the last hour, the range axis reduces his size but I would like it doesn't do it in order to see all the values when I move on the domain DateAxis with ...