1. [SOLVED] LogarithmicAxis zoom jfree.orgOr you might do something like (tweak to your needs): Code: Select all private static LogarithmicAxis newZeroBasedLogAxis() { LogarithmicAxis axis = new LogarithmicAxis(null /* maybe title */) { @Override ... |
2. Zoom and axis range jfree.org |
4. PeriodAxis zoom jfree.org |
5. Zoom for 3D axis jfree.org |
6. DateAxis & Zoom jfree.orgHello, I'm developing an application in which I have Charts representig data over time, the common date intervals are weeks. What I would like to achieve is that when the Charts are initially shown, there are only the first 16 weeks that are shown. So basically, I would like to zoom on those first 16 weeks. Has somebody done something similar ... |
7. Zooming on Logarithmic Axis jfree.orgHi Rachel, Thanks for the help! I found it! I guess I have to refine the way I do the search before I made yet another redundant post In case anyone else looking for the solution: forum post by nclemeur: search on: autoadjustrange logarithmicaxis nclemeur and it's the 22nd post on the search The patch: [ 880597 ] Zooming ChartPanel w/Logarithmic ... |
8. How to zoom in along categoty axis orientation (X-AXIS)? jfree.orgHow to zoom in along categoty axis orientation (X-AXIS)? by veronica Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:59 am Dear Administrator, I'm a software developer working for a software developing firm and I precicate your product of JFreeChart very much. However, I happened to a demand from my customers, which seems a big big trouble to me! So, I decided to turn ... |
9. Zooming changes the range axis jfree.orgHi I have a weired problem and I want somebody to help me. I have a dataset where the user can have any range from 0-1000. Sometimes the user might have o as range for entire domain values. In that case I am plotting my range as 0-100. Now when the user zoom in and zoom-out the range value changes to ... |
10. Problem with Lower Limit on domain axis after zooming jfree.org |
11. Zoom on region on combined axis jfree.orgHi, I have noticed a bug in the zoom on selected area, the one that is available by using the setMouseZoomable method, on the CombinedXYPlotDemo1 to 4. If you try to drag the mouse to select the area, the rectangle is not drawn correctly. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks, Dan |
12. DateAxis zooming and plotting issues jfree.orgDateAxis zooming and plotting issues by jpmaia Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:24 am I am new to using JFreeChart. I am also currently trying to use this library without access to the developer guide (my company is purchasing it, with the usual red tape and delays - so, so far, no manual). I am trying to create a chart with ... |
13. get _displayed_ domain axis range after zoom jfree.orgHi there, because I'm handling large datasets and want to rely on JFreeChart libraries only I'm trying to find a way to make things go fast. Until now i initialize a new dataset with only 250 points rather than all points in the actual data. This is enough to get a first impression of the data. Now: 1) Can I somehow ... |
14. RangeAxis after zooming. jfree.org |
15. X Axis Zoom functionality jfree.orgHi, Question about ability to zoom the X axis. I saw that when a line graph is drawn on screen there is a option to zoom the Y axis directly on screen using mouse drag , but there is no such option to do so for the X Axis. So to zoom the X axis what method of the CategoryPlot class/(which ... |
16. Bug with zooming and axis autorange set to false? jfree.orgHello, I don't know if the following is a bug, but it is definitevely a "strange" behavior: 1. Create a chart with an NumberAxis which range is set (e.g. via ".setRange( 0, 1.5 )"). This causes the "autoRange" member of the class ValueAxis to get set to "false". 2. Start your application and do a zoom. But do not drag the ... |
17. How to set Range Axis NumberTickUnit after Zoom? jfree.orgI am using version 1.0.10 of jfreechart. My actual goal was to show 10 tick marks on the Range Axis for every view of the plot, even when panned or zoomed. I am using the NumberTickUnit to accomplish that goal. I was not able to listen for an event for a Zoom so I listen for a Domain axis change event. ... |
18. Missing tick labels when zooming in on domain axis jfree.org |
19. Zooming in too far with DateAxis throws Exception in 1.0.13 jfree.orgNumberAxis also have this problem, but you have to keep zooming in a lot further then a DateAxis. In the process of continually zooming in, at some point the tick mark scale on the Domain and Range Axis completely disappears. You've zoomed in so far, all you see is the Axis label. At this point there's little use in zooming in ... |
20. disable zooming on domain axis jfree.orgIn the ChartPanel.displayPopupMenu() method, I changed the first bit of code to the following and it seems to work better: Code: Select all // go through each zoom menu item and decide whether or not to // ... |
21. Zoom in horizontal axis only (Newbie questions...) jfree.orgThks for the help, it results. About the average, i will try later and if i need i will try to explain you better. But now, when i select a part of the chart to zoom, i want to put this part of the chart in another window, it is possible? i tried to find something about this, but i didn't ... |
22. Shared DomainAxis / Region Zoom Strangeness jfree.orgI've got several charts which I display separately each in its own ChartPanel. To get the synchronized zooming functionality of a Combined plot (zoom in on one plot and all the other plots zoom into the same domain sub-region) I share a single DateAxis among all XYPlots belonging to these charts. This works fine in most situations except for one: Depending ... |
23. DateAxis Zoom Problem jfree.orgHi I'm setting the number of labels shown on the X-Axis (DateAxis in a TimeSeriesChart) for different periods of time (eg. In one Hour period shows 6 labels "HH:MM" format) , but when I zoom the chart sometimes the Label is lost due the zoom. I would like to recalculate the number of labels each time the zoom is applied to ... |
24. Get left axis value when zooming jfree.org |