1. jfreegraph categoryaxis event stackoverflow.comit's possible in jfreegraph add an event handler on category axis? I have a gantt graph built in swing environment, I would like to add a "mouseclick" event on task description(that ... |
2. JFreeChart - CategoryAxis step stackoverflow.comI have a method for generating dataset:
3. Inverted CategoryAxis? jfree.orgHi all, I am working on Right-to-Left support for languages like hebrew/arabic etc. Inverting a ValueAxis seems an easy one-liner but there seems no way to invert the categoryAxis. I've searched the forum and found a similar post around 2004. http://www.jfree.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10814&p=31488&hilit=inverted#p31488 Answer from David back then was that it'd be implemented eventually. And he suggested to modify CategoryAxis source code. But ... |
5. CategoryAxis: SetTickMarksVisible jfree.org |
6. Overlaping the X-axis lables when using CategoryAxis jfree.orgOverlaping the X-axis lables when using CategoryAxis to Generate BAR Graph. Please check the screen shot. I am using the following code // Create the chart object CategoryAxis categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis(""); categoryAxis.setVisible(isGraph); categoryAxis.setLowerMargin(0.0); categoryAxis.setUpperMargin(0.0); categoryAxis.setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions.UP_90); categoryAxis.setTickLabelsVisible(true); ValueAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(""); valueAxis.setVisible(isGraph); valueAxis.setLowerMargin(0.0); valueAxis.setLowerBound(lowerBound); valueAxis.setUpperBound(upperBound+50.00); valueAxis.setAxisLinePaint(java.awt.Color.black); BarRenderer renderer = new BarRenderer(); renderer.setMinimumBarLength(2.0); renderer.setMaxBarWidth(5.0); CategoryPlot plot = new CategoryPlot(dataset, categoryAxis, valueAxis, ... |
7. Hiding some Tick lables in CategoryAxis jfree.orgHello All, Firstly, let me shower some appreciative comments on JFreeChart application as a whole. Its truely fantastic, esspecially the plethora of variety of graphs it allows to render is awesome!!. Meanwhile the difficulty I am facing is I have a set of dates which do not have specific interval in between (Ex: 09/12/04, 10/01/05, 12/01/05 etc). Since no Date related ... |
8. Adjusting Ticks on a CategoryAxis jfree.orgI'm displaying a 3DBarChart with a single category and many (100+) values. It appears that the the chart attempts to draw a tick label for every value and does so by drawing them very small. I haven't been able to figure out how to draw only a select few of those labels. Can anyone help? |
9. DateTickUnits on CategoryAxis jfree.org |
10. setRange categoryaxis? jfree.org |
11. CategoryAxis.setInverted ?!? jfree.orgHi, I am working on a watefall-chart and to fully support the desired charts formating, I need to invert the category-axis. So the "big-bar" is not on the right-hand-side but on the left. Unfortunately the current JFreeChart version does not seem to support this. Is there a way I can do this without manually patching the current version? Chris |
12. CategoryAxis --setTickMarksVisible-- jfree.org |
13. CategoryAxis and tick marks jfree.orgSorry for the long delay. I have changed to the XYSeries and have hundreds or thousands of points to map. I would like to use my own Tick marks on the X-axis, but when I do I get a blob for the X-Axis legend since there are too many tick marks to be displayed on the graph. Is there a way ... |
14. CategoryAxis.setAxisLineVisible problem jfree.orgby florinmarcus Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:56 pm I have found the problem. That strange border is in fact a rangeMarker. The only way of removing the line for me it was to rewrite CategoryPlot.java code, method drawRangeMarkers(): Code: Select all protected void drawRangeMarkers(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, ... |
15. CategoryAxis direction jfree.orgHello, I got a problem finding information how to set CategoryAxis direction. Now I have a char with a RangeAxis at the bottom and CategoryAxis at the left side. However CategoryAxis values are started not from the bottom, as I would like to have, but from the top.. How to change that? In addition - I'd appreciate if someone could tell ... |
16. CategoryAxis.TickMarks jfree.org |
17. CategoryAxis how to cutting labels ? jfree.org |
18. Generate URL for CategoryAxis jfree.orgThe CategoryAxis class has support for tool tips for the category labels via the addCategoryLabelToolTip() method, but not currently for URLs. However, the same mechanism is used, so if you look at the tool tips code, you should be able to see how to get the URLs into the label entity and this will flow through to your HTML image map ... |
19. Tick Marks on the CategoryAxis jfree.org |
20. CategoryAxis tick labels. jfree.orgI'm having the problem where I have many categories plotted, and I need some way of filtering the tick labels that are shown. Right now, with 50 or more categories, the labels turn to ellipses since there is not enough room for them. Is it possible to only show selective tick labels on a CategoryAxis? |
21. new CategoryAxis call locks thread. jfree.orgI'm creating a new axis: CategoryAxis categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis("blah"); ...and the call to this simply locks up the thread. Anybody else seen this? My environment is : eclipse 3.3.0, java 1.4 (max os x), freechart 1.0.6, webobjects 5.3 (can't think of anything else that might be useful). I've tried debugging this. It's not the call to EventListenerList list = new ... |
22. categoryAxis skip tickUnits jfree.orgThere's a patch in SourceForge somewhere to make the CategoryAxis skip some labels. I've never put it into JFreeChart, because I think it is a misuse to have the CategoryAxis hide some labels (if you can guess the labels in between, then you have a value scale and should be using XYPlot and a NumberAxis). But you can use the patch ... |
23. CategoryAxis labels overlapping jfree.orgI have a BarChart with a DefaultCategoryDataset and a CategoryAxis for domain axis. The dataset contains several thousand values so the labels on the category axis are overlapping. Is there a way to display only part of the labels so they can be read? I think what is needed is similar to TimeSeries chart where the axis labels are self adjusting. ... |
24. CategoryAxis LabelPositions alignment? jfree.orgby jse Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:15 pm My mistake, this does not work in a standalone application! If you start the application and you resize the window manually, then you will see that the labels sometimes overlap the X-axis. Code: Select all package test; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import ... |
25. CategoryAxis Bug v1.0.11 jfree.orgCategoryAxis Bug v1.0.11 by svicheck Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:01 pm I discovered this in CategoryAxis from the HEAD branch of SVN but it most likely has been around for a while. When CategoryAxis reserves space for the axis labels it calls refreshTicks() passing a graphics context with its font specifically set to getTickLabelFont(). This calculates the the label sizes ... |
26. Multiple CategoryAxis in a CombinedDomainCategoryPlot jfree.orgHi, Firstly, is it possible to have multiple CategoryAxis objects set to a CombinedDomainCategoryPlot object? I tried the following, but my secondary axis did not show up on the chart. subplot1 and subplot2 are using one dataset each (which shares the same set of category axes). Code: Select all CombinedDomainCategoryPlot plot = new ... |
27. Mark ticks in CategoryAxis jfree.orgTick mark rendering on the CategoryAxis has never been implemented. It would be easy enough to write the code to put tick marks in the middle of each category (in fact I did that just now and committed it to Subversion for inclusion in the upcoming 1.0.13 release). It is a little trickier to provide the option of putting tick marks ... |
28. CategoryAxis shift data to left? jfree.org |
29. CategoryAxis: Too many Tick Labels jfree.orgHey again. I'm drawing a line chart, but I'm pushing it a bit. I have 100 points on the plot. As such, all of my tick labels are squished together, resulting in 100 bunched-up ellipses. All I want to do is render every tenth label. I've looked through the documentation but there doesn't seem to be any way to turn individual ... |
30. Custom CategoryAxis Labels jfree.orgHello, I'm looking for a way to provide custom labels for a CategoryAxis object. The chart I have contains a bunch of columns. I outline a dumbed-down example of what I want to do. My situation is more complex in terms of the labels I want to show, but the following example explains what I'm looking to do. For the sake ... |
31. Periodic CategoryAxis ticks jfree.org |
32. CategoryAxis tick marks jfree.orgIve been reading some documentation and found the info about category margin, lower margin and upper margin. If I get those values, the number of ticks (categories) and the axis size, I think Ill be able to draw the ticks where I want. I have the margins and the number of ticks, but cant find how to get the axis size. ... |
33. tooltip on CategoryAxis jfree.orgHi I am trying to add tooltip on CategoryAxis but its not working. this is what I am doing CategoryAxis categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis("Milestone"); categoryAxis.setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions.UP_45); for(int i = 0 ; i < CallDataMap.size(); i=i+traversalsize){ position = i/traversalsize; PlannedSet.addValue(Long.valueOf(CallDataMap.get(i).getFormattedValue()),"Planned Month" ,milestoneList.get(position).getCaption()); PlannedSet.addValue(Long.valueOf(CallDataMap.get(i+1).getFormattedValue()),"Actual Month" ,milestoneList.get(position).getCaption()); categoryAxis.addCategoryLabelToolTip(milestoneList.get(position).getCaption(), CallDataMap.get(i+1).getFormattedValue()); } I am preparing the chart as following LineAndShapeRenderer lineAndShapeRenderer = new LineAndShapeRenderer(); Plot plot = ... |
34. CategoryAxis jfree.org |